100 Best Sarah Bennett Quotes

Sarah: Why would the Executioner send me Verna McBridge's finger?
Chief: Can we quit referring to him as the Executioner, like he's some god damn supervillain?
Sarah: Really? That's what you're worried about right now? What I'm calling him?

Sarah: June, I-I'm sure Cam has told you, but this killer is targeting his victims. So anything in Trent's past, something he might have done...
June: People will hate him.
Sarah: That can't hurt him now. But if you know something, you've gotta speak up.

Sgt. Cam Henry: So when I finished my shift, I drove by to check in on things on my way home, and I found Constable Sharma on the ground, out cold.
Dylan: Okay, what about the phone call?
Chief: We traced the number to Verna McBride's cell. Phone was missing at the murder scene.
Brenda: So, then it's the Executioner for sure.
Chief: This is not the Executioner. This is whoever killed Mrs. McBride.
Dylan: Stop bullshitting and just call it what it is.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Dylan, you're upset.
Dylan: Yeah, I'm upset, man. He was in our house.
Sarah: I can't stay here.
Brenda: All right, that's it. Let's hit the road. Let's go.
Dylan: Brenda, can you please, for once, can you just...
Brenda: Dylan, I am so tired of biting my tongue and worrying about your...
Dylan: Really? When have you ever done either of those things? I don't think I was there.

June: Ever since she got here, she's been like... like a stalker. Going for walks together, having private conversations, hugging each other!
Sarah: June, Cam and I are just friends.
June: You want Cam, and you always have!
Sarah: June, I'm married, so...
June: That didn't stop your slut of a mom!

Chief: All right, so here's the update. We traced the truck back to Trent McBride. But when my guys got there to question him... they found him dead.
Sarah: That's a pit of snakes.
Chief: Brought in a herpetologist; she identified a bunch of difference species. Four of them venomous, the others just common snakes like garter snakes. There's a nasty little thing called a blue racer. Then there's this guy.
Sarah: The eastern brown snake.
Chief: All the way from Australia. Second-deadliest snake in the world, right behind the inland taipan. My expert believes that it's the snake responsible for the bite that killed Trent McBride.

Chief: So what were doing out there?
Sarah: I don't know.
Chief: You and Cam... your optimism is admirable. Ariel's been missing for a few years now. This isn't the first time I've had to tell you, Sarah...
Sarah: This is police business. I know.
Chief: So please just let it go, all right?

Dylan: I know you haven't been sleeping, babe. Maybe, uh, we should go to the doctor and get some pills.
Sarah: I can't take pills, Dylan.
Dylan: Well, you gotta do something.
Sarah: I just keep thinking... you know, what if I'm next?
Dylan: Sarah.
Sarah: This all happened when we came back to town. You don't think I might be a target?
Dylan: Listen. This guy's crazy. I don't know what to think. Nobody does, okay?

Sgt. Cam Henry: We still haven't ruled Dylan out as a suspect, so he's gonna have to stay somewhere else tonight.
Sarah: Yeah, that's fine. I don't want him here. Cam, I am such an idiot.
Sgt. Cam Henry: How were you supposed to know, Sarah?
Sarah: You had your doubts. Why couldn't I see what you could?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Come on. Don't beat yourself up about it. Dylan's actions were his and his alone.
Sarah: Did you ever find it in your heart to forgive June? Sorry. I'm sorry. That's none of my business.
Sgt. Cam Henry: No, no, no. Um... June hurt me. Badly. And I tried to forgive her, but... I think if I'm being completely honest with myself, no.

Dylan: I don't get it. Why snakes?
Chief: [simultaneously with Sarah] It was sloth. You're thrown into a...
Sarah: Because of biblical interest.
Chief: Goes back to the seven deadly sins. Punishment for sloth is being thrown into a pit of vipers. Did I get that right, Sarah?
Sarah: So, Trent's not the Executioner. He's a victim.
Chief: Looks that way.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Sloth? It does make sense. Trent McBride is the last person I'd call lazy. I mean, he was June's partner for years. He was a paramedic. He... he competed in a bunch of Ironmans.
Chief: That's why we've got to look into this guy's past, see if he's got any skeletons hanging in his closet.
Sarah: So you're back to square one. How many times is that now?
Chief: Look, I get it, Sarah. You don't like me. You think I suck at my job. Well, lucky for me... I don't give a shit. You have yourself a nice day now.

Sarah: How well did your dad know Tom Winston?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Why?
Sarah: He's his religious counsel.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Why don't you get to your point, Sarah?
Sarah: What if Tom's behind the killings? He's orchestrating them from behind bars... having someone... carry them out? I found... a murder kit in your dad's office. It had rope and handcuffs and weapons.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Hmm.
Sarah: Just... I know this is the last thing you wanna hear, but, you know, just take a step back, okay? Everyone's a suspect.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. Yeah, they are. Including you, Sarah. Come on. Your parents are murdered by a religious zealot, you move back to town, into the exact same house, and the killings start all over again, the day after you return? Or, hey... maybe Dylan's the killer. Hmm? I mean, why would a big-city journalist move back to this podunk backwater? And don't say so that he could be the editor of that bullshit rag. Huh? He's back here and suddenly the killings start all over again and...
[slapping the tabletop]
Sgt. Cam Henry: Come on, he's sitting on the biggest news story in the country.
Sarah: Or maybe you're the killer, Cam. Your wife is cheating on you, so you kill her and her lover, horribly, brutally?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. Yeah. Maybe it's me.
Sarah: Your dad is hiding something.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. Dylan is, too. I'd bet my life on it.

Sarah: Okay, no. You can't look at me like that. You're gonna make me cry, and I hate crying.
Robin: [holding his arms out, she moves to hug him] Careful.
Sarah: Okay, sorry.
Robin: You stay out of trouble, okay? Don't move into any cursed homes, and don't befriend anyone with the last name Henry, Dahmer, or Bundy.
Sarah: Deal. I'm gonna miss you, Robin.
Robin: No, you're not. I'm gonna be crashing on your couch every other weekend.
Sarah: Right.
Robin: You take care of her.
Dylan: Don't worry about that. You just worry about selling this house.

Tom: You know how all the colors in the rainbow, if you shine them together, they produce a pure white light?
Sarah: Yeah.
Tom: Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy... they all come together to form darkness. The cardinal sin, pride. Whoever's doing this is blinded by their own pride, and pride will be their downfall.
Sarah: How?
Tom: The Executioner is lost in zealotry, in playing God, in pride. But pride can blind us and cause us to make mistakes. And one day soon, the Executioner will slip. He'll step out of the shadows, and that's all it'll take for you to catch your killer.

