30 Best Alan Ritchson Quotes

Jack: Don't sleep with your head where it's expected to be.

Jack: Tall people never have enough room for their feet.

Jack: Can we trust Picard?
Oscar: Known him for years. Gave me the best advice I ever got. 'Don't take the Margrave job.'

Jesse: Based on the amount of sand that was displaced and the depth of the hole, I bet you we're looking at more than one killer.
Ryan: You think there's killers?
Jesse: Yeah.
Ryan: I tell you what I think. Sandman over here's buddies drank a copious amount of alcohol, they buried him as a prank, then they took off. They thought he'd get free, tide came in...
[short whistle with the "beheading" gesture]
Ryan: ...that's it.
Paul: [flashback] Guys! Come on! It's not funny! Somebody help!
[swallowing sea water, he coughs as the tide washes in]
Paul: Somebody help!
Jesse: Well, accident or not, we still need to figure out who did this. Let's get to work.

Jack: Hell, no wonder Sharon left you.
Oscar: You keep my wife's name out of your mouth.

Jack: Love the smell of gasoline.

Spivey: [At prison intake of Hubble and Reacher] Drop them drawers, bend over and spread.
Jack: No.

Josephine: What did I always tell you, hmm? I want to hear it.
Joe: I don't need to solve all the world's problems. Solving some of them is more than enough.
Josephine: And Reacher, you have the strength of three men. What will you do with with all that strength?
Jack: I'm going to do the right thing, Mom.
Josephine: I know you will. You always have. Even when what was right was unpleasant.

Judy: [motioning toward desk phone] I will ruin your life with one phone call.
Jack: I'll end your life with one phone.

Jack: [When first meeting Kliner, Jr] Do you want to dance the Tamborito with me?

Oscar: Maybe he was dirty.
Oscar: Maybe...
Jack: Think real hard before you finish that sentence.
Jack: It'll determine how well your jaw works for the rest of your life.

Jack: You know, cursing is a sign of weak mind and weaker character.

Jack: So, you're living above a smoke shop when you're trying to quit smoking? Wearing a tweed suit in Georgia in the summer? Taking a job in the middle of nowhere? It's all some kind of penance for you not being able to save your wife?
Oscar: Something like that.
Jack: Well, that's stupid. And if you really think that, you're stupid.
Oscar: Fuck you.
Jack: I like it when you curse. You should do it more often.
Oscar: Double fuck you twice.

Jack: [When Hubble sits too close in the prison yard] I'm not a ventriloquist. Get off my lap.

Jack: Just thinking maybe my brother told me about Blind Blake for a reason. Thinking about him lying in that morgue. Thinking I'm supposed to do something about it.
Oscar: Like what?
Jack: I guess I'll find everybody responsible, and kill every last one of them.

Oscar: Now, you sure are comfortable spending a counterfeit roll.
Jack: You want me to buy you something? How about some jeans and tickets to a Hall & Oates concert?

Frances: You do not mess with the Special Investigators.
Jack: You do not mess with the Special Investigators.

Roscoe: [Giving mug of coffee to Reacher in jail cell] Assumed you liked it black.
Jack: How'd you figure?
Roscoe: Seem like a non-nonsense kind of guy. Cream and sugar are nonsense.

Jack: [Eating prison breakfast] You should eat. You look like hell.
Paul: That's 'cause I saw you gouge a man's eyes out.
Jack: He started it.

Dog: You calling me a liar?
Jack: Yes.

Jack: Never trust a weapon you haven't personally test-fired.

Zacarias: [motioning toward desk phone] I will ruin your life with one phone call.
Jack: I'll end your life with one phone.

Oscar: You said Hubble didn't tell you anything in jail.
Jack: I lied.

Jack: [Examining 1st victim's scarred left hand] We were wrestling. i pinned him against the stove. Didn't know my mother had just turned it off. That's how my brother got this scar.

Jack: Got a gun?
Oscar: Yeah. Snubnose 38.
Jack: Better than crying for help.

Oscar: The dung has officially hit the fan.
Jack: "The dung." Just curse, Finlay.

Jack: [Riding back from prison with Roscoe] I'm gonna need some new clothes first. Lockup's made me a bit gamey.
Roscoe: Oh, we got a Merl's Men shop in town.
Jack: I don't need anything that fancy. Just T-shirt and jeans. I travel light.

Graham: You're about to get your ass kicked
Jack: No. I'm just gonna break the hands of 3 drunk kids
Graham: There's 4 of us here
Jack: One of you's got to drive to the hospital

Aimes: You know I'll send a freight train down a dirt road.

Jack: [Reacher's first line, six and a half minutes in] I don't need a lawyer.
Oscar: He speaks.
Jack: When he wants to.
Oscar: And why don't you need a lawyer?
Jack: Because I didn't kill anybody... At least not recently... and not in this town.