The Best Quantum Leap, Season 4, Episode 13 Quotes

Admiral: Well, if she's psychic, how come she doesn't know that she's gonna die?
Dr. Sam Beckett: I don't know. I remember reading somewhere that, that psychics can foresee other people's deaths, but not their own.

Tamlyn: Who are you?
Dr. Sam Beckett: I'm Dylan- Dylan.
Tamlyn: No, you're not. You're somebody else.
Dr. Sam Beckett: You can, uh... You can see me?
Tamlyn: Yes. And I've seen you in my dream.
Dr. Sam Beckett: Your dream?
Tamlyn: I'm floating on a lake, looking up at a full moon. And a whirlpool suddenly swirls around me. I try to swim. But then it pulls me down deeper, into eternal night. I see a man reach out for me; and he's come from a place... far away. It's you. Who are you?

Ross: We're just givin' the public what they want- sex and murder! Ratings, man, ratings! If people are sick enough to watch it, hell, let's give it to 'em.

Tamlyn: Ooh. You feel a chill in here?
Dr. Sam Beckett: Uh...
Admiral: All right, Sam. Go on, have your fun. But you can't stay here.
Dr. Sam Beckett: Yes, I can.
Tamlyn: Well, we can fix that.
Admiral: No, you can't. Have you thought about the guy you leaped into? That Dylan? Huh? Would you leave him in the waiting room forever? Would you? Wou...
[Sam and Tamlyn are in a deep embrace]
Admiral: Maybe you would.
[checks Tamlyn out more closely]
Admiral: Maybe I would, too.

Tamlyn: [to Sam] Haven't you ever known when something was going to happen in the future, and then it did?
Admiral: [enters] Of course he has. Happens all the time.