The Best Pino Quotes

Radio: Two slices.
Sal: NO service till you turn that shit off!
Radio: Two slices.
Pino: Turn it off!
Sal: Listen, Radio Raheem, I can't even hear myself think! You are disturbing me! You are disturbing my customers.

Sal: Pino, get a broom and sweep out front.
Pino: Vito, get a broom and sweep out front.
Vito: Huh?
Pino: Get a broom and sweep out front.
Vito: What?
Vito: See, Pop, it's just what I was telling ya. Every time you tell Pino what to do, he tells me to do what you told him what to do.

Pino: Read your history! It's historical. He. Them. They're not to be trusted!

Sal: What'd I tell you about that noise?
Buggin': What'd I tell you about them pictures?
Sal: What the fuck, are you deaf?
Buggin': No! Are you? Fuck you! We want some black people on that motherfucking Wall of Fame now!
Mookie: We're trying to go fucking home! We've been here all fucking day, Buggin Out!
Sal: Turn that jungle music off! We ain't in Africa!
Buggin': Why it got to be about jungle music? Why it got to be about Africa? It's about them fucking pictures!
Sal: It's about turning that shit off and getting the fuck out of my place!
Pino: Radio Raheem!
Radio: Fuck you!
Sal: And fuck you, too!
Punchy: Get in there, Pino!
Radio: This is music. My music!
Sal: Fuck your music!
Radio: Well, turn it off, then.
Vito: Hey, man, get the fuck out of here! We're fucking closed!
Buggin': Fuck you! We're closing you guinea bastards for good! For good, motherfucker! Until you get some black people on that motherfucking Wall of Fame!
Sal: You're gonna fucking close me?
[Sal grabs his bat]
Buggin': You're goddamn right!
Sal: You black cocksucker! I'll fucking tear your fucking nigger ass!
Punchy: Oh, we're niggers now? We niggers now!
Buggin': You fucking white trash! I'll fuck you up!
Mookie: Sal, put the fucking bat down!
Buggin': Come on, man, you fucking guinea trash!
Radio: Jump over the motherfucking counter!
Sal: You black cocksucker! You nigger motherfucker!
[Sal smashes Radio Raheem's radio several times]

Mookie: Dago, wop, guinea, garlic-breath, pizza-slingin', spaghetti-bendin', Vic Damone, Perry Como, Luciano Pavarotti, Sole Mio, nonsingin' motherfucker.
Pino: You gold-teeth-gold-chain-wearin', fried-chicken-and-biscuit-eatin', monkey, ape, baboon, big thigh, fast-runnin', high-jumpin', spear-chuckin', 360-degree-basketball-dunkin' titsun spade Moulan Yan. Take your fuckin' pizza-pizza and go the fuck back to Africa.
Stevie: You little slanty-eyed, me-no-speaky-American, own-every-fruit-and-vegetable-stand-in-New-York, bullshit, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Summer Olympics '88, Korean kick-boxing son of a bitch.
Officer: You Goya bean-eating, 15-in-a-car, 30-in-an-apartment, pointed shoes, red-wearing, Menudo, mire-mire Puerto Rican cocksucker. Yeah, you!
Sonny: It's cheap, I got a good price for you, Mayor Koch, "How I'm doing," chocolate-egg-cream-drinking, bagel-and-lox, B'nai B'rith Jew asshole.
Mister: Yo! Hold up! Time out! TIME OUT! Y'all take a chill! Ya need to cool that shit out! And that's the double truth, Ruth!

Pino: Daddy, you know, I've been thinking... maybe we should sell this place, get out while we're still ahead... and alive.
Sal: You really think you know what's best for us, Pino?
Pino: Maybe we can... can we sell this and open up a new one in our own neighborhood?
Sal: There's too many pizzerias already there.
Pino: Then maybe we could... we could try something different.
Sal: What am I gonna do? What am I - that's all I know. What am I doing? I been here twenty-five years. Where am I going?
Pino: I'm sick of niggers. It's like I come to work, it's Planet of the Apes. I don't like being around them. They're animals.
Sal: Why you got so much anger in you?
Pino: Why? I'll tell you why. My friends, they laugh at me. They laugh right in my face. They tell me, "Go to Bed-Stuy. Go feed the moulies".
Sal: Do your friends put money in your pocket, Pino? Food on your table? They pay your rent, a roof over your head? They're not your friends. If they were your friends they wouldn't laugh at you.
Pino: Pop, what can I say? I don't want to be here. They don't want us here. We should stay in our own neighborhood, stay in Bensonhurst, and the niggers should stay in theirs.
Sal: I never had no trouble with these people. I sat in this window. I watched these little kids get old. And I seen the old people get older. Yeah, sure, some of them don't like us, but most of them do. I mean, for Christ's sake, Pino, they grew up on my food. On my food. And I'm very proud of that. Oh, you may think It's funny, but I'm very proud of that. Look, what I'm trying to say, son, is, uh... Sal's Famous Pizzeria is here to stay. I'm sorry. I'm your father, and I love you, I'm sorry but... but that's the way it is.

Mookie: Pino, fuck you, fuck your fuckin' pizza, and fuck Frank Sinatra.
Pino: Yeah? Well fuck you too, and fuck Michael Jackson.

Pino: I detest this place like a sickness.

Pino: Take your pizza and get the fuck back to Africa.

Mookie: Pino, who's your favorite basketball player?
Pino: Magic Johnson.
Mookie: And who's your favorite movie star?
Pino: Eddie Murphy.
Mookie: And who's your favorite rock star?
[Pino doesn't respond]
Mookie: Prince. You're a Prince freak.
Pino: Boss. Bruce.
Mookie: Prince.
Pino: Bruce!
Mookie: Pino, all you ever talk about is nigger this and nigger that, and all your favorite people are so-called niggers.
Pino: It's different. Magic, Eddie, Prince... are not niggers. I mean, they're not black, I mean - Let me explain myself. They're - They're not really black. I mean, they're black, but they're not really black. They're more than black. It's different.
Mookie: It's different?
Pino: Yeah. To me, it's different.