Top 30 Quotes From Patrick Garrow

[first lines]
Matthew: [voice-over, narrating] "There once was a serpent, who only traveled one direction. Always forward, never backward. Until one day, the serpent came upon a demon."

Sarah: I keep looking for patterns, you know, but there isn't any. Each attack is different. What was Verna's then? Being a bitch? And why did he give me back the tapes that she stole? Or why does he kill some people, but let others go?
Tom: I didn't kill Alan Henry. I could have, but I only wanted to hurt him.
Sarah: Was that what happened to Robin? The... the Executioner is just trying to scare him or punish him?
Tom: From what you said, it sounds like he was interrupted.
Sarah: Or she? Means Robin is still in danger.

Tom: Sarah. Where are we?
Sarah: The punishment for pride is being broken on the wheel.
Tom: [seeing the Executioner] Why are you here? Why is she here?
[the Executioner turns his table saw off]
Tom: He has rules. What was your sin? What was it? Tell me.
Sarah: I tried to kill myself.
Tom: Sarah, why would you...
Sarah: Why? Because of you. One night I took some pills. I took a lot of pills.
Tom: Sarah was playing God, and yes, that is prideful. But it was a sin she committed against herself, no one else. Let her go. Please.

Tom: Back already. Something happen?
Sarah: You know what happened. Are you behind this? Is it the work of one of your protégés?
Tom: No.
Sarah: Really? 'Cause he was dressed exactly the same way that you were dressed the night you murdered my parents. Don't tell me you didn't plan this.
Tom: I don't receive visitors here, except for you and the occasional cop or lawyer, and of course, my religious counsel.
Sarah: What about e-mail? Regular mail?
Tom: I don't send mail. Most of the mail I do get, I don't read. Never had an e-mail account. Warden can verify all this if you don't believe me.
Sarah: Then who's behind this?
Tom: Who? I have no idea. But I might be able to help you figure out why. First question I'd ask is why did Verna McBride deserve to die?
Sarah: She didn't.
Tom: [laughing] Sarah, Sarah. If you're gonna catch him, or her...
Sarah: Who said anything about catching?
Tom: ..then you're gonna have to start thinking like him.

Tom: McBride died for a reason. Why?
Sarah: I don't know.
Tom: How did she die? Newspaper said blood loss, but how, exactly?
Sarah: He cut off her hands. And her feet.
Tom: Now, why would he do that?
Sarah: 'Cause he's crazy.
Tom: [laughing again] That's right, Sarah. Get it all out of you. All the judgment, all the righteousness. Shake it out! Now put your emotions aside and get into the mind of this killer. Cutting off limbs: why?
Sarah: Is it a punishment? Like in Saudi Arabia, when... when you steal, they...
Tom: They just cut off hands, nothing else. Still, what did she take? Sarah?
Sarah: Video tapes. Her husband, he was in some of them.
Tom: So you found them.
Sarah: You knew what they were doing.
Tom: But Verna McBride's sin wasn't greed or envy. The punishment does not match the crime.
Sarah: What are you talking about?
Tom: I'm talking about the punishment for the sin of anger. To be dismembered, alive.
Sarah: This all goes back to the Bible?
Tom: Hmm. The Bible, Dante, Pope Gregory the Great, St. Thomas Aquinas. Verna McBride paid the price of her sin with her life. So if I were you, I'd start looking there.
Sarah: This person's following in your footsteps, finishing what you started. Why would you want to help stop it?

Helmut: Men and women live together in understanding and acceptance. The body is not forbidden when it is unclothed. In our natural state, all perversions dissipate. It is utopia.

Sarah: Did I hear that right? Tom's escaped?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah, come on. We gotta get you somewhere secure, right now.
Tom: Sarah.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Sarah, go back upstairs.
Tom: You sure about that, sport? She's the only thing stopping me from shooting you.

Sarah: The Executioner also sent me this.
[showing him the Bible verse]
Sarah: It's a Bible quote.
Tom: Isaiah 2:16?
Sarah: Yeah. But-but the numbers on the bottom, they don't mean anything. There's no Isaiah 81, and Isaiah 45:3 is about hidden treasures, so, uh...
Tom: Those aren't Bible verses, Sarah. Those are geographic coordinates.
[she inputs them into Google Maps]
Tom: Where is it?
Sarah: It's a spot just outside of town.
Tom: You can't go out there by yourself.
Sarah: Excuse me?
Tom: Sarah, you can't go out there alone!
Sarah: No, no, I-I heard what you said, but, you know... you know we're not friends, so... you can't tell me what I can and cannot do.

