The Best Maria Sten Quotes

Frances: You do not mess with the Special Investigators.
Jack: You do not mess with the Special Investigators.

Frances: Put the biscuit in the basket.

- Neagley.
Frances: There's too much smoke.
- We gotta go!
- Finlay: Roscoe! Over here.
- Finlay: Are you okay?
Roscoe: Yeah.
Frances: Let's go!
- Finlay: Let's go.

Frances: You're an emotional dumpster fire.

- You do not mess with the special investigators.
- You do not mess with the special investigators.
Frances: Try these.

- We go in blazing.
- Neagley, we need to take out those two guards facing us quietly, without one of them setting off an automatic weapon.
- They won't make a sound.
- Good. Double-check your weapon, ready your shot.
Frances: Copy.
- Hubble, come with me.