100 Best Thomas Magnum Quotes

Juliett: None of these angles work for facial recognition.
Thomas: Wait. Right there.
Juliett: She got him to look at the camera.
Thomas: Good girl.
Juliett: I still have that back door to HPD. I'll run him through their facial rec.
[finding a match]
Juliett: Okay. The man's name is Milo Rivers. He has a record.
Thomas: Couple of robberies. But then it says he was just charged with murdering his wife.
Juliett: So he gets patched up, grabs another car. Why does he take a hostage? Why take Kumu?
Thomas: I don't know, but what's he gonna do when he doesn't need her anymore?

Juliet: Dare I ask how your day went?
Thomas: I think it went well. Me and Bob got off to a bit of a rough start, but... yeah, I think I helped him out.
TC: Ah, he's being modest. He brought that man's estranged brother back into his life.
Thomas: Hey, you can never get the years that you lost back, but you can make the best of what you have left, right?
Juliet: It's no small thing. Today, I met a family and a young man who didn't get to have that. It's a real gift you've given him. Good on you.
Thomas: Wow, first I get Fun Higgins and now I get Sweet Higgins?
Juliet: Well, don't worry. I'm pretty sure Drunk Magnum won't remember a thing tomorrow.
Thomas: [laughing] Probably right.

Thomas: What are you still doing here?
Sebastian: Brother... I'm always here. That's why this was so hard. You know, they say we die twice. Once when the breath leaves us and again when the last person we know says our name. But when they were saying my name in connection with this? It threatened your memories of me. It made you afraid you didn't know who I really was.
Thomas: No, no, I knew you. And I'll never forget you.
Sebastian: It's not your fault. What happened to me. Me dying. There was nothing you could have done that day.
Thomas: Yeah, I know.
Sebastian: [pointing to his temple, indicating his brain] No, you know here.
[moving to indicate his heart]
Sebastian: Not here. Not yet.
Thomas: It's not that I couldn't save your life. It's that I still have mine. You know, all these... moments that I get... that you don't. It's not fair.
Sebastian: Life's not fair. Neither is death. So... survivor's guilt? Is that why you're not living?
Thomas: What do you mean?
Sebastian: You know what I mean. Since I died, everybody else has been living. Rick's got a baby on the way. T.C.'s fostering a kid. And as far as Higgins goes, well, let's just say the ice has thawed.
Thomas: Yeah, it has.
Sebastian: A lot has changed. But you're still the same. And here you are, with a chance to be happier than you've ever been, and you won't take it. Every day is a gift, Magnum. Don't let it slip through your fingers. All you have to do is go over there... and tell her how you feel.

Hannah: Just hear me out, okay? I know you have no reason to trust me.
Thomas: You're right. I don't.
Hannah: Just ask yourself this. Why would I risk everything to come here?
Thomas: I'm done asking questions.
Hannah: Thomas, please. I'm ready to tell you the truth, all of it. You deserve that.
Detective: [his voice is heard from the phone] This is Katsumoto.
Hannah: But more than that, I think it's something you need... Sorry I can't help you, Magnum.
Detective: Hello? Hello?
Hannah: Please. Please.
[Hannah faints]
Detective: Hello?
[Magnum turns off the phone]

Thomas: Maybe Belle is from a long time ago. We have to dig into Robin's past.
Juliett: He's not Charles Foster Kane.
Thomas: Who's that?
Juliett: You've never heard of Charles Foster Kane?
Thomas: Don't act like I'm supposed to know who it is. It's not like it's Tom Brady or something.
Juliett: Who's Tom Brady?
Thomas: Are you serious? You don't know who Tom Brady is?
Juliett: Oh, he's the dad from that American TV show, uh... "The Brady Bunch".
Thomas: Are you kidding me?

Theodore: Thomas, I-I think he's gonna hit us, man.
Thomas: Nah, he's gonna stop.
Theodore: Man, that's easy for you to say. If we get T-boned, I'm the one getting boned!
[seeing the truck isn't slowing down]
Theodore: Come on, man, do something! Quit playing, man!
Thomas: [the driver suddenly slams on the brakes] See? I told you he was gonna stop.
Theodore: I hate you.

Juliet: This Hannah is the woman you were going to marry?
Juliet: Lara told me there was someone, but that's all she told me.
Thomas: Hannah was a CIA case officer. She was embedded with me and the guys in Afghanistan. She would use her assets and analysis to locate high-value targets that we'd then go after.
Juliet: And things got personal between you.
Thomas: But how did she end up a fugitive?
Thomas: [shakes his head] Doesn't matter.

[Hannah is fatally injured during the rescue of her father. Magnum rushes to her and holds her in his arms]
Thomas: Hannah! Oh, God. Hannah.
[Hannah's father rushes to them]
Thomas: Hannah, hang on.
Hannah: Thomas...
Thomas: Hang on.
Hannah: Thomas...
Thomas: Hang on. Hang on, there. Hannah, hang on.
Hannah: I'm so sorry.
Thomas: Oh... it's okay. It's okay. Just hang in there, okay? Hannah?
[Hannah dies. Heartbroken, Magnum embraces her. Hannah's father kneels, looking sadly at his daughter]

Juliett: [reviewing surveillance footage for Kumu] There! She returned about 40 minutes ago.
Thomas: The man with her is in bad shape. You know that guy?
Juliett: It's hard to tell. I don't think so.
Juliett: Magnum, he has a gun. Who the hell is this?

Juliet: [outside the house of a person of interest] This is typically the point where Magnum picks the lock.
Thomas: [opening the door] Ah. Don't have to. It's already open.
Greg: Isn't this breaking and entering?
Thomas: Technically, it's trespassing.

Thomas: [narrating] I'm gonna call my best friend and see what HPD knows that isn't in the file.
[Magnum calls Katsumoto. Katsumoto answers the phone, immediately recognizing who is the caller]
Detective: [sourly] Whatever you want, my answer's no.
Thomas: But a life is on the line.
Detective: Detective Dole already investigated Libby Conner's murder.
Thomas: How did you know...
Detective: He painstakingly collected evidence and brought it to the P.A., who decided to prosecute Josh Healy because the case was solid.
Thomas: Yeah, but there was another suspect who was never interviewed.
Detective: Police work 101: you follow leads. When one pans out, you don't then follow the other hundred. That would waste time and resources.
Thomas: What if Josh is innocent?
Detective: I'm certain you'll prove it.
Thomas: Really?
Detective: No.

