Top 20 Quotes From Detective Gordon Katsumoto

Detective: Higgins, hey. I think you and the kid might've actually cracked this thing. Got ballistics back on the gun. Lab confirms it's our murder weapon. It's registered to some guy on the mainland. But get this, his ex-wife lives two doors down from the Akamus. Her name's Clara Bolton. I'm just waiting on a warrant. Call me back.

Detective: You look just like Phoebe.
Ella: You knew my mom?
Detective: Mm-hmm.
Ella: So, you'll help us?
Detective: [glancing at Higgins] I'll call the crime lab and ask for a favor. We can go from there.

Detective: Let us in, Magnum. There's a manhunt in progress, and we tracked the fugitive to this area.
Thomas: Yeah, I know. Milo Rivers, right?
Detective: That's right. How did you...
Juliett: He's already been here. And you can add kidnapping to his murder charge, as he's taken Kumu.

Juliet: Postmark indicates the letter was sent from the same area that the robbery/homicide took place. Also, the author appears to be left-handed.
Detective: Yeah. Ink smudges are a dead giveaway. Unfortunately, one in ten people are left-handed. Doesn't really narrow it down too much.
Juliet: Right. So, if we want any real answers, the items need to go to the crime lab.
Detective: And the Cold Case Squad.
Juliet: Well, yeah, but, you know, they probably have their plates full, and... look this is personal for the girl. If we hand this stuff over, we're surely gonna get tossed aside, and then who knows how long 'til Ella gets any answers?
[as if on cue, Ella comes up to the desk]
Juliet: I thought asked you to wait by the vending machines.
Ella: I figured it was more of a suggestion.

Ella: Have you talked to Juliet?
Detective: I just left her a message.
Ella: But she hasn't called back?
Detective: What's wrong, Ella?
Ella: She left to follow a lead, like, an hour ago, and she's not answering texts. Dad says she's just busy, but I've got a bad feeling.
Detective: Do you know where she went?
Ella: To talk to one of the neighbors.
Detective: [becoming alarmed] Which one?

Detective: Tell me about your client.
Thomas: His name's Dotson. Hired me to find this refugee from North Korea named Pak Jung Soo.
[Magnum hands his cellhpone to Katsumoto. The phone shows a photo of Pak. Katsumoto looks at it closely]
Thomas: Dotson met Pak when he went to Pyongyang with a tour group a few years ago. Then, just last week, he saw somebody who was a dead ringer for Pak exit a bus on Keeaumoko Street. Hired me to find him.
Detective: Did you?
Thomas: Yeah. Apparently he escaped North Korea last summer.
Detective: [nods] All right. Text me his address. I'll take it from here.

Detective: I spoke to the P.A. She plans to go for the max.
Juliet: Which means, thanks to you, Ella, Clara is going away for a really long time.
Cole: Well, we appreciate the house call. We know you've had a long day.
Ella: So, how much do I owe you, Juliet?
Juliet: [short laugh] Uh, well, Ella, you saved my life today, so I reckon we're square. Thank you.
Cole: Your mom would've been so proud of you today. I know I am.
Ella: [his hug goes on longer than desired] Okay, now you're just embarrassing me.

Thomas: [narrating] I'm gonna call my best friend and see what HPD knows that isn't in the file.
[Magnum calls Katsumoto. Katsumoto answers the phone, immediately recognizing who is the caller]
Detective: [sourly] Whatever you want, my answer's no.
Thomas: But a life is on the line.
Detective: Detective Dole already investigated Libby Conner's murder.
Thomas: How did you know...
Detective: He painstakingly collected evidence and brought it to the P.A., who decided to prosecute Josh Healy because the case was solid.
Thomas: Yeah, but there was another suspect who was never interviewed.
Detective: Police work 101: you follow leads. When one pans out, you don't then follow the other hundred. That would waste time and resources.
Thomas: What if Josh is innocent?
Detective: I'm certain you'll prove it.
Thomas: Really?
Detective: No.

Hannah: Just hear me out, okay? I know you have no reason to trust me.
Thomas: You're right. I don't.
Hannah: Just ask yourself this. Why would I risk everything to come here?
Thomas: I'm done asking questions.
Hannah: Thomas, please. I'm ready to tell you the truth, all of it. You deserve that.
Detective: [his voice is heard from the phone] This is Katsumoto.
Hannah: But more than that, I think it's something you need... Sorry I can't help you, Magnum.
Detective: Hello? Hello?
Hannah: Please. Please.
[Hannah faints]
Detective: Hello?
[Magnum turns off the phone]

Detective: Still don't get why you guys are doing this.
Thomas: Mike and Terry wanted to free these people, and it cost them their lives. We didn't know them but they're still our brothers. We're going to finish what they started.