Sarah: You know, serial killers all have their own M.O.s, but this killer... dismembers Verna McBride, he beats that kid to a pulp, he slashes Robin to ribbons but leaves him alive, and then his husband snorts poison and dies.
[seeing Tom smirking]
Sarah: What?
Tom: He or she is smart. A magician. Had you looking over here while he was killing over there.
Sarah: Fine. He's the Houdini of serial killers. But I've done my research, okay? None of the punishments for deadly sins involve poison.
Tom: Okay. What kind of poison was used?
Sarah: The preliminary report says... brodifacoum, bromethalin, and strychnine.
Tom: The biblical punishment for gluttony is to be force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.
Sarah: [getting it] Rat poison.
Tom: Indeed.
Sarah: Yeah, but... but gluttony, it... it doesn't make sense. Justin could have been on the cover of a Men's Health magazine.
Tom: Gluttony isn't about food, it's about consumption, hedonism, excess.
Sarah: Fine. Justin liked to do drugs. He had a massive house, he probably spent more in a week than I earn in a year. Who cares?
Tom: You are absolutely right. Who cares? As with Verna McBride, there must be something else, something hidden. You've only just scratched the surface, Sarah. There's so much more to uncover, trust me.
Sarah: Trust you?
Tom: I have never lied to you. Now, people in this town, they lie all the time. Everybody has a secret. Secrets they take to the grave. Secrets they're willing to kill to protect.

Sarah: We shouldn't be out here, Tom. You're injured.
Tom: Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
Sarah: [he takes his gun out] So you still don't trust me, huh?
Tom: No, I trust you. It's everybody else I got a problem with.

Tom: You know how all the colors in the rainbow, if you shine them together, they produce a pure white light?
Sarah: Yeah.
Tom: Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy... they all come together to form darkness. The cardinal sin, pride. Whoever's doing this is blinded by their own pride, and pride will be their downfall.
Sarah: How?
Tom: The Executioner is lost in zealotry, in playing God, in pride. But pride can blind us and cause us to make mistakes. And one day soon, the Executioner will slip. He'll step out of the shadows, and that's all it'll take for you to catch your killer.

Spivey: [At prison intake of Hubble and Reacher] Drop them drawers, bend over and spread.
Jack: No.

Tom: [explaining the night of murdering Sarah's mother] It was the only way I could save you from the two of them.
Sarah: No. Why couldn't you have just called Children's Aid or sued for custody, or, I mean, hell, you could have even kidnapped me.
Tom: Sarah.
Sarah: Tell me the truth. Why did you kill them?
[silent pause]
Sarah: [scoffing] Take care of yourself, Tom.

Sarah: You would never consider talking to my husband... . would you, for... for the Bulletin?
Tom: Is there something you want me to do?
Sarah: A simple yes or no.
Tom: On one condition.
Sarah: We can't pay you.
Tom: I'd like a memento.
Sarah: What kind of memento?
Tom: A lock of your hair.
Sarah: [disgusted] Forget I asked.

Helmut: [to Detective Murdoch] I will not expose our members to your tyranny.

Tom: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sarah: Thank you.
Tom: Are you okay? Is there anything I can...
Sarah: You can help me catch this bastard. You know, the punishment for envy is drowning. And my grandmother was the most jealous, envious person I ever met. You know, before she died, she confessed something to me. That attack on... on Ada Pavlovic, years ago? That was her.
Tom: "He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper. But he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy." Confession frees us, Sarah. Once we let go of our secrets, their power over us disappears. Your grandmother held onto that secret for years. So take comfort in knowing that she died if not with a clear, then at least with a clearer conscience.
Sarah: [seeing him fidget] What is it?
Tom: You could have died out there.
Sarah: No. You know, actually, I-I don't think I could have. He could have killed me multiple times, but he never did. I'm not a target. I don't... I don't deserve to die. I'm safe. So you're gonna help me catch him.
Tom: I'm not a cop, Sarah.
Sarah: Better. You're a murderer.

Tom: Is there any news? Did they reply?
Alan: "Hey, Alan, how was your day? What's that? You spent it consoling your son after his wife was found in a field, half-eaten by wild animals and a shepherd mix? Well, that's shitty!"
Tom: Okay! It's wonderful to see you again, Alan. Better?
Alan: [taking an envelope out] This doesn't change anything.
Tom: [opening it and reading the contents, he bangs on the table] I'd like to go back to my cell now.

Tom: I read your article in the Bulletin.
Sarah: Okay. Yeah.
Tom: Is that what you really think about the Executioner? He's a coward?
Sarah: Well, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it.
Tom: The Executioner doesn't think like you do. You can't shame him. You can't reason with him. All you can do is fuel him and his obsession.
Sarah: Yeah? You'd know this how, huh?
Tom: I was obsessed with your parents. I know you think he can't hurt you, but the last thing you want to do is make that a challenge for him.

Sarah: What do you want, Tom?
Tom: I want you to come with me, so I can protect you.
Sarah: Cam's protecting me.
Tom: And he's doing such a bang-up job. You're not safe, Sarah. Not in this house. So please, come with me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: I'm not letting you walk out of here.
Sarah: What's the alternative?
Tom: I won't hurt her. You have my word.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Your word's not worth shit.
Sarah: He won't, Cam. Trust me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Trust you?
Sarah: Tom's my father. He wouldn't lie about something like this.