Sarah: Alan was working the room like he was running for office. I mean, it was bizarre.
Robin: Okay, so... uh, Alan finds out that June and Trent are cuckolding his son, and he kills them.
Sarah: Maybe, but... you know, they were both guilty of sloth, so... unless Alan's using the seven deadly sins as a cover, but... then why would he kill my grandmother and Justin?
Robin: Yeah, right, why would a Christian zealot want to kill a gay Muslim?
Sarah: And Verna McBride, I mean...
Robin: Oh, I wanted to kill Verna McBride. Many times. No, wait. Alan lives with Cam. The police went through that house top to bottom. They would've found something.
Sarah: What about Alan's other house?

Alison: What are you looking for, exactly?
Sarah: Well, Sheridan and Market are-are north of here, so a vehicle would pass by here, south, heading towards the hospital, right?
Alison: Probably. It's the most direct route.
Sarah: Why did you have CCTV installed outside the paper, anyway?
Alison: You make more enemies than friends in this line of work, especially in a small town.
Sarah: [seeing something] Shit!
Alison: What?
[seeing June in the ambulance's passenger seat]
Alison: That lying bitch was with Trent that night.
Sarah: She was. That means she's next.

Robin: Tom Winston.
Sarah: Well, he's crazy enough, but he's behind bars.
Robin: So what? Serial killers have groupies. What if Tom is the brains, and he's got someone on the outside being the brawn?
Sarah: Yeah, but he doesn't see anybody. I mean, except for me.
Robin: Yes, he does. Alan Henry.
Sarah: [getting it] Alan is his religious counsel.
Robin: Uh-huh, and these are religious murders, right? No, wait, that doesn't make sense. No, Tom... Tom tried to kill Alan.
Sarah: No, he actually didn't. Tom spared him. He told me.
[seeing his look and realizing something]
Sarah: Oh, shit.

Sarah: Grandma, what are you doing? I... I thought you were staying for a few days. Did Dylan say some... did you guys have another fight?
Brenda: No, but you just confirmed one thing. He doesn't want me here.
Sarah: Yeah, but I do, okay? So... so calm down and tell me what's going on.
Brenda: It's just too damn hard! This town, this house. I can't!
Sarah: It's gonna be okay.
Brenda: No, Sarah. It isn't. That's the point. I want to protect you, but tell me, how do I do that? You're in danger. Oh, please come home with me. Please.
Sarah: [fighting Brenda's hug] No. I can't.
Brenda: Why not? What is keeping you here?
Sarah: I don't know. I just... I mean, I haven't even unpacked, and there's, like...
Brenda: Exactly! The gallery isn't open. Dylan's at work all the time anyway. And if it is this house... Sarah, I should have sold this place years ago.
Sarah: It wasn't yours to sell.
Brenda: Sweetheart, coming back was a mistake. This psychopath has struck twice... three times now, so let's go home. There's nothing for you here.

Chief: What the hell are you doing out here all alone at this time of night?
Sarah: Just getting some air.
Chief: [unlocking his doors] Come on. I insist. Get in.
Sarah: Fine.
Chief: [she moves to open the passenger side door] Sorry, my stuff's in the front. You, uh, mind jumping in back?

Sarah: You know, Heather Peterson paid me a visit yesterday. She said some pretty awful things about the two of you.
Justin: Buy up half the town, you're gonna piss off a lot of people. You're gonna make enemies.
Sarah: Like?
Justin: I don't know. Mayor Edwards, Trent McBride... honestly, Sarah, we could be here all day. Heather's crazy, but... she's harmless.
Sarah: Are you sure about that?
Justin: I'm sure.

Sarah: I keep looking for patterns, you know, but there isn't any. Each attack is different. What was Verna's then? Being a bitch? And why did he give me back the tapes that she stole? Or why does he kill some people, but let others go?
Tom: I didn't kill Alan Henry. I could have, but I only wanted to hurt him.
Sarah: Was that what happened to Robin? The... the Executioner is just trying to scare him or punish him?
Tom: From what you said, it sounds like he was interrupted.
Sarah: Or she? Means Robin is still in danger.

Sarah: June, what are you doing?
June: [stripping down to her underwear] Going for a swim. You should come.
Robin: I forgot my Speedo at home, babe.
June: [taking off her bra] You don't need a bathing suit.
Sarah: OHH! No, no... . oh, wow.
June: [getting into the water] Come on, Robin. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Remember? Pam Simon's pool? We all went skinny dipping.
Sarah: Okay, you keep an eye on her.
June: You hooked up with Andrew in her parents' hot tub.
Robin: Yeah, she'll be fine. She's got built-in life preservers.

Dylan: Poor Alison, huh? From the frying pan into the fire.
Sarah: Are you enjoying this, Dylan?
Dylan: Half the town is getting sliced and diced. No, I'm not enjoying this.
Sarah: Still. You know, it's worked out kind of well for you. Alison's dead; you're in charge.
Dylan: I'm not in charge, Sarah. I'm just trying to keep this thing afloat here... that kind of sound like an accusation.
Sarah: No. No, an accusation would be me asking you where you were when Alison was murdered, 'cause... 'cause you weren't here.
Dylan: Right. A-A journalist killing an entire town to put himself on the map. It's a juicy story, isn't it? You're unbelievable.

Sarah: [after Sarah finds a box of trophies from the Executioner's victims] You're gonna be okay.
Sgt. Cam Henry: It's like he wanted me to find them. To punish me. Or maybe he wanted to be caught. I don't understand.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Sarah. There's no telling what goes on in the mind of a criminal.
Sarah: I just want to close my eyes and never open them.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You go ahead. I'm here. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.

Brenda: My friend Ada? The one in the nursing home? She's in there... she's the way she is because of me. I didn't mean to hurt her. Ronnie and me, we'd fallen in love. Right, Ronald Edwards.
Sarah: Grandma, what did you do?
Brenda: The night of our prom, I wanted to hurt Sonja. So I waited on that bridge, and when they drove by, I... I was aiming for the driver. Ada wasn't supposed to be there. She wasn't even supposed to be in the car.
Sarah: No. When we go back to Waterbury, you are going to the police and you are gonna tell them the truth.
Brenda: Sarah, no. No. I have lived with this my entire life. With the guilt and with hating myself. I have paid my dues, and I refuse to go jail for the rest of my life for a mistake... a mistake I made as a teenager.
Sarah: A mistake? It's attempted murder.
Brenda: Oh, Sarah. We're in danger.
Sarah: Yeah. Because of you.

Sarah: Where are you taking me? What if someone saw me get into your car?
Chief: I gave you a ride home. I dropped you off, I saw you walk in, close the door, lock it... I had no idea the Executioner was inside waiting for you. You know the punishment for lust is being smothered in fire and brimstone, but what's the punishment for pride? Come on, now, Sarah! It's not like you to get tongue-tied. What's the punishment?
Sarah: Being broken on the wheel.
Chief: On the wheel, yeah. Coming back to the town your parents were murdered in, moving into the same house, trying to outsmart the police, going toe to toe with a killer. That sounds like pride to me, Sarah.
Sarah: No. No, it's not the Executioner's M.O.
Chief: Well, I really don't give a shit. I'm the chief investigator.
Sarah: Cam will...
Chief: Cam will nothing! Cam's my bitch.