Detective: Let us in, Magnum. There's a manhunt in progress, and we tracked the fugitive to this area.
Thomas: Yeah, I know. Milo Rivers, right?
Detective: That's right. How did you...
Juliett: He's already been here. And you can add kidnapping to his murder charge, as he's taken Kumu.

Emily: I hope no one ever breaks your heart.
Thomas: Eh, too late for that.

Juliett: Magnum, what is it? You're interrupting my ride.
Thomas: I know, but the Ferrari kind of broke down. Can you give me a lift?
Juliett: You ran out of petrol again, didn't you?
Thomas: You know what, that's neither here nor there. Just, please, come and get me.
Juliett: Call a tow truck.
Thomas: I did, but it-it's not gonna here for, like, hours.
Juliett: Not my problem.
Thomas: Look, it's brutally hot out here, there's no shade. You would really be doing me a favor. Oh, and can you bring me a bottle of water, please?
Juliett: [sarcastic] Oh, sure. Yeah, absolutely. Hey, how about a Power bar, as well?
Thomas: That would actually be great. I'm starving.
Juliett: I'm kidding, Magnum. Tough it out, honestly. Why are you even calling me? I'm not your mother. You're supposed to be a grown man, you can look after yourself.
Thomas: So, you're just going to leave me stranded out here? I thought we were partners. What happened to "ride together, die together"?
Juliett: Number one, we don't have a motto. Number two, if we did, it wouldn't be that, and number three, don't play the partner card with me.
Thomas: Come on, I - I called everyone. Kumu, Rick, T.C., no one's picking up.
Juliett: Oh! So I'm call number four, am I?
Thomas: [with some quick thinking] Yes, but you're Number One in my thoughts and prayers.
Thomas: Come on, Higgy, please, don't make me beg.

Detective: I can't believe I let you talk me into this. This is a bad idea.
Thomas: People see a tour copter, it's not gonna raise any red flags.
Detective: No, I'm not talking that. That's a good idea. I'm talking about letting you come along. I don't care if you were military. You guys are civilians now.
Thomas: We're gonna be over international waters. Anything goes wrong, you will not be held responsible. Trust me.

Juliet: I have to go and meet Adam Akamu in an hour.
Thomas: The lone survivor? What do you want with him?
Juliet: Well, new evidence suggests that the killer's motive might have been personal, and I'm hoping he can tell me why.
Thomas: Okay, well, if you have any more issues, feel free to call in for reinforcements.
Juliet: Reinforcements, right. And that's... that's you, is it?
Thomas: Admit it. You miss me, you know? I-I'm the secret sauce, Higgy.
Juliet: Okay, what has gotten into you? Have you been drinking?
Thomas: What?
Juliet: You have! In the middle of the day whilst I'm here, hard at work.
Thomas: Well, n-no, technically, you're unemployed. But, uh, unrelated, what are you doing later? Any chance you can pick me up?
Juliet: [hanging up] Goodbye, Magnum.

Detective: Stay here.
Thomas: You don't think we're gonna do that, are you?
Juliett: [drily] A for effort, though.

Thomas: Now, when you said you wanted me to go with you on a test drive, this is not what I had in mind.
Rick: [it's revealed they're shopping for strollers] Oh, come on. Get a load of this bad boy, huh? Carbon fiber frame. Convertible travel system.
Thomas: I mean, you gotta be kidding me. For that price, you can buy yourself a decent used car. What about that one? It's less expensive, and it's got a convenient little cubby for your beer.
Rick: Pretty sure that's a cupholder for the baby.
Thomas: Now, why would a baby need a beer, Rick? That's very irresponsible parenting.

[first lines]
Thomas: [to Zeus and Apollo, the menacing dogs] Easy. Easy. Okay, steady, boys, steady. Steady!
[their: ]
Thomas: Stop. Stop!
Juliet: [over comm, while watching with binoculars] No, no, no, Magnum, you're doing it all wrong.
Thomas: How can I be doing it wrong? I haven't even done anything!
Juliet: Dogs have a pack mentality, Magnum. Right? In every pack there is an Alpha. The Alpha has the first and the last say. You need to be commanding. And lose all the emotion from your voice.
Thomas: Okay. Whatever you say, Master Yoda.
Juliet: Sorry. I- I don't get the reference. Not a Star Trek fan.
Thomas: [as the dogs continue barking] Star Trek? You gotta be kidding me.
Juliet: Yes! Of course I'm kidding you. That's a test you failed because you're being too emotional. Now. Be. The. Alpha!
Thomas: Okay. Apollo-!
Juliet: [exasperated] Magnum, that's Zeus. Surely you can tell them apart.
Thomas: Of course I can't!
[barking continues]
Juliet: What did I say about being so emotional?
Thomas: Okay.
[to: ]
Thomas: Okay, okay. Zeus... Sit!
Juliet: [as the dogs advance menacingly] No. Too late. They sense your indecisiveness.
Thomas: Easy, boy. Heel!
Juliet: Now which is it, Magnum? Is it sit or heel?
Thomas: Do they even know the difference?
Juliet: [sarcasm dripping] Do you?
[Magnum looks exasperated]
Juliet: And don't roll your eyes, Magnum.
Thomas: How can you even see that from over there?
Juliet: I don't have to see it, Magnum, I know you. Now focus! I need to know that you can look after the lads whilst I'm in London.
Thomas: Okay.
[to the aggressive dogs: ]
Thomas: Know what? Listen to me, you two maniacs. I've had enough of this crap, right? I am tired of you guys terrorizing me.
[one of them whines]
Thomas: I'm the Alpha!
[the slightly bigger one lowers it's head]
Thomas: I'm the Alpha and you're going to do exactly as I say! Right now I command the both of you to... *Sit!*
[the one with the very pointy ears sits down, and Magnum smiles]
Thomas: It worked.
[Pointy Ears barks]
Thomas: No! No!
[makes a run for it with Zeus and Apollo in hot pursuit]
Juliet: [watching] Oh my God...
Thomas: [yells] Higgins!

