The Best Prince Durin IV Quotes

Prince: The Elf Elrond has invoked the Rite of Sigin-tarag. The Dwarven test of endurance, fashioned by Aule himself. Once we lift our hammers, we shall break the great stones until one of us can break no more. Should the Elf forfeit, he will be banished from all Dwarven lands. Forever! Does the Elf understand?
Elrond: The Elf does.
Prince: In the unlikely event the Elf should win... we shall grant a single boon. But should he lose...
Elrond: Banished. Yes. Understood.
Prince: Hmm. Begin!

Prince: I'm certain of it. He doesn't know.
King: Perhaps. Perhaps not. You've always had sandstone in your granite as far as the Elves were concerned. Tell me, do you not think it's a coincidence than an Elf should just land on our doorstep? Now?
Prince: I've known Elrond for half a century, Father. I'd sense if it he were hiding something.
King: Perhaps he sensed that it was you who was hiding something.
Prince: You think too much of their kind. We're the ones holding the long end of the hammer here.
King: Aye. For now.
Prince: Elrond is a friend. I trust him.
King: There can be no trust between hammer and rock. Eventually, one or the other must surely break.

Prince: One apology to Disa and you're off. No getting better acquainted. No reminiscing about the past. And absolutely no staying for dinner.
Elrond: Understood.
Princess: Aule's beard! No! This cannot be Elrond, can it?
Elrond: I fear so, fair lady.
Princess: [hugging him] Durin didn't tell me you were coming.
Prince: Durin didn't know.
Elrond: I've been remiss in not visiting sooner. An oversight for which I am here to humbly ask forgiveness.
Princess: You're staying for dinner.
Prince: He's leaving.
Princess: He's staying.
Prince: He's leaving!
Princess: [sternly] He's staying.

Elrond: I never dreamed to find your city so changed.
Prince: Now, 20 years will do that.
Elrond: Has it been only 20? You must tell me your secret.
Prince: Our secrets are our own.
Elrond: Durin, have I offended you?
Prince: To answer that, we'd need a longer lift.
Elrond: If you wish to discharge me without explanation, that is your choice.
Prince: You bet your feathery shirts it is.
Elrond: But before squandering the best opportunity any Dwarf-prince has had in a generation, you might at least listen to the proposal I bring.
Prince: Ah, there it is. The true purpose of your visit. You want something.
Elrond: I journeyed here to see my friend, whom I've greatly missed.
Prince: Missed? You missed my wedding. The birth of my children, two of them! You cannot barge into my mountain and demand I welcome you with open arms. You cannot claim that which you discarded.
Elrond: Discarded? Durin, I...
Prince: 20 years might be the blink of an eye to an Elf. But I've lived an entire life in that time. A life you missed. So, what to have to say to that... "friend"?
Elrond: Congratulations. On your wife, your children. I hope you can come to forgive me. And I would like very much to apologize to your family as well.