The Best Pippin Quotes

Pippin: Is there any hope, Gandalf, for Frodo and Sam?
Gandalf: There never was much hope. Just a fool's hope.

Legolas: Lembas!
[nibbles a corner]
Legolas: One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man!
Merry: [to Pippin] How many did you eat?
Pippin: Four.

[from extended version]
Pippin: [to himself] What were you thinking, Peregrin Took? What service could a Hobbit offer such a great lord of men?
Faramir: [approaching] It was well done. Generous deeds should not be checked by cold council. You are to join the tower guard?
Pippin: I didn't think they would find any livery that would fit me.
Faramir: It once belonged to a boy of the citadel. A very foolish one; who spent many hours slaying dragons instead of attending to his studies.
Pippin: This was yours?
Faramir: Yes, it was mine. My father had it made for me.
Pippin: Well, I'm taller than you were then. Though I'm not likely to grow anymore... except sideways.
[they laugh]
Faramir: Never fitted me either. Boromir was always the soldier. They were so alike, he and my father. Proud... stubborn, even. But strong.
Pippin: I think you have strength, of a different kind. And one day your father will see it.

- Baggins. Baggins.
Pippin: Baggins? Sure, I know a Baggins.
- He's over there. Frodo Baggins.
- He's my second cousin, once removed on his mother's side...
- And my third cousin, twice removed...
- Pippin!
- Steady on, Frodo.

Merry: My tomato's burst.
Pippin: Could I have some bacon?
Merry: Want a tomato, Sam?
- What are you doing?!
- Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon.
Sam: We saved some for you, Mr. Frodo.
Frodo: Put it out, you fools!
- Put it out!
Pippin: That's nice! Ash on my tomatoes!

- Sam and I must get to Bree.
- Right.
- Bucklebury ferry. Follow me.
Pippin: Run!
Merry: This way! Follow me!
Pippin: Run!

- It's pippin.
- I knew you'd find me.
Pippin: Are you going to leave me?
- No, merry.
- I'm going to look after you.

Pippin: Did we lose him? I think we lost him.
- I'm going to rip out your filthy little innards!
- Come here!
- Trees. Climb a tree.
- He's gone.

Pippin: I didn't think it would end this way.
Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it.
Pippin: What? Gandalf?... See what?
Gandalf: White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
Pippin: [smiling] Well, that isn't so bad.
Gandalf: [softly] No... No it isn't.

Treebeard: [after seeing the torn-down forest around Isengard] Saruman! A wizard should know better!
[loud yell]
Treebeard: There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of men for this treachery.
Pippin: Look, the trees! They're moving!
Merry: Where are they going?
Treebeard: They have business with the Orcs. My business is with Isengard tonight, with rock and stone.
[Ents emerge from the woods, following Treebeard]
Treebeard: Hroom, hm, come, my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the Ents.

Aragorn: Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!
The: My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome. Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?
Gandalf: We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this: the armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return.
The: Ahh, old Greybeard. I have a token I was bidden to show thee.
[Pulls out Frodo's mithril vest and throws it at them]
Pippin: [whispers] Frodo...
Gandalf: Silence.
Merry: No!
Gandalf: Silence!
The: The halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did, Gandalf, he did.
[pause; Aragorn rides towards the Mouth of Sauron]
The: And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a King that a broken Elvish blade...
[Aragorn cuts off the Mouth of Sauron's head with one stroke of Anduril]
Gimli: I guess that concludes negotiations.
Aragorn: [to Gandalf] I do not believe it! I will not!

- You'll know the devil if I catch up with you!
Merry: I don't know why he's so upset.
- It's only a couple of carrots.
Pippin: And some cabbages.
- And those three bags of potatoes that we lifted last week.
- And then the mushrooms the week before.
Merry: Yes, pippin. My point is...
- He's clearly overreacting.

Treebeard: Many of these trees were my friends. Creatures I had known from nut or acorn.
Pippin: I'm sorry, Treebeard.
Treebeard: They had voices of their own. Saruman! A wizard should know better!