Sarah: You're probably wondering why I'm here. I know your reasons, or what you think your reasons were, for killing my parents.
Tom: Okay.
Sarah: Now I want you to know what my life's been like without them. There's been a void, filled with grief and guilt and sadness. I grew up without parents because of you. I don't know who I am because of you.
Tom: Why do you feel the need to tell me about your life?
Sarah: Excuse me?
Tom: Not that I'm not interested. I've kept tabs on you over the years, best I could.
Sarah: What do you think you're doing?
Tom: I'm trying to understand what you hope to achieve by visiting me. Catharsis? Is that it?
Sarah: I shouldn't have come here.
Tom: I get it, confront your demons. Dime-store pop psychology. But I'm afraid it's not that cut and dry. You wanna put the past behind you, Sarah? I can help you with that. It's not an intellectual exercise. Can't fix yourself with your mind. You have to immerse yourself in the past, Sarah. All of it. Find out what was going on in your parents' lives 30 years ago. Find what was buried in that house. No one, after lighting a lamp, puts it in a cellar so that those who enter may see the light.
Sarah: We're done here.

- Get your ass back here! You little shit!
Buck: That's my truck!
- Oh, shit.
- Give me back my truck, asshole!
- You little... [shouts indistinctly]
[Man] Shit!

Dylan: You're angry.
Sarah: Yeah, of course I'm angry. And I'm sad and I'm upset, but I'm not afraid.
Dylan: No?
Sarah: When something like this happens... you know, at first you're numb.
Dylan: Mm.
Sarah: And then when you start to be able to wrap your mind around it, your imagination can take you to some pretty dark places. You think about what your loved ones went through before they died, about how terrified they were, about how much they suffered. And then you find the pain and the rage, and you want revenge. I despise the Executioner's actions, but I don't hate him. Because hate is just fear, and I am not afraid. The Executioner's afraid. He's a coward. Him, Tom Winston, anyone who's ever taken the life of another person... cowards.
Tom: [reading the article in his prison cell] I'm a coward? I'm a coward? I'M A COWARD?
[tearing the paper up and throwing belongings around]

Matthew: The only failure...
James: giving up.

Jeffrey: Harvey's going to make you regret that.
Mike: Harvey's not going to do shit. This is my case, and you are done.

Helmut: Clothing is, by its very nature, unhygienic, unaesthetic, and, of course, undemocratic.

Tom: Do you regret coming back here?
Sarah: I thought if I could go back and face the past, I'd come out the other side whole. Instead, I'm on the run from a serial killer with a killer. So...
Tom: Well. When you put it that way...
Sarah: Yeah.

Sarah: Why did you kill them, Tom? Please, just tell me the truth.
Tom: Don't.
Sarah: What are you so afraid of?
Tom: I'm not afraid! I... I told you what happened. If you don't want to believe me, then fine. But I'm not gonna sit here and...
Sarah: [he suddenly starts choking] Tom?

Tom: How much does Sarah know?
Dylan: I'm sorry?
Tom: How much does Sarah know?
Dylan: About me being here? Well, she gave me your conditions, that's...
Tom: How much does Sarah know about you?
Dylan: I'm not sure I follow. I'm the one here to interview you, not the other way around.
Tom: Sarah might have told you. I don't always read the letters that are sent to me...
[taking some out and sliding them over to him]
Tom: ...but I do keep them, and I got a great memory... for names.
[on the top envelope, Dylan sees his own name in the corner designated for return addresses]
Tom: So again, Dylan, how much does Sarah know?

Tom: Sarah. This is unexpected.
Sarah: You're not my father. You may think you are, or you may want to think you are, but you're not.
Tom: Sarah, it's not a matter of thinking.
Sarah: You know, and if you honestly think I'm gonna start spending every Father's Day with you, you're insane.
Tom: You are my daughter.
Sarah: No. No, it's impossible. And this? This is not healthy.
Tom: Can we talk about this?
Sarah: [leaving] Goodbye, Tom.

Tom: You ever go camping growing up?
Sarah: [chuckling] Camping with Brenda?
Tom: [laughing] Yeah.
Sarah: Yeah, no. She did send me to camp once, though. Camp Motega.
Tom: Brenda let you out of her sight. I'm surprised.
Sarah: Well, you know, Cam was a counselor there, so she knew I'd be safe.
Tom: Yeah.
Sarah: You know, up until then, the only boats I'd been on were the ones that took you from one Caribbean island to another, so when I first got to camp, I headed straight for the canoes and jumped in and...
Tom: [she pantomimes the canoe capsizing] You gotta keep your center of gravity as low as possible.
Sarah: Yeah. You know, walk along the mainline. I know that now. I learned it the hard way.