The Best Rachel Cuddy Quotes

Rachel: Is he going to be okay?
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: He'll be fine. Close your eyes.
Rachel: I wish House still came over to play.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Well, maybe you should write him a letter. Wanna do that? Okay, let's do it.

Dr. Gregory House: There are no cars coming, just go.
Rachel: The light is red, you bloody scallywag.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Stop with the pirate talk.
Dr. Gregory House: If you don't want Brownbeard to end up with two wooden legs, you should get your ma to move this ship, ye mangy bilge rat.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Of course. You showed her that filthy cartoon. What kind of idiot lets a 3-year-old watch that?
Dr. Gregory House: If you wanna lecture me on my poor judgment, there would seem to be more relevant examples.

Teacher: Rachel had a great time, played with everything. She's a very clever girl. I'm sorry to ask this, but we've had some problems with parents coaching kids. Rachel caught on to our toys unusually quickly, and she even knew the game was called Feed the Monkey.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Well, as eager as I am to have her go here, I promise you, I would never do that. Hey, Rachel, have you ever played Feed the Monkey before?
Rachel: ...No, Mama.

Rachel: What happened to your leg?
Dr. Gregory House: I was trying to make it better.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: He was being reckless. Sit back, honey.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Your heart rate's over 120. You're clammy. I think you're going into shock. Are you lightheaded?
Dr. Gregory House: I'm fine. Did you see the new Brownbeard episode?
Rachel: It was so funny.
Dr. Gregory House: No, it was so lame. A boat full of guy pirates and they make the girl pirate walk the plank.
Rachel: She floated.
Dr. Gregory House: That's 'cause she had big boobies. That's why he should've kept her.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: What? How did you eat a dime?
Rachel: House.