Sarah: What happened here before... you know, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what we put into this place. You and me. And I know I'm being maudlin and sentimental, so...
Dylan: But it's very cute.
Sarah: I'm cute?
Dylan: You're very cute when you're sentimental.
Verna: [they start kissing] There are decent people...
Sarah: Jesus.
Verna: ...who live in this neighborhood. Children! You have a whole house! Pick a room!
Dylan: [laughing] You serious? Is she serious?
Sarah: Oh. Wow. Welcome to the neighborhood.
Dylan: Well, if she wants a show, we'll give her a show.

Dylan: So, Alison wanted me to go down to Collinwood to cover Verna's funeral. So I used the power of delegation and sent one of the junior reporters. Three people showed up. Three. Apparently, Verna McBride was as popular in death as she was in life.
Sarah: Dylan!
Dylan: Just stating the facts, babe. Half of the town wanted Verna McBride dead. It's a long list of suspects.

Sgt. Cam Henry: I know we both lost people we love this summer. But Waterbury, it had a problem. Lots of problems. Lots of secrets. And, um...
Sarah: What?
Sgt. Cam Henry: The Executioner... he kind of cleaned up this town, in his own sick way.
Sarah: Yeah, but murdering eight people?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah, I'm not condoning his actions. I'm just saying that... I don't... I don't know what I'm saying. Forget it. Sorry.
Sarah: Yeah... what you're saying... I think you're right. There's a lot of darkness in this town, and it's not just the Executioner.

Dylan: Hey, so I was thinking. Tom Winston has a huge ego, right? If he's hiding something, if he's holding something back, maybe you should play him. Make him think that it was his idea to come out and give the whole story. You know what I mean? It might... it might work. Give it a shot, at least.
Sarah: I don't know. Why don't we ask you? You're the expert. I found your website.
Dylan: Okay, Sarah, listen. Um...
Sarah: What? What are you gonna say?
Dylan: Okay, look. I've-I've... I've been following the Executioner's story for a while.
Sarah: You certainly did.
Dylan: But when I fell in love with you, it was not because of your story. I swear to God, I fell in love with you because I fell in love with *you*. Sarah, look...
Sarah: When we met... you were looking for me. You were looking for a lead!
Dylan: Yeah, but that all went away once I got to know you. You have to understand that.
Sarah: No, no. Oh, my God. If you said this, everything you said was a lie!

Sarah: Dylan?
Dylan: In here.
Sarah: [seeing the romantic set-up] Dylan. What's all this?
Dylan: Well, this is a, uh, fiddlehead salad with a little pickled onion and roasted pecans, followed by a pan-seared lamp chop, pomegranate relish, and potato gratin on the side. And to wrap it all up, we have a roasted pear with mascarpone espresso cream. I took the day off. Well, almost, kinda. I'm live for Lisa-Ann later on, but that was scheduled way before. Please don't be upset.
Sarah: Upset? I mean, why would I be upset? This is... I can't believe you did all this.
Dylan: I've been a bad husband.
Sarah: No.
Dylan: No, I have. And, uh... this is my way o-of trying to get things back on track.
Sarah: Thank you.
Dylan: [raising his wine glass] To a new start.
Sarah: [clinking] To fresh starts.

Tom: Do you regret coming back here?
Sarah: I thought if I could go back and face the past, I'd come out the other side whole. Instead, I'm on the run from a serial killer with a killer. So...
Tom: Well. When you put it that way...
Sarah: Yeah.

Sarah: How are you feeling?
Robin: Uh, I look like Frankenstein with my shirt off, but... I'll live.

Tom: I read your article in the Bulletin.
Sarah: Okay. Yeah.
Tom: Is that what you really think about the Executioner? He's a coward?
Sarah: Well, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it.
Tom: The Executioner doesn't think like you do. You can't shame him. You can't reason with him. All you can do is fuel him and his obsession.
Sarah: Yeah? You'd know this how, huh?
Tom: I was obsessed with your parents. I know you think he can't hurt you, but the last thing you want to do is make that a challenge for him.

Sarah: You know, I hate him. He is ineffectual, incompetent, rude...
Dylan: Yeah, well, he's a cop, love. That's how they are.
Sarah: Cam's not.
Dylan: Well, Cam's not in charge. Vaughn is. So what's the use of butting heads with him, you know?

Sarah: We shouldn't be out here, Tom. You're injured.
Tom: Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
Sarah: [he takes his gun out] So you still don't trust me, huh?
Tom: No, I trust you. It's everybody else I got a problem with.

Dylan: Sarah, you are the single most important thing to me in the world.
Sarah: You only came to that conclusion after everything had gone to hell.
Dylan: That's not true.
Sarah: It's too little too late.
[opening the gallery door]
Sarah: Now, please. I'd like you to leave.

Brenda: You went to see Tom Winston?
Sarah: That's not the point! You lied!
Brenda: How could you go and see that animal?
Sarah: Because he's the only one that's telling me the truth!
Brenda: [with a sobbing laugh] The truth? Why? Tom Winston sliced open your mother's abdomen. And I don't mean a cesarean; he used a machete to rip her open and tear you out of her while she was still alive. And he plunged the point of it into her neck with so much force that the tip of the blade broke off and stuck in the floor behind her head. And then Tom Winston, that... wise... old man, he left my daughter on the floor, on this floor right here, to bleed out and finally die! And that's the truth, Sarah.

Sarah: You know, you really didn't have to come. I'm fine.
Brenda: Are you? Are you really?

Tom: [explaining the night of murdering Sarah's mother] It was the only way I could save you from the two of them.
Sarah: No. Why couldn't you have just called Children's Aid or sued for custody, or, I mean, hell, you could have even kidnapped me.
Tom: Sarah.
Sarah: Tell me the truth. Why did you kill them?
[silent pause]
Sarah: [scoffing] Take care of yourself, Tom.

Tom: Sarah. This is unexpected.
Sarah: You're not my father. You may think you are, or you may want to think you are, but you're not.
Tom: Sarah, it's not a matter of thinking.
Sarah: You know, and if you honestly think I'm gonna start spending every Father's Day with you, you're insane.
Tom: You are my daughter.
Sarah: No. No, it's impossible. And this? This is not healthy.
Tom: Can we talk about this?
Sarah: [leaving] Goodbye, Tom.

Sgt. Cam Henry: So, the house was okay? Everything's in order?
Sarah: Oh, yeah. We need to hit, like, six furniture stores, but...
Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, there's some of your parents' old stuff in the basement.
Sarah: I am thinking a lot of wicker and a microwave the size of a VW Bug.
Sgt. Cam Henry: That's probably accurate.

Robin: [watching Dylan on TV] He's a natural.
Sarah: Yeah. Sure is.