Pippin: I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon.
Merry: [through a mouthful of food] Mm. Green Dragon.
Pippin: A mug of ale in my hand, putting my feet up on a settle after a hard day's work.
Merry: Only, you've never done a hard day's work.
[They laugh; Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli ride up. Merry stands and gives an exaggerated bow]
Merry: Welcome, my lords, to Isengard!
Gimli: You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you... feasting and... and *smoking.*
Pippin: We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts.
[Merry blows a smoke ring]
Pippin: The salted pork is particularly good.
Gimli: [eagerly] Salted pork?
Gandalf: [exasperated] Hobbits.
Merry: We're under orders from Treebeard, who has taken over management of Isengard.
Treebeard: [as they walk toward the tower] Hroom, young Master Gandalf! I'm relieved that you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master, but there's a wizard to manage here. Locked his tower.

[from extended version]
Merry: [watching Saruman look out at the ruin of Isengard from the tower] He doesn't look too happy, does he?
Pippin: Not too happy at all, Merry.
Merry: Still, I suppose the view would be quite nice from up there.
Pippin: Oh yes, it's a quality establishment. I hear the staff are VERY good.

- I have no memory of this place.
- Pippin: Are we lost? Merry: No.
Pippin: I think we are.
Merry: Gandalf's thinking.
- Pippin: Merry? Merry: What?
Pippin: I'm hungry.

Aragorn: Gentlemen, we do not stop 'til nightfall.
Pippin: What about breakfast?
Aragorn: You've already had it.
Pippin: We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?
[Aragorn turns and walks away]
Merry: I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.
Pippin: What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?
Merry: I wouldn't count on it.

[Pippin drinks some Ent-draught, and grows in height]
Merry: You're taller.
Pippin: Who?
Merry: You!
Pippin: Than what?
Merry: Than *me*!
Pippin: I've always been taller than you.
Merry: Pippin, everyone knows *I'm* the tall one. *You're* the short one.
Pippin: Please, Merry. You're what, three-foot-six? At the most? Whereas me, I'm pushing three-seven, three-eight.
Merry: Three-foot-eight? You did something.

Merry: Get the rope, Sam!
Pippin: Run, Frodo!
- Frodo: Go! Pippin: Hurry!
Merry: Frodo, come on!
Sam: Come on! Faster!
Pippin: Jump!

Treebeard: We have just agreed...
[Merry and Pippin lean in]
Merry: Yes?
Treebeard: I have told your names to the Entmoot, and we have agreed you are not Orcs.
Pippin: Well, that's good news.

Merry: Are you going to leave me?
Pippin: No, Merry. I'm going to look after you.

Pippin: That's mine.
- That's nice, merry.
Merry: Here's a nice one, Sam.
- I think we should get off the road.
- Get off the road!
- Quick!

Pippin: Frodo!
- Hide here. Quick!
- Come on!
- What's he doing?
- He's leaving.

Pippin: Are we lost?
Merry: No.
Pippin: I think we are.
Merry: Shh. Gandalf's thinkin'.
Pippin: Merry?
Merry: What?
Pippin: I'm hungry.

- The house of stewards has failed.
- He needs medicine, my lord.
- My line has ended!
Pippin: My lord!
Orc: Put it in!
- Has deserted us.

Denethor: Can you sing, Master Hobbit?
Pippin: Well... yes. At least, well enough for my own people. But we have no songs for great halls and... evil times.
Denethor: And why should your songs be unfit for my hall? Come, sing me a song.
Pippin: [sings] Home is behind, the world ahead... And there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight... Mist and shadow, cloud and shade, all shall fade... all... shall... fade...

Pippin: Merry!
- Merry!

Pippin: [to Elrond] Anyways, you need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission... quest... thing.
Merry: Well, that rules you out, Pip.

Pippin: [singing to Denethor as Faramir leads the charge] Home is behind, the world ahead... and there are many paths to tread... Through shadow... To the edge of night... Until the stars are all alight... Mist and shadow, cloud and shade... All shall fade... all... shall... fade.