The Best Coconut Sid Quotes

ML: Well, gentlemen, the way I see it, if this hot weather continues, it's going to melt the polar caps and the whole wide world. And all the parts that ain't water already will surely be blooded.
Coconut: You're a simple motherfucker. Now where you read that shit, eh? Polar caps...
ML: Don't worry about it. But when it happens, and I'm in my boat, and your black asses are drowning, don't call for me to throw you no rope, no lifesaver, or no nothing.
Sweet: You fool! You're 30 cents away from having a quarter! Where the fuck you gon' get a boat?

ML: Look at those Korean motherfuckers across the street. I betcha they haven't been a year off da motherfucking boat before they opened up their own place.
Coconut: It's been about a year.
ML: A motherfucking year off the motherfucking boat and got a good business in our neighborhood occupying a building that had been boarded up for longer than I care to remember and I've been here a long time.
Sweet: It has been a long time.
Coconut: How long?
ML: Too long! Too long. Now for the life of me, I haven't been able to figger this out. Either dem Koreans are geniuses or we Blacks are dumb.

Cee: Damn, man. It ain't even safe in our own fuckin' neighborhood!
Coconut: Never was. Never will be.
Sweet: We ain't gonna stand for this shit no more, Sal. You hear me? Ain't gonna stand for them fuckin' police, punk!
ML: It's as plain as day. They didn't have to kill the boy.

Coconut: I don't know about you, but, it's too hot to fuck.
Sweet: Man, you out your fuckin' mind? It ain't never too hot or never too cold - for fuckin'! Hmm! I had my best piece of woman on a humid day. Shit, over there in the projects - close to your woman.