Thomas: Now, when you say the car's off-limits, is that coming from you or Robin?
Juliett: You should already know that when it comes to Robin's possessions, I speak for him.
[entering the house and seeing a bloody towel and bandages]
Juliett: No, I did not leave the house like this.

Juliett: How was your stay in the big house?
Thomas: Thanks for getting me out.
Juliett: Josh's future depends on it.
Thomas: Yeah, but also because you didn't want me locked up in jail, right?
[Higgins just stares]

Thomas: [narrating] I have a pretty good track record following my gut, and right now, my gut says Skip could be telling the truth.
Skip: Look, I-I know it's your job to bring me in, but if you care about who really killed Billy, I think the answer's in that warehouse.
Thomas: [narrating] I know this job came from a bail bondsman, but the second I made a promise to Sergeant Howl, he became my client. My promise to him wasn't to bring Skip in for a big reward. It was to get justice for his dad.

Thomas: This is my partner, Juliet Higgins. Actually, scratch that. This is T.C.'s fiancée, Juliet Higgins.

Thomas: [narrating] TC and I went by Charley Franks' apartment. Place was empty, but we talked to a neighbor who saw Charley leaving this morning with a backpack and overnight bag. My guess is our wheel man's gonna lay low for a bit. And I think I might know where.
Theodore: So you think we're gonna find him over there?
Thomas: Mm. I know this might sound crazy, but I've my fair share of skip traces, and more than half the time, they're hiding out at their mom's place.

Juliett: [working undercover as a newlywed couple] Must we really walk arm-in-arm?
Thomas: Y-Yes. Well, you want them to buy it, don't you?

Sebastian: You remember when we were on leave near Ramstein and you were dead set on finding the oldest bar in Luxembourg?
Thomas: Yeah. Oh, God, here we go.
Sebastian: We were walking all over the city passing all these perfectly good bars on the way. And then when we find Magnum's special place...
Thomas: It had burned to the ground two months before.
Sebastian: Oh, man, we sat on the curb drinking straight from a bottle of, uh, what was that stuff?
Thomas: Cassero; black currant liquer.
Sebastian: Tasted like rancid grape juice. Weirdest hangover I've ever had.

Thomas: So you're going to kill me if I don't help you find your son?
Osi: The sushi you ate was laced with a deadly poison. You have eight hours to live. However, if you find my son, I'll give you the antidote. So no, I'm not going to kill you, Mr. Magnum. I killed you five minutes ago.

Juliett: How're you going to look after a goat when you can't look after yourself?
Thomas: Well, that's not true. Not entirely true.
Thomas: Somewhat true.

Thomas: Look, all you had to do was not open the gate and let the tow truck in, right? Kumu?
Kumu: I'm staying out of this. Think of me as Hawaiian Switzerland.
Thomas: The Ferrari is Robin's property. Your job is to literally look after his property.
Juliett: With the exception of the Ferrari, which he entrusted to you, making it your responsibility.
Thomas: Oh, okay, I get it. This is some, I don't know, bizarro-twisted way of teaching me a lesson.
Juliett: A lesson in responsibility that is well-deserved and long overdue. I mean, now you have to tell Robin about why he's got one less Ferrari.
Thomas: You know, you're treating me like I'm twelve years old.
Juliett: [scoffing laugh] I would never. I mean, you have nowhere near the maturity of a twelve year old.
Thomas: She's just doing this to mess with me.
Juliett: That's not true. Part of my job as majordomo of this estate is keeping the employees at Robin's Nest accountable. I'm just doing my job.
Thomas: Then why are you smiling?

Sharon: I'm sorry, it's not my phone.
[closes door]
Thomas: Something's off.
Juliet: Yeah, she couldn't get rid of us fast enough.

Thomas: [outside tattoo parlor] You wait here. I'm gonna do some recon.
Juliet: I'm going with you!
Thomas: I don't think it's a good idea. You'd stick out.
Juliet: How do you figure?
Thomas: Well, you don't look like the kind of person who would think about getting a tattoo, much less *have* one.
Juliet: Gmpf. Shows how much you know. Actually, I do have a tattoo.
Thomas: I've seen you in a sports bra and a swimsuit, I did not see a tattoo.
Juliet: Where it is, you never will.

Thomas: I'm surprised you're back in jail.
Jin: Oh, I consider jail more as my second home.
Juliet: [to Magnum] Are you in any way surprised? I mean, it's Jin.
Thomas: Yeah, but I thought he turned a corner.
Jin: Yeah, me too, but the problem is, I turned four corners and ended up right back here.

[Magnum tells Rick and TC that Hannah needs their help]
TC: [shakes his head] I'm sorry, come again?
Thomas: When we stopped Hannah from getting the gold, she had to find another way to help her father. The guy I was hired to find, Pak Jung Soo, he was it. Okay? He's a counterfeiter. One of the best in the world. He's Hannah's plan B.
Juliet: So she intended to trade counterfeit bills for her father?
Thomas: She was gonna trade Pak for her father. His skill set is worth far more than that gold.

Thomas: [as Juliet pops up out of nowhere in the jungle while they're under fire] What the hell you doing here?
Juliet: Saving your life.
[no gratitude]
Juliet: You're welcome.

Detective: Tell me about your client.
Thomas: His name's Dotson. Hired me to find this refugee from North Korea named Pak Jung Soo.
[Magnum hands his cellhpone to Katsumoto. The phone shows a photo of Pak. Katsumoto looks at it closely]
Thomas: Dotson met Pak when he went to Pyongyang with a tour group a few years ago. Then, just last week, he saw somebody who was a dead ringer for Pak exit a bus on Keeaumoko Street. Hired me to find him.
Detective: Did you?
Thomas: Yeah. Apparently he escaped North Korea last summer.
Detective: [nods] All right. Text me his address. I'll take it from here.

