The Best Clifton Quotes

Buggin': You almost knocked me down, man. The word is "excuse me."
Clifton: Ah, excuse me, I'm sorry.
Buggin': Not only did ya knock me down, you stepped on my brand-new white Air Jordans I just bought, and that's all you can say is "excuse me"?
Clifton: What, are you serious?
Buggin': Yeah, I'm serious, I'll fuck you up quick two times.
Punchy: Two times.
Buggin': Who told you to step on my sneakers, who told you to walk on my side of the block, who told you to be in my neighborhood?
Clifton: I own this brownstone.
Buggin': Who told you to buy a brownstone on my block, in my neighborhood, on my side of the street? Yo, what you wanna live in a Black neighborhood for, anyway? Man, motherfuck gentrification.

Buggin': Why don't you go back to Massachusetts?
Clifton: I was born in Brooklyn!