The Best Richard Edson Quotes

Ferris: Hi. Do you speak English?
Garage: Uh, what country do you think this is?

Garage: You fellas have nothing to worry about. I'm a professional.
Cameron: A professional what?

Sal: What'd I tell you about that noise?
Buggin': What'd I tell you about them pictures?
Sal: What the fuck, are you deaf?
Buggin': No! Are you? Fuck you! We want some black people on that motherfucking Wall of Fame now!
Mookie: We're trying to go fucking home! We've been here all fucking day, Buggin Out!
Sal: Turn that jungle music off! We ain't in Africa!
Buggin': Why it got to be about jungle music? Why it got to be about Africa? It's about them fucking pictures!
Sal: It's about turning that shit off and getting the fuck out of my place!
Pino: Radio Raheem!
Radio: Fuck you!
Sal: And fuck you, too!
Punchy: Get in there, Pino!
Radio: This is music. My music!
Sal: Fuck your music!
Radio: Well, turn it off, then.
Vito: Hey, man, get the fuck out of here! We're fucking closed!
Buggin': Fuck you! We're closing you guinea bastards for good! For good, motherfucker! Until you get some black people on that motherfucking Wall of Fame!
Sal: You're gonna fucking close me?
[Sal grabs his bat]
Buggin': You're goddamn right!
Sal: You black cocksucker! I'll fucking tear your fucking nigger ass!
Punchy: Oh, we're niggers now? We niggers now!
Buggin': You fucking white trash! I'll fuck you up!
Mookie: Sal, put the fucking bat down!
Buggin': Come on, man, you fucking guinea trash!
Radio: Jump over the motherfucking counter!
Sal: You black cocksucker! You nigger motherfucker!
[Sal smashes Radio Raheem's radio several times]

Sal: Pino, get a broom and sweep out front.
Pino: Vito, get a broom and sweep out front.
Vito: Huh?
Pino: Get a broom and sweep out front.
Vito: What?
Vito: See, Pop, it's just what I was telling ya. Every time you tell Pino what to do, he tells me to do what you told him what to do.