The Best Rob Stewart Quotes

Alan: We're all shocked by the murder of Verna McBride. At times like this, it's easy to ask how could a loving God allow this to happen? But the murder of Verna McBride and of Rachel and Bryan Ingram, these are not the works of God. These are the works of man. We are all born with a fallen nature. One that loves sin and hates holiness. Stretching all the way back to the original sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Our first step away from God. There is a void in each of us that we struggle to fill, but one that can only be filled by God. By God's love, by God's light. But our base desires stand in our way and keep us from God's grace. Keep us lonely, lost in the wilderness, buried in secrets. Warping our good nature into something unrecognizable. And there is only one way back to God. And that is by letting Him into your heart. By following His word. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing. Inwardly, they are ravening wolves. There is only one God, and only one path to salvation.

Coroner: June was lying out, exposed to the elements, but the cause of death was most likely respiratory failure.
Chief: Respiratory failure?
Coroner: The IV, it administered a paralytic. June's tox screens will identify which one.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Did she suffer?
Coroner: Death wasn't instantaneous.
Sgt. Cam Henry: I want to see her.
Coroner: I have to warn you. June suffered a variety of wounds, insect stings, animal bites.
Alan: Cam... son, please, why don't you let me do this?
Sgt. Cam Henry: I wanna see what he did to her.

Sarah: Listen, about last night...
Alan: Yeah, Cam was upset. And scared. He... he didn't mean a word of it.
Sarah: Are you sure? I move back to town, and everyone starts dying.
Alan: Sarah, no one blames you for that. You're one of Cam's oldest friends. And right now, he needs you.

Tom: Is there any news? Did they reply?
Alan: "Hey, Alan, how was your day? What's that? You spent it consoling your son after his wife was found in a field, half-eaten by wild animals and a shepherd mix? Well, that's shitty!"
Tom: Okay! It's wonderful to see you again, Alan. Better?
Alan: [taking an envelope out] This doesn't change anything.
Tom: [opening it and reading the contents, he bangs on the table] I'd like to go back to my cell now.

Alan: Hello, Sarah. I've taken far too long to drop by and check out your gallery. Wow! You've really transformed the place.
Sarah: Thank you.
Alan: So... an old woman goes to confession and she says to her priest, "Father, I have spoken ill of my neighbor and I seek forgiveness." 'Go find a chicken,' hey says, 'and pluck out all the feathers and drop them around town. That is your penance.' She does as she's told, but she doesn't feel any better, so she goes back to the priest and he says "Now go around and retrieve all the feathers." And she says, "Father, how can I? They've been scattered to the winds." And the priest smiles and he says, "Just like your words, what you throw out can never be taken back."
Sarah: [as he menacingly gets into her face, he backs off as customers enter] Can I help you with something?
Alan: Yeah, you can start by not upsetting my son. I could go to Chief Vaughn with what you've done.
Sarah: Then why don't you?
Alan: You're jumping to conclusions here.
Sarah: Am I?
Alan: And you should be careful.
Sarah: I will. Now thanks for stopping by.
Alan: [turning to leave] You know, your parents... were quite naïve. They thought they were invincible. I would hate to see history repeat itself.

Alan: The McBrides have always been a troubled family. You know, I worked with Trent. I was his youth-group leader. I tried and, to some extent, succeeded in putting him on the right path.
Tom: You're being sentimental.
Alan: Of course I'm being sentimental. For Christ's sake... sometimes, Tom...
Tom: What?
Alan: Sometimes I forget you're a Christian.
Tom: Yeah.
[taking Alan's Bible]
Tom: "God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth. The Lord revengeth, and he's furious. The Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he will reserveth wrath for his enemies." It's not about turning off your emotions, Alan. Grieve for them...
[giving it back]
Tom: ...pray for them... but let that bolster and strengthen your faith rather than diminish it. God's work is being done. Open your Bible.
Alan: Which scripture would you have me...
Tom: Just open it.
[doing so, Alan finds the baggie containing the lock of Sarah's hair]
Tom: Now, you don't owe me anything, but if you revere the truth the way you claim to... you'll do this for me.