The Best Chris Webster Quotes

KJ: You know, after I bodied Morrison, my old man lost it. He started talking about how he's gonna send me away to an institution for a while for rest.
KJ: He tried that once when I was a kid... but it didn't take.

KJ: Try anything smart, gonna put a hole right in your pal's back.

KJ: You know, uh, you and my friend Emmitt here, you actually got something in common. Both played college football. Old Emmitt here was Georgia State's starting tight end for three years. According to your records, you played one game for Army. What happened, man? You couldn't hack it?
Jack: They kicked me off.
KJ: For what?
Jack: Being too violent.

KJ: [Yells] Hey!
- I think it might be just you and me now, reacher!