Dylan: Alison really wants to meet you. She's very excited, so I told her we'll do dinner.
Sarah: Yeah. Is... is this the same Alison that put my picture all over the front page of the Bulletin?
Dylan: Mm-hmm.
Sarah: You go. I'm gonna hang with the fun party-throwing gays I met today.

Sarah: Listen, about last night...
Alan: Yeah, Cam was upset. And scared. He... he didn't mean a word of it.
Sarah: Are you sure? I move back to town, and everyone starts dying.
Alan: Sarah, no one blames you for that. You're one of Cam's oldest friends. And right now, he needs you.

Chief: You uh, you said you saw the murderer. Did you recognize him?
Sarah: Yeah. It was the Executioner. Not the same person who killed my parents, but someone dressed like him.
Chief: Can you give me a description of him?
Sarah: You know what he looks like.
Chief: I need a report from you.
Sarah: L-Long black robe down to his feet, a-a... a mask or a hood covering his face. Dylan, it was him, I swear.

Sarah: You know, Tom Winston has made more breaks in this case than Chief Vaughn.
Dylan: Well, maybe it's time for Tom... to speak to the residents of Waterbury directly.
Sarah: Okay, right, Dylan, um, I need you to be my husband right now, not a journalist.
Dylan: I'm speaking to you as your husband.
Sarah: Are you kidding? That would be like giving Charles Manson his own talk show.
Dylan: Then you take it. Seriously, let me interview you. I mean, somebody's gonna do the story on you eventually, right?
Sarah: So why not you?
Dylan: Your husband. Someone you trust.
Sarah: And I could talk about anything?
Dylan: Anything. No holds barred.

Robin: What if Alan catches us here?
Sarah: I don't know, we'll tell him we're praying for loved ones or lighting a candle. Whatever these people do here. You know, stop worrying.
Robin: Me? Stop worrying? I had an ulcer by the time I was ten years old.

Tom: McBride died for a reason. Why?
Sarah: I don't know.
Tom: How did she die? Newspaper said blood loss, but how, exactly?
Sarah: He cut off her hands. And her feet.
Tom: Now, why would he do that?
Sarah: 'Cause he's crazy.
Tom: [laughing again] That's right, Sarah. Get it all out of you. All the judgment, all the righteousness. Shake it out! Now put your emotions aside and get into the mind of this killer. Cutting off limbs: why?
Sarah: Is it a punishment? Like in Saudi Arabia, when... when you steal, they...
Tom: They just cut off hands, nothing else. Still, what did she take? Sarah?
Sarah: Video tapes. Her husband, he was in some of them.
Tom: So you found them.
Sarah: You knew what they were doing.
Tom: But Verna McBride's sin wasn't greed or envy. The punishment does not match the crime.
Sarah: What are you talking about?
Tom: I'm talking about the punishment for the sin of anger. To be dismembered, alive.
Sarah: This all goes back to the Bible?
Tom: Hmm. The Bible, Dante, Pope Gregory the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas. Verna McBride paid the price of her sin with her life. So if I were you, I'd start looking there.
Sarah: This person's following in your footsteps, finishing what you started. Why would you want to help stop it?

Sarah: You know, serial killers all have their own M.O.s, but this killer... dismembers Verna McBride, he beats that kid to a pulp, he slashes Robin to ribbons but leaves him alive, and then his husband snorts poison and dies.
[seeing Tom smirking]
Sarah: What?
Tom: He or she is smart. A magician. Had you looking over here while he was killing over there.
Sarah: Fine. He's the Houdini of serial killers. But I've done my research, okay? None of the punishments for deadly sins involve poison.
Tom: Okay. What kind of poison was used?
Sarah: The preliminary report says... brodifacoum, bromethalin, and strychnine.
Tom: The biblical punishment for gluttony is to be force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.
Sarah: [getting it] Rat poison.
Tom: Indeed.
Sarah: Yeah, but... but gluttony, it... it doesn't make sense. Justin could have been on the cover of a Men's Health magazine.
Tom: Gluttony isn't about food, it's about consumption, hedonism, excess.
Sarah: Fine. Justin liked to do drugs. He had a massive house, he probably spent more in a week than I earn in a year. Who cares?
Tom: You are absolutely right. Who cares? As with Verna McBride, there must be something else, something hidden. You've only just scratched the surface, Sarah. There's so much more to uncover, trust me.
Sarah: Trust you?
Tom: I have never lied to you. Now, people in this town, they lie all the time. Everybody has a secret. Secrets they take to the grave. Secrets they're willing to kill to protect.

Ronald: Sarah, pleasure to meet you at last. Please, sit down. I'm sorry I didn't make it to your grandmother's memorial. She and I go way back. And this mess, well... it's just a mess, isn't it?
Sarah: Mr. Mayor.
Ronald: And our tourism industry is on life support. I mean, this is way worse than a rainy summer.
Sarah: How about I just ask you what I came here to ask you?
Ronald: Ah, I see you're straight to the point. Gotta love it. Shoot.
Sarah: The police found some VHS tapes in my house and they admitted them into evidence. I'd like some copies.
Ronald: Have you spoken to Chief Vaughn?
Sarah: I have.
Ronald: Well, if he says no, it's a police matter. It's out of my jurisdiction, I'm sorry. Now if you'll excuse me, I...
Sarah: How about this for straight to the point? You lean on Vaughn and get me copies of those tapes ASAP, or I tell my husband the reporter about your affair with my grandmother. I am sure Lisa Ann Follows would love to talk about the sordid love life of one of the Executioner's victims and the mayor... grandpa.

Brenda: [after nearly hitting another car] Sarah, sweetheart. Are you okay?
Sarah: Yeah, yeah. You?
Brenda: Yeah.
Sarah: Okay. We, uh... we-we need to get out of here before he comes back for me, okay?
Brenda: Who?
Sarah: Who do you think?
[trying to start the car, it stalls]
Sarah: No, no, no. Shit, shit, shit!
[seeing Brenda take a pistol out of the glove compartment]
Sarah: What the...?
Brenda: You think I returned to this shithole without packing a little heat?

Dylan: You remember my old apartment? That dump? There was three murders within a one-mile radius, all within the space of a year. These things happen.
Sarah: Yeah, but I bet they weren't chopped up into little pieces.
Dylan: So, are you saying, uh... you want to go back?
Sarah: No, I'm saying... yeah, I don't know what I'm saying.
Dylan: I worry about you.
Sarah: Well, don't. I'm actually tougher than I look.
Sarah: Mm-hmm?
Sarah: Hmm.
Dylan: [they start kissing when the doorbell rings] Oh... if that's another gift basket, or somebody asking for a cup of sugar, I'm gonna hurt somebody.