Luther H. Gillis: You go from a red Ferrari to a turquoise Vespa? You realize P.I.s are supposed to be inconspicuous, right?
Thomas: I take what I can get.
Luther H. Gillis: Not me. My Honda Accord was voted most boring car by at least four different websites.
Willa: If you didn't notice, he's proud of that fact.

Detective: I'm about to head out to a crime scene in Mililani. Two bodies at a house. You know anything about that?
Thomas: [TC shakes his head] No, I-I can't say I do.
Detective: Magnum, you know they record those anonymous tip lines, don't you? And you know I know your voice, right?

Thomas: [thug shoots one of the front tyres of the Ferrari] Come on, man, those tyres are $800!
[thug shoots the other front tyre as well]
Thomas: Each!

Thomas: How much money was in the safe?
Orville: 260 thou.
Thomas: Oof.
Orville: Look, Thomas, I need your help. All right, I-I gotta get that money back, but I can't call the cops because it was an illegal game.
Thomas: Forget the money. Nobody got hurt. Right? You just got to know when to fold 'em and figure out another way to help Toni.
Orville: You don't understand. Toni was the bank. Now she's got to cover those losses. Right now, most of the players, they're willing to take a credit for the next time they play. But not the guy who was up. He wants to be paid in full.
Thomas: And who was that?
Orville: That's the problem. It was Pascale Parata.
Thomas: The crime boss, perfect. Uh, how much was he up?
Orville: 170. Now, before he left, he gave a deadline for Toni to square up. He wants the cash by tomorrow afternoon. Pascale, he is not one to make idle threats. He is dead serious about this.
Thomas: Well... let's go find the money.

Theodore: What the hell are y'all doing?
Orville: Well, I'm-I'm prepping Thomas to get him out of jury duty, but it's not going very well. You know, maybe I should go in your place. If you recall, I did a pretty good impersonation of you not long ago.
Thomas: Oh, that time you broke up a wedding, lost the venue, and almost got me sued? No, thanks.

Juliet: [to the two Dobermans that apprehended the scoundrel in the wine cellar:] Stand down! Good evening, Magnum.
Thomas: I can't believe you have these hyenas guarding the wine cellar. How did you even know I was gonna be down here?
Juliet: It was quite simple really. I spotted you creeping across the ground with a bottle of Chateau Latour Bordeaux, and I estimated how long it would take two lusting individuals to finish a bottle without proper decanting, and thus deduced when you would be back to steal another.
Thomas: You need a hobby.
Juliet: I have one. It's catching thieves.
Thomas: [mumbling by himself] Damn it.

Juliett: Your self-congratulatory demeanor is repugnant, Magnum. You lied under oath to be dismissed.
Thomas: Not exactly. I wouldn't have made a good juror. That wasn't a lie.
Juliett: Has anyone ever explained karma to you?
Thomas: Yeah, I'm not worried.

Detective: Leo Cho. Worked for the Company.
Thomas: The Hawaiian Syndicate? Thought they were done decades ago.
Detective: They were. 'Till they thought it was safe to re-engage. Now they hide behind clean businesses. You made some pretty bad enemies, Magnum.
Juliett: Actually, uh, I was responsible for this body.
Detective: This body? Is there another I should be aware of?
Thomas: Well, funny you should ask. Rudy Wong is no longer with us.
[indicating the body]
Thomas: But that's all him.

Thomas: Muffin?
Juliet: I wish you'd stop referring to me as a breakfast pastry.

Juliett: [discussing the name of Robin's yacht] Magnum, you're not gonna figure it out. I already tried.
Thomas: Once again questioning my investigative skills.
Juliett: Is it really any wonder with brilliant deductions like "turkey robot"?
Thomas: I found out you were MI6.
Juliett: I'm still baffled by that. When are you gonna tell me how you worked that out?
Thomas: When it stops driving you crazy.

Thomas: [the killer is down] Shot through the heart.
Juliet: How apropos.

Rick: Were you really gonna crash into him?
Thomas: Come on, who says I cannot be intimidating?

Theodore: [hearing a truck beeping nearby] What's that?
Thomas: I have no idea.
Theodore: Wait a minute. That's four words that the head of security here should never say.
Thomas: [turning to leave] I'll be right back.
Orville: You know what? Twenty bucks says he planned that just to get out of helping us.

[Magnum calls Rick and TC, asking them to come to his place. They arrive]
TC: What's going on?
Rick: Sounded like some kind of emergency on the phone.
Thomas: It is.
[Rick and TC are shocked to see injured Hannah, lying unconscious on the sofa, treated by Dr. Cunha]
TC: Oh...
Rick: [angrily] What the hell is she doing here?
Thomas: She was waiting for me when I got home. Lost consciousness twenty minutes ago.
TC: Half the island's still looking for her.
Dr. Noelani Cunha: [worried] Wait. This woman is a fugitive?
Thomas: [points at his right ear] Earmuffs.
Dr. Noelani Cunha: I need two hands here.
[Higgins enters]
Juliet: Magnum, just saw Rick and TC pulling up in a hurry. What's going on?
[Higgins notices Hannah]
Juliet: Oh, my God! What's she doing here?
Rick: Think the better question is, why isn't HPD here to arrest her?
[Magnum locks the door]
TC: That woman betrayed us. Got us sent to hell. She should be in jail.
Thomas: Yeah, but... according to her, she had no choice.
Rick: Come on. There's always a choice.
Thomas: [shakes his head] Not this time.
TC: What are you talking about?
Thomas: You remember Hannah telling us about her father?
TC: Yeah. He was CIA. Went missing years ago. Presumed dead.
Thomas: He's alive. Being held prisoner by a group of ex-CIA spooks. All dirty. On top of the food chain is this guy Jason Coburn. She found out about it when she was embedded with us, and... the ransom was a huge hoard of Iraqi gold. She got Intel on its location, but that Intel came at a price.
Rick: [sharply] Yeah, giving our location to the Taliban.
TC: Why didn't she just ask us for help?
Thomas: 'Cause we would have broken a dozen military laws and ended up in the brig.
[Rick shakes his head in disgust and turns his back to Magnum]
Juliet: [angrily] What, so instead, she sells you out knowing full well that you're gonna end up in a Taliban POW camp?
Thomas: She said she was gonna use the gold to help get us out.
Rick: [turns back to face Magnum] You know what? That's sweet. That's really sweet that she was gonna get us out. Doesn't change the way I feel about her.
TC: Yeah. So is that why she's here... to ask for forgiveness?
Thomas: No. Actually, she's here to... ask for help.
[Rick and TC shake their heads in disbelief]

Thomas: I brought you some gifts.
Detective: [puzzled] Fire extinguishers?
Thomas: Wait till you see what's inside.

