The Best Reverend Anderson Quotes

Deputy: You seen the light, Reverend. You really seen the light.
Reverend: Have you?
Reverend: [turns to crowd] Have any of you?
Reverend: In all this darkness, is there anybody who can make out the truth? He hated, and he killed, and now he dies. And you hated, you killed, and now there's not one of you... Not one of you who isn't doomed. Do you know why it's dark? Do you know why it is night all around us? Do you know what the blackness is? It's the hate he felt, the hate you felt, the hate all of us feel, and there's too much of it. There's just too much. And so we had to vomit it out. And now it's coming up all around us and choking us. So much hate, so much miserable hate.

Reverend: Don't return their hate. Don't dishonor yourself.
Jagger: Why don't you go home and get out of here? I got too much hate in me to keep plugged up anymore!
Reverend: When he came at you, Jagger... did it feel good to you then?
Jagger: What difference?
Reverend: When you aimed that gun at his head... that wasn't such a bad moment, was it?
Jagger: Good, bad, who cares?
Reverend: When you killed him, Jagger... when you blew his head off... there were no regrets then, were there? You enjoyed that, didn't you?
Jagger: You know it!
Reverend: Yes. Yes, I... I know it now. Now I know it too well. You're guilty.
[turns to the crowd]
Reverend: This man is guilty.
Jagger: It's important to get with the majority, isn't it? That's... oh, that's a big thing nowadays, isn't it, Reverend?
Reverend: That's all there is, is the majority. The minority must have died on the cross, two thousand years ago.