Sarah: You're probably wondering why I'm here. I know your reasons, or what you think your reasons were, for killing my parents.
Tom: Okay.
Sarah: Now I want you to know what my life's been like without them. There's been a void, filled with grief and guilt and sadness. I grew up without parents because of you. I don't know who I am because of you.
Tom: Why do you feel the need to tell me about your life?
Sarah: Excuse me?
Tom: Not that I'm not interested. I've kept tabs on you over the years, best I could.
Sarah: What do you think you're doing?
Tom: I'm trying to understand what you hope to achieve by visiting me. Catharsis? Is that it?
Sarah: I shouldn't have come here.
Tom: I get it, confront your demons. Dime-store pop psychology. But I'm afraid it's not that cut and dry. You wanna put the past behind you, Sarah? I can help you with that. It's not an intellectual exercise. Can't fix yourself with your mind. You have to immerse yourself in the past, Sarah. All of it. Find out what was going on in your parents' lives 30 years ago. Find what was buried in that house. No one, after lighting a lamp, puts it in a cellar so that those who enter may see the light.
Sarah: We're done here.

Tom: [in the hospital after a prison fight] Sarah.
Sarah: Hey.
[he fights against his restraints]
Sarah: Take it easy. Take it easy!
Tom: Did they call you?
Sarah: No. I came myself. How you feeling?
Tom: How am I feeling? You came to see me.
Sarah: Yeah. A lot of time to think, put things in perspective and...
Tom: What?
Sarah: I don't have enough family left to pick and choose, so... if we're gonna do this, there's gonna be some ground rules.
Tom: Anything.
Sarah: No more lies.
Tom: No more lies. I promise. What do you want to know?
Sarah: I want to know why you killed my... my mother and her husband. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to tell me everything. Every detail. From the beginning.

Robin: Chief Vaughn...
Sarah: [scoffing laugh] He's either a complete idiot or a suspect, so I'm gonna say both.
Robin: Cam?
Sarah: No. No. Cam is innocent. I mean, I don't have any proof, but...
Robin: So he could go either way. Like me in university. Uh... June? She was Trent's partner.
Sarah: What, you really think June would come up with something this complicated?
Robin: Reowr!
Sarah: [laughing] No, okay... okay, that wasn't very nice. I like June, I do.
Robin: [quasi-patronizingly] Mm. I know.
Sarah: She's pretty and she's...
Robin: [mimicking her] "She's pretty."
Sarah: She's sweet, and...
[seeing him grin]
Sarah: I... I'm not making this any better, am I? Okay, I'm gonna stop.

Chief: Did Trent say where he saw Ariel last? What street was she on?
June: Sheridan, I think. Just outside of downtown. Sheridan and Market.
Chief: All right, I'm gonna go to the vault, and I'm gonna pull all the closed-circuit TV footage that I filed from that night. Anything on Sheridan Street, I'll go through with a fine-tooth comb again.
June: I'm sorry.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You're sorry?
Sarah: Cam! Cam, you're not helping.
Sgt. Cam Henry: June, you're sorry?
Sarah: Cam.
Sgt. Cam Henry: A 15-year-old girl went missing that night, June, and you protected the piece of shit who did that. *You* did!

Sarah: "For sale" sign went up next door.
Dylan: Jeez. That was fast.
Sarah: I'm gonna ask Robin how much they want for it.
Dylan: Why?
Sarah: I'm just curious, I guess.
Dylan: How about we take it easy today, huh?
Sarah: Yeah, I got too much to do and not enough time to do it in.

Brenda: We packed a bag for you.
Sarah: He's not coming.
Brenda: Oh, really. Well, I'm not taking the bag back in.
Sarah: No, Dylan can take it. Want me to drive?
Brenda: Babe. My hands are kind of tied here, babe. I wish you would understand.

Alison: We need to get our hands on that movie.
Dylan: Yeah, well, I asked Vaughn for the map to Verna's murder. They're all in evidence.
Sarah: Well, I'd ask for them back, but I'm pretty sure he hates my guts.

Dylan: Well, it was a beautiful service. Robin can take a little comfort in knowing that Justin was loved by a lot of people. He'll be missed.
Sarah: Jesus. You make it sound like a popularity contest.

Robin: Eating for one is one of the loneliest ways to eat, so how about we harden our arteries? My treat.
Sarah: Yeah, yeah, I'd love to, but... Dylan and I are having a talk.
Robin: Uh-oh. More trouble in paradise?
Sarah: No paradise. Just trouble.

Sarah: Can I come in?
Sgt. Cam Henry: What do you want?
Sarah: Look, I'm not here to fight or upset you, or make anything worse, but I think I found something out about Ariel.
Sgt. Cam Henry: [opening the door] Come on in.

Dylan: Alison wants two weeks' notice. Yeah. Like, a minimum two weeks.
Sarah: You're not coming.
Dylan: No, I'm gonna come. I just, I can't come right now.
Sarah: Okay. When?
Dylan: Well, the hope is that Chief Vaughn will actually get off his ass and catch the killer, right? So nobody has to go anywhere.
Sarah: Dylan, we have more than just a mouse problem or a moldy basement.
Dylan: I know. I know. And I know you're upset. I get it. You want me to come with you. I want to get out of here, too. Trust me. But I signed a contract. Okay? She could sue me. So I don't really know what to do here.
Sarah: You... you don't know what to do. You-You could tell Alison to shove her two weeks' notice up her ass! Okay?
Dylan: Two weeks, max. And if she finds a replacement before then, I'm gonna be with you, I promise.

Dylan: And you're positive it's Marjorie Travers? One hundred... yeah, okay. Thank you.
[hanging up]
Dylan: They're saying it's an overdose.
Sarah: How convenient.
Dylan: And you think it's a...
Sarah: Of course!
Dylan: Would you go on the record?
Sarah: On the record?
Dylan: You're the last person to see Marjorie alive. The police are saying one thing, you're saying another.
Sarah: I'm sorry, are you asking if you can interview me?
Dylan: Sarah, listen, there is something going on here, and it's all tied back to Ariel. Now, if one person reads this and-and remembers something the night that Ariel went missing, we could crack this case.
Sarah: Dylan, a woman I saw this afternoon is lying dead in a motel room because Cam and I got too close to something.
Dylan: That's my point.
Dylan: And instead of asking if I'm okay, you ask if you can interview me.
Dylan: Fine, fine. No interview. How insensitive of me to try to help you find a missing girl. Right?
Sarah: Oh, great. Now I'm the bad guy, yeah. Classic.

Chief: This could have been a trap. He could have been luring you here to kill you, Mrs. Bennett. Then we'd be carting two bodies out of here.
Sarah: I'm sorry.
Dylan: Chief, no one is more upset about this than I am, but the killer led Sarah directly to a body. Do we know who it is and-and why now?

