The Best Prince William of Orange Quotes

[the Prince of Orange rides to Wellington's side]
Prince: Good day to you. We're fighting Boney, you know. Indeed we are. This day, at the cross roads of Quartre Bras... He's been seen.
Wellington: [skeptically] Has he been?
Prince: We're holding the woods, I do believe... yes.
Uxbridge: [looks around] Where are your men?
Prince: Fighting... fighting.
[the Dutch troops stream past, clearly running away]
Uxbridge: I stand corrected, highness. I know very little about uniforms, other than me own, but I could have sworn these was yours as is running. Ain't they?
Prince: [draws his sword] Some of them, Lord Uxbridge, some of them.
[spurs after them]
Prince: Come back here, you cowards!
Wellington: I never mind men running as long as they come back.

Prince: It's the French. Oh my god. Now they have guns.
Wellington: Oh, they've always had guns, your royal highness. What they haven't always had is you as a target.