The Best Agent Gibbs Quotes

President: Where are your chutes, guys?
Agent: We stay with the president.
President: Thank you.

Agent: Give me the strap!
President: I trusted you with my life.
Agent: So will the next President. Now, give it to me.

Chief: Who's down there in the baggage deck? The Russians said it's a secret service agent. Who?
Agent: We have no idea sir.
Chief: Melanie was shot because one of your men wouldn't show himself. I want to know who the son of a bitch he is.
Agent: We'd like to know ourselves.
Major: Sir, it's someone who is smart enough to know if you're hunting with one bullet, you wait for a clean shot.
Chief: What are you saying, Major?
Major: I am saying sir, whoever that is down there, he may be our only hope.
Chief: Our only hope is that Washington complies with this bastard. Because any minute now another one of us is dead. And you know what? I'm afraid it might be me.