Thomas: [Juliet snuck up on the wine cellar perpetrator again] Couldn't you wear a bell or something?

Juliet: Mr. Donald's tablet is offline, so I'm having a little trouble tracking it.
[no response as Thomas plays video game on cellphone]
Juliet: Magnum!
Thomas: [roused out of his reverie] Yes?
Juliet: Me agreeing to be your partner *does not* mean that I do *all* the work whilst you live a charmed life of indulgence and me time.
Thomas: Come on. Our different skill sets are actually what makes us a great team.
Juliet: That remains to be seen.

Detective: Still don't get why you guys are doing this.
Thomas: Mike and Terry wanted to free these people, and it cost them their lives. We didn't know them but they're still our brothers. We're going to finish what they started.

Juliet: Any luck with Harry's phone?
Detective: Wasn't on him. His car is missing too. But after the docs remove the slugs we'll run ballistics, hopefully that will give us a lead.
Thomas: Harry called me a couple of hours ago. Didn't leave a message. I figured he was just checking in. But...
[sighs, shakes his head]
Thomas: he was in trouble.
[blames himself]
Juliet: Magnum... we can't yet be certain that this has anything to do with the probate case. You said it yourself this is a small...
Thomas: But maybe... I was wrong. Uh, maybe the person he was looking for didn't wanna be found.
Detective: HPD will follow up with the estate lawyer, get the name of the heir Harry was looking for.
[to: ]
Detective: Can you get me the lawyer's info?
Juliet: Of course.
Detective: Harry's retired HPD, one of our own. We'll catch whoever did this.
[Thomas goes on his way, a determined look on his face]
Detective: Where's he going?
Juliet: Where do you think? You're not gonna be the only ones looking for the person who did this.

Juliett: [after Magnum's car breaks down] Why are you even calling me? I'm not your mother. You're supposed to be a grown man who can look after himself.
Thomas: So, you're just gonna leave me stranded out here? I thought we were partners. What happened to "ride together, die together"?
Juliett: Number one, we don't have a motto. Number two, if we did, it wouldn't be that. And number three, don't play the partner card with me.
Thomas: Oh, come on. I-I called everyone; Kumu, Rick, TC. No one's picking up.
Juliett: Oh, so I'm call number four, am I?
Thomas: Yes, but you're number one in my thoughts and prayers. Come on, Higgy. Please don't make me beg.

[last: the four friends are at the airport, after the completion of the mission]
Thomas: You know, what we did today, that was, uh... more than anybody should ever ask of their friends, so... I just want to say thank you.
[TC nods and places his hand on Magnum's right shoulder]
TC: Come on, brother. We're family. That's what we do for each other.
[Rick places his hand on Magnum's left shoulder]
Rick: Yeah, the big man's right. We're family. We always got your back.
Thomas: Appreciate it.
[TC hugs Higgins' shoulder]
TC: You, too, Higgy baby.
[they all smile and stand together, hugging each other]

Thomas: Right on time!
Juliet: Honestly, Magnum, I had to fly through ten time zones to get here, and I still beat you.

Steve: Is there a problem?
Thomas: Uh, you mean other than the fact that I'm a passenger in my own car? No.

Juliett: [after Robin's yacht is hijacked] Magnum, they're getting away.
Thomas: I couldn't stop them and help you.
Juliett: I'm fine. I'm just nicked in the arm.
Thomas: [seeing the wound] That's not a nick. The bullet could have hit your artery. We need to dress that immediately.

Thomas: Hey, Higgy, uh, can you do me a favor and track someone down?
Juliett: Again? Who is it this time?
Thomas: Me.
Juliett: Thomas, what have you gotten yourself into?
Thomas: A crate with about 200 pounds of cocaine.

Kumu: [walks in] What's going on? I thought I heard a...
[sees Magnum carrying the crying baby]
Kumu: Yes... one of those! What's that baby doing here?
Juliet: You didn't notice? He's been living in the guest house for three years
Kumu: I meant the smaller one
Thomas: Someone left him at the front gate

Thomas: [Beating on suspect] Where is she?
Juliett: [Pulls Magnum off the guy] There's another way.
Juliett: [Sympathetic to suspect] Your friends are dead. H.P.D is on the way. This is your one chance to do the right thing.
Suspect: [Through gritted teeth] Screw you!
Juliett: [back to Magnum] Proceed.
[Beating resumes]

Thomas: Hey, uh, Higgy, did I misread that text, or did you just get fired?
Juliet: Uh... not fired, uh, exactly. Just temporarily un-hired.
Thomas: See, this is what happens when I'm not there.
Juliet: Okay, did you just call to gloat? Because I actually have a triple homicide to solve.
Thomas: Oh, okay, so you're still working the case?
Juliet: Yeah, I mean, Ella may need her dad's permission, but I certainly don't. And, you know, a little pro bono never hurt anyone.
Thomas: I am gone for one day and you bring Fun Higgins to work?
Juliet: I'm always fun.
Thomas: Okay, well, Fun Higgins has some jokes, 'cause you're definitely not always fun.

Thomas: Theoretically, Toni could have told these two guys about the game, right?
Orville: Oh, come on. You crazy? Toni?
Thomas: You said it yourself. Her brother needs care. A big score like that could help.
Orville: Yeah, but she was already taking a rake.
Thomas: What is it, five percent?
Orville: Toni's not gonna rip off her own game.
Thomas: I don't know, man. You'd be surprised what people would do for family.

