Top 20 Quotes From President James Marshall

President: [after he is slammed by Korshunov against a computer] Petrov will never give up Radek!
Ivan: Petrov is a dog, eh. He does as you tell him to.
Ivan: [Slams President Marshall against the earphone plugs and points his gun at his neck] Tell him to do this.
President: [while holding a glass] Petrov used me, I just want to stop the bloodshed, he wanted a personal victory. Petrov hates Radek.
Ivan: Of course he hates Radek, Radek is everything he is not. A great man, A STRONG MAN. What are you saying? He will refuse you.
President: You'd be playing right in to his hands, are you an idiot, you'd make him into a hero, the man who stopped the terrorist. Or better yet, the man who stopped me.
Ivan: [Grabs Marshall's neck] You talk as you have nothing to do with this. This is all you are doing, this infection, you call freedom without meaning and without purpose. You have given my country to gangsters, and prostitutes. You have TAKENED EVERYTHING FROM US! There's nothing left.
[Spits on Marshall's face and puts his gun again at his neck and grabs a phone]
Ivan: Call him.
President: No. No!

F: Sir, pull up! You've got one on your tail.
President: Get him off my tail!
F: Missile away. Air Force One. Break left and climb!
Major: Sir, we've lost countermeasures.
F: This is Halo-2. They've lost countermeasures. I'm going in.
[takes the missile for Air Force One]

President: [after seeing an enemy plane being blown up] HAHAHA. The good guys are here.

President: [to Korshunov just before he knocks him off the back of Air Force One] Get off my plane!

Ivan: You've been very busy downstairs, haven't you? Killing my men?
Ivan: [Slaps President Marshall's face after been tied with tape]
Ivan: [Punches President Marshall's stomach]
Ivan: [Lies down President Marshall against a desk and takes his gun and points it at his head]
Grace: NO!
President: You don't wanna do that. I'm what you came for, don't forget that.
Ivan: Then I'll kill them. Or just one? You pick. That's what you do in the White House? You play God.

President: Did you hear my speech?
Grace: Yeah.
President: Yeah?
Grace: You're gonna get yourself re-elected.
President: That's what I keep telling them.

Melanie: Mr. President, the Russian news crew is with us. I told them you'd give them a sound bite about life in the White House.
President: There *is* no life in the White House!

Agent: Give me the strap!
President: I trusted you with my life.
Agent: So will the next President. Now, give it to me.

Alice: I'm twelve years old, Dad. In caveman days, I'd be having children of my own.
President: That's what we call progress, young lady.

[Phillips is talking Marshall through dumping fuel with the avionics panel]
Phillips,: Hold on, just let me double-check, sir...
President: Oh, for Christ's sakes, man, hurry up!
Phillips,: Sir, if you get the wrong wire, you'll cut the engine feeds, and the plane will crash.
President: Then we don't want to get the wrong wire, do we?

President: These MiGs... how far away are they?
["Radar Lock" screen beeps]
President: Never mind

[Crossing three wires blindly]
President: I'm counting on you, red, white and blue.

Grace: She couldn't stay your little girl forever Jim.
President: I know. But I was hoping she could wait until she was 14 or 15... or 50.

Russian: Today we are honoring this brave man. Ladies and gentlemen, my friend, the President of the United States of America.
President: IN RUSSIAN. The dead remember our indifference. The dead remember our silence.
President: I came here tonight to be congratulated, but today when I visited the Red Cross camps, overwhelmed by the flood of refugees fleeing from the horror of Kazakhstan, I realized I don't deserve to be congratulated. None of us do.
National: What's he doing?
Chief: That's not the speech.
President: Let's speak the truth. And the truth is, we acted too late. Only when our own national security was threatened did we act. Radek's regime murdered over 200,000 men, women, and children, and we watched it on TV. We let it happen. People were being slaughtered for over a year and we issued economic sanctions and hid behind the rhetoric of diplomacy. How dare we? The dead remember. Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice. And tonight I come to you with a pledge to change America's policy. Never again will I allow our political self-interest to deter us from doing what we know to be morally right. Atrocity and terror are not political weapons and to those who would use them: your day is over. We will never negotiate. We will no longer tolerate, and we will no longer be afraid. It's your turn to be afraid.

President: Do you know who I am? I'm the President of the United States!
Boris: Don't think that means I don't shoot you!

President: If this works, you get to be Postmaster General.

Alice: [watching a football game] Pass interference. That's cheating!
President: Only if they get caught.

President: Peace isn't merely the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice.

President: Kathryn, if you give a mouse a cookie...
Vice: It's gonna want a glass of milk.

President: You're not here for this, you want something. What is it?
Ivan: I want Radek.
President: How can I do that, I can't do that!
Ivan: Then you die the three of you.
President: I'll do anything to save my family DON'T ASK ME FOR SOMETHING I CAN'T GIVE!
Ivan: The most powerful man on the earth, and there certain things you cannot do. This is very curious, stop with your fuckin' LIES!