The Best Kaitlyn Leeb Quotes

Camille: Poor darling boy. I was wondering when you'd come back.
Simon: You... You're not mad?
Camille: On the contrary, I've been expecting you. You see... It's just my blood running through your veins. It can have some curious effects. But I assure you they're all harmless. In time they'll fade and you'll return to normal.
Simon: Thank God. Um... But i'm okay? I'm still human?
Camille: Well, of course you are. Or at least you would have been.
[Camille lunges forward towards Simon]

Camille: Blood is stronger than will. Stronger than desire. Even stronger than love.

Susan: Someone knows. Someone knows, and now they're gonna come for us.
Dawn: Susan, you need to calm down, okay?
Susan: Andi was bled out! She was tied up and bled out! So don't tell me to calm down!
Dawn: [entering their cabin] Oh, my god.
[written on the wall in blood are the words "I Know You Killed Her"]

Peter: Dawn, stop! She's alive!
Dawn: Yes, and we need to do something about that.
Peter: We have to take her back.
Dawn: What do you think she's gonna do if we take her back? Do you think she's gonna thank us and say "O-Oh, gee, these five jokesters, they almost killed me, but then they saved my life, so we're all good"? No, she's gonna say that we took her out here and we got her drunk and we tried to fucking kill her.
Talvinder: I won't!
Peter: No, no, no, no, we didn't mean to!
Noah: Look, i-it's her word against ours.
Peter: Please, guys, if-if we take her back right...
Dawn: If we take her back, we're going to jail. Attempted murder, assault.
Peter: She's alive!
Dawn: Yes. And you heard her, right? She threatened us. She can destroy us, so we need to finish this. We need to finish this tonight.
Susan: No, no, no, we just took her out here to scare her, teach her a lesson, that's all!
Dawn: Susan, the plan fucking changed. So what are we gonna do now?