Sgt. Cam Henry: We found ID on the remains.
Sarah: It's Peter McBride, isn't it? Verna McBride shot him.
Chief: What exactly does that mean?
Sarah: Tom Winston has a theory.
Chief: A theory? Hmm.
[to Cam]
Chief: Do you know about this?
Sgt. Cam Henry: No, sir.
Sarah: Tom thinks the Executioner is killing people for their sins. The seven deadly sins. Verna's was anger, and the biblical punishment for anger is being dismembered alive.
Chief: Well, I guess my work here is done, huh? Because Tom Winston has gone and figured it all out for me! This is a murder investigation! Do you understand? And if you think I'm gonna give any credence to the ramblings of the town's resident serial killer, you're out of your god damn mind!
Sarah: [Vaughn storms off] It's a theory, Cam.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah, one of many. Look, maybe you should put a little more faith in the police than faith in the guy who murdered your parents, huh?

Dylan: You know, moving here, and this huge change in our lives, and... and the killings... and all this attention was thrown my way and-and, um, and I wasn't ready for it. And I let it go straight to my head. And it took, um... it took almost losing you to-to realize what it was actually doing to me. No, not... not to me. That's wrong, because I did this. I... I did it. I made bad choices. And I'm embarrassed, Sarah. And I'm ashamed.
Sarah: Don't... I hope... neither of us could have imagined when we moved here that this would happen. You know? We weren't prepared. How... how could we have been? But... you know? But now we... we have to face reality. And the reality is we can't stay here. And you can't keep covering the story. It'll destroy us. The truth is it's... either your career or our marriage.
Dylan: I don't wanna lose you.
Sarah: I don't wanna lose you, either.

Sarah: Can I be blunt?
Chief: Oh, I think you and I are well past blunt.
Sarah: This entire investigation is based on lies. Alison Sutherland lied, Marjorie Travers...
Chief: So, what, you think this is some big conspiracy?
Sarah: Connect the dots...
Chief: I tell you what, why don't you connect them for me?
Sarah: Okay. Ariel Peterson walked home from a party, by herself. She gets into a car on Sheridan Street and that's the last time anyone ever saw her. Those are the facts.
Chief: Okay.
Sarah: Now for the lies. Alison Sutherland hacks into Benny Peterson's account and writes fake but incriminating e-mails that make it look like he murdered his daughter. Then Marjorie corroborates those e-mails by flat-out lying about where Ariel Peterson was that night. And then today, Marjorie Travers conveniently overdoses. Now, I'm not the police, obviously, but, you know... sounds to me like someone got to Marjorie first. Those two women really pulled the wool over your eyes.
Chief: Well, that's really easy to say in hindsight.
Sarah: Oh, yeah, because cops never pick or choose evidence to build a case. You know, this has worked out really well for you. Alison and Marjorie are dead, and you...
Chief: [seeing a thought strike her] And I what, Sarah?

Sarah: [trying to get their TV working] Okay, is this right?
Dylan: No.
Sarah: Well... well, you do it, then. I mean...
Dylan: If that's not going to help... see, and I didn't want to be a mansplaining, chauvinist pig...
Sarah: No, go crazy. Mansplain away.
Dylan: You leave me no choice.
[switching places]
Dylan: Okay, see? Here's your problem, young lady. You put the HDMI cord in the wrong place. It goes here. And when we get a gaming system, we're gonna need to get a second HDMI cord, and you're gonna have to change the input from HDMI1 to HDMI2 every time...
[seeing her looking out the window]
Dylan: ...babe. Who cares about her? She's a crazy old bitch.
Sarah: No, no, she hates me, okay? I can feel it.
Dylan: Mrs. McBride is a big bully and a big perv. She probably hasn't been laid since VCRs were invented. If she doesn't like us, who gives a shit?
Sarah: Well, I do, obviously. It's just, she's yet another person who knew my parents who, you know, thought that she was the spawn of Satan, you know? Which makes the spawn of the spawn of Satan.

Sgt. Cam Henry: He said that... you made him a killer.
Sarah: He said he wasn't a murderer 'til I turned him into one, or... something, I don't know. Just...
Sgt. Cam Henry: No, Sarah, that-that might actually be a good thing. I mean, it might mean that... that Ariel isn't dead. Maybe he didn't kill her when he snatched her up.
Sarah: He will now. I mean, he-he's desperate.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Sarah, I need to go.
Sarah: No. No, don't.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Look, I have cops all over this hospital.
Sarah: [crying] Cam, please, okay? Please don't leave me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Okay. I promise you, that bastard will never get within five feet of you again. Do you hear me?

Sarah: Hi, Nancy. I'm Sarah. Sorry, everyone's a... just a-a little bit on edge. We need your help, okay? There's a... there's a girl in danger.
Nancy: Because of Iain? That's ridiculous. I'm sorry, Iain's not like that.
Sarah: No, no, no, of course not. In fact, we think we might be protecting her. We just... just need to know where they are.
Nancy: Iain's business is his own business.
Sarah: Yeah. No, I know, but this is so important, Nancy.
Nancy: Do you ever watch those home shows on TV? You know, the ones where the wives get to design their new house and the husbands... well, the husbands get something called a... a man cave? Isn't that a hoot? A man cave? You know, a-a place where boys can be boys, no girls allowed.
Sarah: Yeah, yeah, well... does Iain have a man cave?
Nancy: Yes. But I don't go there, 'cause I'm not allowed.
Sarah: We just want to help him, Nancy.

Sarah: [after being followed by someone] No, it was just some jerk trying to scare me.
Dylan: Yeah, exactly. Trying to scare you. Who the hell does that?
Sarah: Well, what are you gonna do, beat him up?

Sarah: You know, if Trent was the Executioner, that would make sense.
Robin: Ugh. That boy was seriously disturbed. Norman Bates meets the Unabomber.

Natasha: [in Sarah's gallery] We'll take anything you've painted. Money's no object.
Elise: Really? Since when?
Natasha: Elise, I make six figures drinking blood on the Net.
Elise: Yeah, I know you do. I wish you didn't.
Natasha: Why? It's not cheating.
Elise: Maybe not to you it isn't.
Sarah: You know what? I'm just gonna leave you alone.

Sarah: What do you want, Tom?
Tom: I want you to come with me, so I can protect you.
Sarah: Cam's protecting me.
Tom: And he's doing such a bang-up job. You're not safe, Sarah. Not in this house. So please, come with me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: I'm not letting you walk out of here.
Sarah: What's the alternative?
Tom: I won't hurt her. You have my word.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Your word's not worth shit.
Sarah: He won't, Cam. Trust me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Trust you?
Sarah: Tom's my father. He wouldn't lie about something like this.

Alison: Okay, so, Peter McBride joins the circus. He starts screwing with... or, sorry. Acting with your mother.
Sarah: No, no, there's no need to sugarcoat it.
Alison: Starts small, part in a film. Before he knows it, Peter McBride is with Rachel and Bryan almost every night. What he wasn't getting at home, he was getting from them. But... this is a small town. Secrets have a way of getting out. And Verna discovers what her husband was actually doing all those nights he said he was working late or cooling. It was too much for her. She snapped.
Sarah: It's a pretty interesting theory. Got any proof?
Alison: The McBrides have always been a rather dysfunctional family. Rumor has it Peter married Verna to straighten himself out.
Dylan: Yeah, and wind up with a big, fat hole in his head.