Thomas: [narrating] It's not like Rick to call in the middle of the night, so I knew right away it was bad. Now, I don't have all the details, but I guess his friend Toni was looking to put together some quick cash to help out her sick brother. Enter Rick, who was able to rope in some whales for a card game. The only problem is the game got hit. The whole situation makes me think of that old saying: no good deed goes unpunished.

Brianna: Do you think there's time for you to find anything?
Thomas: If there's something to find, I'm gonna find it.
Brianna: You know, um, all these years, I've been both mother and father to Josh. But his-his drinking just really got in the way. And I'm wondering maybe if I had done more...
Thomas: You know none of this is your fault.
Brianna: You don't know that.
Thomas: You know, when I was... when I was six, I lost my father, and I miss him every day. I turned out pretty good. And most of the credit goes to my mom. She was... she was enough. My bet is you are, too.
Brianna: That's why you took this case, isn't it? I thought it was 'cause you felt guilty about getting out of jury duty.
Thomas: No, I took this case because you needed help.

Detective: [hearing the mayor is on the phone] Hello?
Thomas: Katsumoto.
Detective: I should've known.
Thomas: [snickering] I'm sorry, man. I... I really needed to talk to you, and I didn't want you screening my call.

Juliet: Hi.
Thomas: Hey, there she is. How you doing, Higgy?
TC: Couldn't believe when I heard that kid got you into real trouble.
Juliet: Yeah. Well... and yet I think I still fared better than Magnum here.
Thomas: Hey, I took one for the team, all right? You never let a dying man drink alone.
TC: Yeah, what you need is a little hair of the dog. You in, Higgy?
Juliet: Yeah. Sure. Never let a dying man drink alone, as they say.

Travis: Your job is to track down a man named Skip Jenkins. These dossiers have everything you need to know about him. He skipped bail, and I have 24 hours to bring him in.
Thomas: Uh, wait, so a guy named Skip skipped bail?
Luther H. Gillis: [everyone laughs] Really? My joke was way funnier than that.

Thomas: By the way, I promise to never lie to you again
Detective: You just did!

Thomas: So, you wanna tell me what happened?
Orville: Uh... like I told you, Toni got behind on her brother's medical bills, so I helped her put together a little game. A no-limit Texas Hold 'Em with the highest rollers I could find. Guy Hagi was here. Meghan Lou, this ranching heiress. Uh, there was this hedge fund guy from New York, uh, Bert Lyons. This big-shot local business guy, Russell Chang. Loves to gamble. And finally, Pascale.
Thomas: Wait, uh, Pascale Parata?
Orville: The O.G. crime boss himself. Now, the buy-in was 15K, and Toni was taking a rake, five percent of each pot.
Thomas: A rake. So the game wasn't exactly...
Orville: Legal, no, but it was for a good cause.

Thomas: You all right?
Orville: She's leaving. She's going back to the mainland.
Thomas: I'm sorry to hear that.
Orville: Yeah. It's not that bad. You know, we freed those people, got the money back.
Thomas: Just didn't get the girl.
Orville: Nah.
Thomas: Look at the bright side, you still got me, TC, and... a plant.
Orville: Still, though, I'd rather have the girl. You know, if I had to choose.
Thomas: Yeah, I don't blame you, brother. I don't blame you.

Thomas: Honestly, I can't thank you enough.
Detective: Turns out, Higgins can be even more annoying than you.
Thomas: [laughing] Right?
Detective: Now I have to take the judge to dinner. She's a... complicated woman.
Thomas: Wait. Hold on, you and Judge Kamaka dated?
Detective: Contrary to what you tried to sell in court this morning - perjury, by the way - we are not best friends. My personal life is none of your business.
Thomas: When did it end? Or-or did it end? I don't know.
Detective: I was wrong. You and Higgins are equally annoying.
Thomas: Yeah, well, I've been called worse.

Thomas: [seeing Higgins arrive on a horse] Really? You couldn't have gone back to Robin's Nest and picked out a car? There's, like, nine of 'em.
Juliett: Do you want a lift, Magnum, or not?
[sighing, he looks around nervously]
Juliett: I haven't got all day, Magnum.
Thomas: All right, well, can you, at least take back roads? I don't want anybody to see me.

Juliett: So, what is on this laptop, exactly?
Thomas: I don't know.
Juliett: You had TC get into an accident for no reason at all?
Thomas: No, it's connected to Barry's cloud. I want to see what his recent activity was before he was murdered.
Juliett: Why didn't you just say that?

Thomas: I need your help.
Juliett: What number is this? Where are you?
Thomas: I am in jail.
Juliett: Why?
Thomas: I tried to get a delay on the trial, judge held me in contempt.
Juliett: I know the feeling.

Thomas: Okay, you need to tell me exactly what I did wrong
Juliet: You're the brilliant detective. Figure it out!

Juliett: Should I even ask how you two got into this predicament?
Thomas: Well, long story short, Luther's kind of a terrible mentor.
Luther H. Gillis: I'm disappointed in Willa, but oddly... also kind of proud.
Thomas: Yeah, we gotta ping her cell phone, see if we can get that laptop back. Higgins, could you...
Juliett: Happy to help.
Thomas: Wow. That was... easier than I thought. It's almost like you actually care.
Juliett: I care about Sergeant Howl, Magnum, not about you.
Thomas: Whatever works.

Thomas: Morning, boys.
Theodore: Oh, hell no. We agreed to help put together your barbecue. You ain't say nothing about slaughtering no damn chickens.
Thomas: Relax, we're not gonna kill Beaker and Chick Norris. This is just my payment for the Kawailoa job.
Orville: Curious, do you even take cash anymore?

Thomas: [to locked-up growling Zeus and Apollo who are disrupting his romantic dinner with Abby] Really, guys? Are we just gonna do this all night?
[Abby tosses them a morsel from the table which placates them for a short while]

Juliet: Melinda killed her own child and then reported her missing.
Thomas: But then who was kept in that shed?

TC: You got two men on your tail. Both of 'em packing heat.
Thomas: It's gotta be the same guys that tried to run me over. I think they're after Sergei.
TC: Well I'd say after firing on HPD, they're willing to go through anybody who gets in their way. I've got news for you, Homie. You're in the damn way!