Juliet: Any luck with Harry's phone?
Detective: Wasn't on him. His car is missing too. But after the docs remove the slugs we'll run ballistics, hopefully that will give us a lead.
Thomas: Harry called me a couple of hours ago. Didn't leave a message. I figured he was just checking in. But...
[sighs, shakes his head]
Thomas: he was in trouble.
[blames himself]
Juliet: Magnum... we can't yet be certain that this has anything to do with the probate case. You said it yourself this is a small...
Thomas: But maybe... I was wrong. Uh, maybe the person he was looking for didn't wanna be found.
Detective: HPD will follow up with the estate lawyer, get the name of the heir Harry was looking for.
[to: ]
Detective: Can you get me the lawyer's info?
Juliet: Of course.
Detective: Harry's retired HPD, one of our own. We'll catch whoever did this.
[Thomas goes on his way, a determined look on his face]
Detective: Where's he going?
Juliet: Where do you think? You're not gonna be the only ones looking for the person who did this.

Detective: Leo Cho. Worked for the Company.
Thomas: The Hawaiian Syndicate? Thought they were done decades ago.
Detective: They were. 'Till they thought it was safe to re-engage. Now they hide behind clean businesses. You made some pretty bad enemies, Magnum.
Juliett: Actually, uh, I was responsible for this body.
Detective: This body? Is there another I should be aware of?
Thomas: Well, funny you should ask. Rudy Wong is no longer with us.
[indicating the body]
Thomas: But that's all him.

Detective: All right, listen up. As of this moment, any officer who's off duty is now *on.* We have an escaped prisoner on the run named Mason Watts. He's not just any prisoner, he's a mad murderer who was declared criminally insane. We need to hunt him down and we need to do it fast. We're less than three miles from a residential area. Set up checkpoints on all major streets in the vicinity, I want birds in the air and canines on the ground. It's Halloween, kids are on the street, and we have a real-life monster on the loose. Let's go get him!

Thomas: By the way, I promise to never lie to you again
Detective: You just did!

Thomas: Honestly, I can't thank you enough.
Detective: Turns out, Higgins can be even more annoying than you.
Thomas: [laughing] Right?
Detective: Now I have to take the judge to dinner. She's a... complicated woman.
Thomas: Wait. Hold on, you and Judge Kamaka dated?
Detective: Contrary to what you tried to sell in court this morning - perjury, by the way - we are not best friends. My personal life is none of your business.
Thomas: When did it end? Or-or did it end? I don't know.
Detective: I was wrong. You and Higgins are equally annoying.
Thomas: Yeah, well, I've been called worse.

Cole: Thank you, again. Both of you.
Detective: We're just doing our jobs.
Cole: Oh, not just for solving the case but for looking out for us. Until today, I didn't realize how much anger I was still carrying. That's not the kind of man or father my wife would've wanted me to be.
Juliet: Hmm. Well, I didn't know Phoebe, but... I'm certain this case never meant more to her than you and Ella. If she was... anything like me, it would've just been easier to solve the Akamu case than... than to find a way to say goodbye.

Detective: [hearing the mayor is on the phone] Hello?
Thomas: Katsumoto.
Detective: I should've known.
Thomas: [snickering] I'm sorry, man. I... I really needed to talk to you, and I didn't want you screening my call.

Dennis: [seeing all the prepared food] Was there a Bobby Flay Marathon on the Food Network?
Detective: I'll have you know that I could cook that man under the table.

Detective: You haven't started going through the book yet.
Jin: I can't. Everybody's looking at me.
Detective: Of course they are. They know you. They're making sure you're not stealing anything off my desk.

Detective: I can't believe I let you talk me into this. This is a bad idea.
Thomas: People see a tour copter, it's not gonna raise any red flags.
Detective: No, I'm not talking that. That's a good idea. I'm talking about letting you come along. I don't care if you were military. You guys are civilians now.
Thomas: We're gonna be over international waters. Anything goes wrong, you will not be held responsible. Trust me.