Tom: You ever go camping growing up?
Sarah: [chuckling] Camping with Brenda?
Tom: [laughing] Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah, no. She did send me to camp once, though. Camp Motega.
Tom: Brenda let you out of her sight. I'm surprised.
Sarah: Well, you know, Cam was a counselor there, so she knew I'd be safe.
Tom: Yeah.
Sarah: You know, up until then, the only boats I'd been on were the ones that took you from one Caribbean island to another, so when I first got to camp, I headed straight for the canoes and jumped in and...
Tom: [she pantomimes the canoe capsizing] You gotta keep your center of gravity as low as possible.
Sarah: Yeah. You know, walk along the mainline. I know that now. I learned it the hard way.

Robin: What is that?
Sarah: I think it's a murder kit.

Sarah: Hi, uh, I'm Sarah, your new neighbor. Can I offer you a lift?
Verna: I'm fine, thank you.
Sarah: Really, it's no problem. We're... we're headed in the same direction.
Verna: Just because we're neighbors doesn't mean we're gonna be friends.
Sarah: Have I done something, Mrs. McBride? 'Cause you're acting kind of hostile.
Verna: The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree, does it?
Sarah: What does that mean?
Verna: Your mom was a dirty slut, and God struck her down. And by the looks of it, so are you.

Robin: I haven't seen this much black nail polish since I worked the makeup counter in the '90s.
Sarah: I know. Can you believe this?
Robin: And what is this, exactly?
Sarah: Happy Halloween?

Dylan: You're angry.
Sarah: Yeah, of course I'm angry. And I'm sad and I'm upset, but I'm not afraid.
Dylan: No?
Sarah: When something like this happens... you know, at first you're numb.
Dylan: Mm.
Sarah: And then when you start to be able to wrap your mind around it, your imagination can take you to some pretty dark places. You think about what your loved ones went through before they died, about how terrified they were, about how much they suffered. And then you find the pain and the rage, and you want revenge. I despise the Executioner's actions, but I don't hate him. Because hate is just fear, and I am not afraid. The Executioner's afraid. He's a coward. Him, Tom Winston, anyone who's ever taken the life of another person... cowards.
Tom: [reading the article in his prison cell] I'm a coward? I'm a coward? I'M A COWARD?
[tearing the paper up and throwing belongings around]

Marjorie: I saw Ariel where I saw her and when I saw her. What more do you need to know?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Benny Peterson was at the Legion that night. That's right around the corner from where you said you saw Ariel.
Marjorie: Yeah, I know where the Legion is.
Sgt. Cam Henry: He left at 11:40 p.m. and no one saw him again 'til the next morning.
Marjorie: That's because he was busy raping and murdering his daughter.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Okay, well, we now know that's impossible. So I'm gonna ask you again, Marjorie. Are you sure that it's Ariel that you saw that night?
Marjorie: I was having a smoke in front of the White Onion Tavern. Ariel Peterson walked by me. I know it was 11:30, 'cause karaoke night at the Onion just let out. Starts 9:30, goes two hours. Unless my math is wrong, that'd put it at 11:30 p.m.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, thank you very much for your time, Marjorie. Let's go.
Sarah: [stopping at the door] You know, the fact that someone like you gets to live and waste their life is wrong on so many levels.
Marjorie: Sweetheart! Your mother might have been a whore, but at least she was fun.

Sarah: We're gonna be okay, right?
Dylan: Better than okay. Now find me some music. Something suitable for...
Sarah: Driving off into the sunset? I'll see what I can do.
Dylan: [turning on the radio, they hear an evangelist preaching] We need a new car. Preferably with Bluetooth.
Sarah: [changing stations] Yeah, you know what? New country it is.

Sgt. Cam Henry: Hey, have you stopped by the gallery yet? Robin and Justin, they've done a lot of work on it.
Sarah: Well, yeah, you know, looking around here, it's just what this town needs is another gallery.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, it's better than another B&B.
Sarah: You don't know. "Come stay at the murder house. It's 20% off if you survive your first night."
Sgt. Cam Henry: You'd probably make a killing.
Sarah: Ooh. No.
Sgt. Cam Henry: It's a little much, huh?
Sarah: Yeah, it's too soon.

Robin: [following Alan Henry] Sarah, my spidey-senses are tingling and telling me that we should not be doing this.
Sarah: Want to just stay in the car? It's okay, you know. You don't have to be brave for me.
Robin: I know, but I need to be brave for Justin.

Tom: Sarah. Where are we?
Sarah: The punishment for pride is being broken on the wheel.
Tom: [seeing the Executioner] Why are you here? Why is she here?
[the Executioner turns his table saw off]
Tom: He has rules. What was your sin? What was it? Tell me.
Sarah: I tried to kill myself.
Tom: Sarah, why would you...
Sarah: Why? Because of you. One night I took some pills. I took a lot of pills.
Tom: Sarah was playing God, and yes, that is prideful. But it was a sin she committed against herself, no one else. Let her go. Please.

Chief: They're stored in evidence.
Sarah: I understand. I'm not asking for the originals, just some copies.
Chief: Why? So you can watch dear old mom screw a bunch of strangers?
Sarah: I gave those tapes to you in good faith. I found them in my house.
Chief: My hands are tied.
Sarah: You know, you're not the boss of this town, Chief Vaughn.
Chief: And you're not Nancy Drew. You're a failed artist who's stuck in a small town who can't even sell other people's artwork. That's who you are, Sarah.

Dylan: Hey, Brenda, it's just the one bag?
Brenda: Well, I'm not moving in.
Dylan: You know what? A hundred bucks says they'd find this freak before the week's out.
Brenda: Ah, well, from your lips to God's ears. But still, I wanna stay here with you until they do.
Sarah: Of course!
Dylan: Of course.
Sarah: Yeah, um... I just wish the house wasn't such a mess, and...
Brenda: Don't worry about any of that, or me. I've spent half my life here in this... lovely town. I can certainly take care of myself.

Sarah: "I saw Ariel walk by me, blah, blah, blah." She didn't see her!
Sgt. Cam Henry: She's unbelievable. I know, it's upsetting.
Sarah: Upsetting? Cam, she was 15, okay? She was a child. And I think about how terrified she must have been.
Sgt. Cam Henry: I know, but honestly? It's not your concern. Sarah, you didn't even know Ariel.
Sarah: I'm sorry? Alison, Trent, June. The Executioner targeted... killed them because of their association with this girl. When I think of what she must've went through... huh! It almost makes me wonder whether the Executioner is actually doing God's work.
Sgt. Cam Henry: What?
Sarah: Marjorie's lying. You know it and I know it.