Hannah: You want to know why.
Thomas: Yeah. Me, Rick, Nuzo, TC. You betrayed us. You betrayed me. For what?
Hannah: That's complicated.
Thomas: That's not an answer.
Hannah: That's all you're gonna get.
Thomas: Was it money? Is that what you got for giving us up?
Hannah: It doesn't matter.
Thomas: It does to me.
Hannah: No. What matters right now is that I'm trying to keep you safe. That's why I'm asking you to back off.
Thomas: Back off?
Hannah: I know where the gold is, and I'm going after it.
Thomas: Nuzo was killed because of that gold.
Hannah: I know. I had nothing to do with that. I know you don't believe me, Thomas, but it's the truth. Just remember, I asked you nicely to stand down. Goodbye.
[Hannah and the armed men drive away, leaving Magnum and Higgins unharmed]

[Magnum goes over his belongings from the military service. He finds a photo of Hannah,: Hannah is sleeping, and Magnum photographs her. Hannah wakes up]
Hannah: Did you just take a picture of me?
Thomas: [smiles] Way better than when you're awake.
Hannah: Funny.
Thomas: [bends over Hannah] How about some coffee?
Hannah: Mm, yes, I would love one of those dark roasts from Milly's that you're always raving about.
Thomas: Oh, Milly's. That sounds good. Mm-hmm.
Hannah: [hugs Magnum] And a big stack of pancakes. And then I want to see the place you used to go to with your dad.
Thomas: Luray Caverns.
Hannah: [nods] Yeah.
Thomas: Yeah?
Hannah: I want to see it.
[they kiss passionately]

Thomas: I could use a little help here.
Juliet: It's just one guy.
Thomas: He's a really big guy!

Juliett: You kept your promise. I hope that makes up for the fact there's no reward.
Thomas: Absolutely.
Juliett: Maybe now he'll be able to get a little more closure.
Thomas: Yeah. I think so. You know, my, um... my mom passed away when I was in Afghanistan. She had been... sick for a while, but, uh... she passed while I was in captivity.
Juliett: You missed her funeral.
Thomas: Yeah. I didn't even know she died until after I was released.
Juliett: That's why you were willing to sacrifice the reward. You knew how important it was to him.

Juliet: [as bare-chested Magnum enters with just a towel wrapped around his loins] Oh, my God, you're dripping water everywhere!
Thomas: Relax. It's just some drops.
Thomas: I'll... I'll wipe it up.

Juliet: Morning, Magnum.
Thomas: [clearly didn't want to get out of bed] Good morning.
Juliet: Did I wake you?
Thomas: Yes! I hope it's important. You know I'm on a date, right?
Juliet: I thought that was last night.
Thomas: It's the kind of date that just keeps... going and going and going long on into the morning.

Juliet: [re the stolen urn] Odd though that they left several items behind of greater value.
Thomas: It's easier to steal a ten-inch urn than a fifty-inch flat screen.
Juliet: Unfortunately for our client, even if we *do* manage to recover the urn, the likelihood of that bag of ashes still being inside is kinda remote.
Thomas: You saw how important it was to her. We have to at least try.
Juliet: You know, it would be remiss of me if I didn't point out that you *really* should have vetted this case more thoroughly when you spoke to Mrs. Yang.
Thomas: I was wondering how long it was gonna take before you bring that up.
Juliet: Well, it was a pretty big screw-up, Magnum, even for you.

[Mac tells Magnum what she discovered about the people who kidnapped him]
Lt. Josie 'Mac' MacReynolds: Foley and Brackett both had a connection to Hannah.
[pause. Higgins looks at Magnum]
Thomas: What sort of connection?
Lt. Josie 'Mac' MacReynolds: After Hannah broke bad, became a fugitive, she recruited Foley and Brackett to work for her.
Thomas: So a traitor CIA washout went into business with a wanted CIA officer?
Lt. Josie 'Mac' MacReynolds: [nods] Using everything they learned from Uncle Sam.
Juliet: What's the latest Intel you have on them?
Lt. Josie 'Mac' MacReynolds: The three of them were spotted in Morocco together four months ago. But by the time the CIA could move in, they were gone.

Thomas: I think our best chance we have of seeing these guys is the hotel's video surveillance.
Orville: No, I told you, that place has a very high-security firewall. It would take days to break through.
Thomas: Well, that's why we've just got to go down there and get it.
Theodore: But how? You're not a cop.
Orville: Yeah, and I have a feeling that they're not just gonna hand it over if you go there and ask nicely.
Thomas: No, you're probably right. But I think I have an idea.
[he dials his phone]
Juliett: [on the other end] Hello.
Thomas: Higgy, it's Magnum. Uh, how do you feel about being my wife?

Thomas: My name is Thomas Magnum. I reside at the estate of Robin Masters, where I'm in charge of security, which means I am... uh, basically a-a peer of the... well, kind of pretty close to the HPD.
Orville: [poking him with a foam finger] No! Not specific enough.
Thomas: What do you mean?
Orville: I mean, you've got to name-check Katsumoto. All right? He is your ace in the hole and your best friend.
Thomas: Yeah, I don't think we're quite there yet.
Orville: Do you want my help or not?

Detective: What do you want, Magnum?
Thomas: Well, I am, uh, working on a case...
Detective: You're tracking down Skip Jenkins.
Thomas: How'd you know?
Detective: Because every P.I. and bounty hunter in town is tracking down Skip Jenkins.
Thomas: Eh, come on, admit it. Out of all the private investigators on the island, I think you hate me the least.
Detective: It's debatable.

Thomas: Where the hell were you?
Juliett: Tone.
Thomas: I'm sorry. I was worried about you.
Juliett: Well, that sounded almost genuine. I was out front with Kumu. What's wrong?
Thomas: I was just threatened at a gas station to back off the investigation.
Juliett: By who?
Thomas: I don't know. It was an Asian guy, he was well-dressed, drove a black Mercedes G-Wagen with tinted windows and no plates.
Juliett: Okay, I'll see if I can find any security footage. The station on Liliha?
Thomas: How'd you know that?
Juliett: They sell the cheapest petrol, and you pay with coins you find under the floor mat.

