The Best Oscar Finlay Quotes

Oscar: Incompetence can look like malevolence, and it's a whole lot more common.

Oscar: This town is crooked as scoliosis, and the cop that's barely been here is the one that's getting railroaded?

Oscar: Reacher, come with me.
Jack: No.
Oscar: Excuse me?
Jack: Not until you let these zip ties come off. We both know I didn't kill anybody, and they are uncomfortable.
Oscar: [turns to officer Roscoe] Get the box cutter.
Jack: That's okay. I got it.
[tears off the zip ties that cuffs his wrist, then picks them up from the ground]
Jack: You guys recycle?

Oscar: [to Reacher] You seem to be confused about your role in this situation. You are my detainee and suspect, not my partner or my equal. And you're certainly not by employment, appearance, or lifestyle choice a cop any more.

Oscar: I don't need 250 pounds of frontier justice tearing up this town.

Oscar: [to Roscoe, who just brought Reacher to a crime scene] What is he doing here?
Roscoe: You told me to keep an eye on him. I'm keeping an eye on him. Look! There he is.

Jack: Hell, no wonder Sharon left you.
Oscar: You keep my wife's name out of your mouth.

Jasper: [Examining body] Holy shit! His fucking balls are gone!
Oscar: Keep it professional, Jasper. Cussing's the sign of a weak mind and a weaker character.

Jack: [Reacher's first line, six and a half minutes in] I don't need a lawyer.
Oscar: He speaks.
Jack: When he wants to.
Oscar: And why don't you need a lawyer?
Jack: Because I didn't kill anybody... At least not recently... and not in this town.

Jack: So, you're living above a smoke shop when you're trying to quit smoking? Wearing a tweed suit in Georgia in the summer? Taking a job in the middle of nowhere? It's all some kind of penance for you not being able to save your wife?
Oscar: Something like that.
Jack: Well, that's stupid. And if you really think that, you're stupid.
Oscar: Fuck you.
Jack: I like it when you curse. You should do it more often.
Oscar: Double fuck you twice.

Oscar: You said Hubble didn't tell you anything in jail.
Jack: I lied.

Oscar: Now, you sure are comfortable spending a counterfeit roll.
Jack: You want me to buy you something? How about some jeans and tickets to a Hall & Oates concert?

Jack: Just thinking maybe my brother told me about Blind Blake for a reason. Thinking about him lying in that morgue. Thinking I'm supposed to do something about it.
Oscar: Like what?
Jack: I guess I'll find everybody responsible, and kill every last one of them.

Oscar: The dung has officially hit the fan.
Jack: "The dung." Just curse, Finlay.

Oscar: What if I'm thinking I'm sitting across from a man who doesn't mind killing and who has the knowledge and training to murder someone and cover it up?
Jack: You'd be right. But not this murder.

Oscar: So you expect me to believe that you, a man with no criminal record, that you just blew a man away? A double barrel shotgun blast right or the face? and then burned the body?
Dawson: [unaware that's not how the murder went down] Yes, I did.

Jack: Can we trust Picard?
Oscar: Known him for years. Gave me the best advice I ever got. 'Don't take the Margrave job.'

Oscar: [At morgue, repeating Reacher's earlier line] in an investigation, details matter.

Oscar: Maybe he was dirty.
Oscar: Maybe...
Jack: Think real hard before you finish that sentence.
Jack: It'll determine how well your jaw works for the rest of your life.

Oscar: Things regrettably turned acrimonious.

Jack: Got a gun?
Oscar: Yeah. Snubnose 38.
Jack: Better than crying for help.

Oscar: [after hearing Reacher's military record] What in God's name is a guy like that doing in Margrave?
Roscoe: What's a guy like that doing in jail? Hate to the the one who put him in there.
Oscar: Get out of my office.