Sarah: Why didn't you tell me about my parents? About their movies?
Brenda: Is it... how do you... how... how do you know about that?
Sarah: I watched them.
Brenda: Oh... Sarah... oh, my god. Your father, he forced your mother to do those awful things.
Sarah: No. You know, she looked pretty willing to me.
Brenda: How did you find them? Sarah... tell me, how did you find them?
Sarah: Tom Winston. Okay? He told me where to look.

Dylan: Your parents were murdered in the house we're about to move into.
Sarah: My parents are photographs, and they're stories told by strangers. It's just a house. Bricks and mortar.

Sgt. Cam Henry: It's kind of hard to tell, but the pic's pretty blurry.
Sarah: Well, if you had to make a guess.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Peter McBride? Verna McBride's husband? I don't... but I haven't seen him in years. Not since I was a kid. He skipped town right about the time your parents died. Where'd you find that?
Sarah: I was, you know, going through the basement. Found a bunch of old videos from my mom and dad. It's pretty X-rated stuff.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Oh, wow.
Sarah: Peter McBride was in one and a bunch of other people. You didn't know about this, did you?
Sgt. Cam Henry: No!
Sarah: What about your dad? I mean, they were best friends.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You think this is connected to what happened? Look, Sarah, I... I know you want to find out what happened to your mom and dad and why, but like I said before, you know, some things are better left undisturbed.

Sarah: Hello. Welcome. Feel free to look around.
Strange: Thank you.
Sarah: If you have any questions...
Strange: Ask you? You're Sarah, I take it.
Sarah: Yeah. How did you...
Strange: Chamber of Commerce website. I always research the places I visit. I bought a cottage up here last spring, but I can't live with blank walls.
Sarah: [he notices her painting of the Executioner] You know... you know... actually, that's not for sale.
Strange: No, I don't imagine there'd be much of a need for a painting like that in this neck of the woods. Still, it's rather striking. Who's the artist?
Sarah: Really, it's just something... it shouldn't even be out.
Strange: I'll take the collage.

Tom: Back already. Something happen?
Sarah: You know what happened. Are you behind this? Is it the work of one of your protégés?
Tom: No.
Sarah: Really? 'Cause he was dressed exactly the same way that you were dressed the night you murdered my parents. Don't tell me you didn't plan this.
Tom: I don't receive visitors here, except for you and the occasional cop or lawyer, and of course, my religious counsel.
Sarah: What about e-mail? Regular mail?
Tom: I don't send mail. Most of the mail I do get, I don't read. Never had an e-mail account. Warden can verify all this if you don't believe me.
Sarah: Then who's behind this?
Tom: Who? I have no idea. But I might be able to help you figure out why. First question I'd ask is why did Verna McBride deserve to die?
Sarah: She didn't.
Tom: [laughing] Sarah, Sarah. If you're gonna catch him, or her...
Sarah: Who said anything about catching?
Tom: ..then you're gonna have to start thinking like him.

Dylan: Hello, this is the cell phone of Dylan Bennett. Please leave a message.
Sarah: Dylan, it's Sarah. I swear, your wife is losing it. I nearly broke a customer's nose today and turned him into a eunuch and he wound up buying six paintings off me, so... yeah. Um... listen, I-I know Cam has got a guy outside, but I would feel so much better if you were here, too. So, you know, come home soon. I miss you.

Robin: I still figure it could be Heather Peterson.
Sarah: Yeah, but it wasn't, so who could it be?
Robin: This town? I think we'll be here 'til next week.
Sarah: Well, let's start with who it isn't. You and me, obviously, and anyone who was at your party the night Verna McBride was killed.
Robin: Well... it's not my little guardian angel who saved my life. It's obviously not Dylan. He was with you the night Verna got sliced and diced.
Sarah: No. No, he wasn't, actually. He... he had to go back and work.
Robin: This is your husband we're talking about. And he's not even from here. His only tie to Waterbury is you. He has zero motive.

Sarah: Cam, I've gotta ask you something, and I don't think you're gonna like it.
Sgt. Cam Henry: What?
Sarah: I wanna go see Tom Winston.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Why?
Sarah: You know, I... kind of always ignored what happened to my parents and me. I... pretended it didn't matter, that it happened to someone else. Pushed it all away. Look where that got me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You fell apart.
Sarah: Yeah, that's an understatement.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You know, you're giving that psychopath everything he wants; attention, validation.
Sarah: No, I'm just... I'm tired of running. If I can, you know, get past it, then I can move on. You know, that's the theory, anyway.

Chief: Mrs. Bennett, I don't go to church, so I don't know what any of this means, but I do know this: Verna McBride had a lot of enemies, and one of them wanted her dead. Now, he or she is piggybacking her murder onto what happened to your parents. It's a smokescreen.
Sarah: And you don't think it could be something else?
Chief: Like what?
Sarah: I don't know. Maybe Verna is the first, and the killer's on a mission.
Chief: A mission?
Sarah: Why... why is everyone pretending that everything's okay? You know, you're... you're renting cottages, you're organizing fundraisers, you're... you're going fishing. I mean, what you need to be doing is telling people that they're in danger!
Chief: I'm sorry. What *I* need to do?
Sarah: Yeah! What you need to do.
Chief: Mrs. Bennett, life is not a mystery novel. Now, I appreciate your concern, but... I got this under control, all right?

Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, the truck was found abandoned, not too far from where your grandmother was forced off the road.
Dylan: Who did it belong to?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Trent McBride. Verna McBride's nephew.
Sarah: Her nephew?
Dylan: There's no way that's a coincidence.
Sarah: So you're saying he's the Executioner?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, Trent inherited Verna McBride's entire estate, and he did have a falling out with Justin Faysal over his property.
Sarah: But my grandmother...
Sgt. Cam Henry: We're working on that. We will bring Trent in, and we will question him. This nightmare might finally come to an end.

Robin: I'm sorry, I have to say this. You just look so much more normal than I thought you would.
Justin: Robin.
Robin: What? I'm just saying what everyone else in this town is too polite to say out loud. But honey, I am not polite, and moving into the same house that your parents were murdered in is cuckoo crazy.
Justin: I am so, so sorry.
Sarah: You know what? It-It's fine. I-It's nothing compared to this morning. There was this woman across the road...
Robin: Ah!
Justin: Verna McBride.
Robin: I hate her.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Some tenants have had issues with her in the past.
Sarah: [sarcastic] Issues. Great.

Dylan: Your parents were murdered by Tom Winston nearly 30 years ago. And recently, your grandmother has come to the same fate. If you could look the Executioner in his eyes...
Sarah: No. No, I think you mean if I could look him in the mask. He's too much of a coward to show his face.
Dylan: ...what would you say?
Sarah: I would say... I would say that Brenda Merritt did a terrible thing, and my grandmother deserved to be punished. But you took the law into your own hands and on whose authority?
Dylan: And I-I think he would probably say God's authority.
Sarah: Well, I'm not really religious, but I think the Bible's pretty clear: "thou shalt not kill"?