Thomas: How did the tow truck get ahold of the Ferrari?
Juliett: It was simple, really. They just fit brackets to the wheels so that the towing mechanism can safely lift the car onto the back of the truck.
Kumu: What'd you think? They yank it up with a big hook like in the cartoons?
Thomas: No, I mean, like, why did they tow it away?
Juliett: Well, that's also simple. After you damaged the Ferrari, the check that you cut for the repairs bounced. So the Ferrari's gonna remain repossessed until you can pay the debt.
Thomas: Well, clearly, I just needed a little more time. Why didn't you cover me?
Juliett: I think he's missing the point here, Kumu.

Juliett: You know, you really didn't have to hold on quite that tight, Magnum.
Thomas: Well, you didn't have to go so fast. You did that on purpose.
[seeing one of Robin's cars]
Thomas: Wow! Look a that!
Juliett: Mm, that's Robin's new toy.
Thomas: Supra!
Juliett: Uh-huh.
Thomas: It's beautiful.
Juliett: And it's completely off-limits to you, by the way.
Thomas: Relax, I'm just admiring.

Brandon: Oh, man, you are a lifesaver, literally.
Thomas: All good, brother. Watch your step.
Brandon: You got it.
Juliett: Juliett Higgins. Welcome aboard.
Brandon: Ah, thanks. Great yacht.
[drawing a pistol]
Brandon: I think I'll take it. Get back. Get back.
[to Magnum]
Brandon: Stay right where you are. Get back. Now, get off the boat.
Juliett: No, I'm sorry, I, uh... I won't be doing that.
Brandon: Excuse me? What do you mean "no"?
Juliett: Well, this isn't my vessel to surrender. It belongs to my employer.
Brandon: [indicating his gun] Well, you see this? This means I make the rules, not you.
Thomas: You talking about that funny hat? Kind of hot to be wearing a beanie, isn't it?
Brandon: You say another word and I'll shoot you instead!
Thomas: Another word.

[Magnum enters the house. Sensing a danger, he draws his gun. Kumu walks out of the kitchen, looking frightened]
Thomas: Kumu, you okay? What's going on?
[Hannah comes out of the kitchen, blood covering her shirt, pointing a gun at Kumu. She presses her left palm to her injury]
Thomas: [shocked] Hannah?
Hannah: Hello, Thomas.
Thomas: Kumu, go to the main house. Don't say anything to anyone. It's okay. Go.
[Kumu looks fearfully at Hannah, then leaves. Magnum and Hannah point their guns at each other]
Thomas: Whoever shot you has lousy aim.
Hannah: [panting painfully] Actually, there were two of them. I was lucky to get out of there alive.
Thomas: I don't suppose you were at a house in Makakilo today?
Thomas: You murdered my client.
Hannah: I had no choice. I had Dotson hire you to find Pak Jung Soo. After you did, Dotson stashed him somewhere and tried to change the terms of our deal.
[a: Hannah threatens Dotson with her gun]
Hannah: Where is he?
Tyler: Pay me my money, and I'll take you to him.
[Hannah throws an envelope to Dotson]
Hannah: That's all I have.
[Dotson takes a wad of money out of the envelope]
Tyler: Well, then you better find a way of getting the rest.
[Hannah shoots near Dotson's head]
Hannah: There is no rest. Where is he?
[an armed man appears behind Hannah. Hannah turns to face him. He shoots Hannah at her stomach. Hannah shoots back and kills him. They both collapse. Dotson rushes to the other man and picks his gun. Hannah retrieves her gun and points it at Dotson]
Hannah: Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't!
[Dotson does not listen to Hannah and points the gun at her. Before he can shoot, she shoots first and kills him. The flashback ends]
Thomas: Why were you after Pak?
Hannah: He was the architect of North Korea's attempt to destabilize the U.S. economy using counterfeit currency.
Thomas: You didn't answer my question. Why did you need him?
Hannah: It's the same reason I needed the gold from that sunken ship. It's the same reason I betrayed you and the guys in Afghanistan.
[weakened by loss of blood, Hannah collapses. Magnum rushes to her and takes her gun. He drops the gun on the sofa, takes a cellphone from his pocket and dials a number]
Hannah: Wait. Thomas, what are you doing?
[a voice is heard from the phone "HPD. How may I direct your call?"]
Thomas: I need to speak to Detective Katsumoto.
Hannah: [pleading] No. Hang up the phone. Please.
Thomas: You committed treason!
Hannah: Hang up the phone.
Thomas: You're going to prison!
Hannah: Just hear me out, okay?

Juliet: Okay, here we are. Looks like the gun was reported stolen two years ago, and it's been linked to some unsolved robberies in Michigan and Virginia.
Thomas: And eventually ended up in the hands of our client, who has no idea how he got it or how he got to Hawaii. This case is gonna be a breeze.

[Magnum speaks with Higgins about Hannah]
Thomas: I was gonna propose. Everything was set. And then...
Juliet: What?
Thomas: Got sidetracked. It should have never happened. We were on an op doing recon on a possible target in the Hindu Kush, and... we got captured during exfil. For me, the worst part about being held was fearing that I'd never see Hannah again.
[a: Magnum, held in prison, watches the street through a crack in the prison wall. He sees a jeep arrives. Hannah steps out of the jeep and approaches a high-rank Afghan officer. He shakes his head and gives her an envelope. Hannah looks inside the envelope. Shocked, Magnum shakes his head in disbelief. He repeatedly cries her name aloud as she enters the jeep and leaves]
Thomas: I couldn't believe it. I figured she'd come to negotiate our release, but... that wasn't why she was there. We thought it was just... dumb luck that we were captured, but in that moment I realized... it wasn't. Hannah was one of very few people who knew the details of the mission. Where we would be.
Juliet: You think she gave you up?
Thomas: Yeah.
Juliet: Why would she do that?
Thomas: I've been asking myself that same question since the day she drove away.