20 Best Enuka Okuma Quotes

Dylan: The Executioner is not concerned with being economical with his killings.
Lisa: Well, that brings up the key question I have. What does this killer want? Why is he doing this? Thoughts?
Dylan: Well, I feel like the religious nature of these crimes can't be ignored. "My god is a vengeful god."
Lisa: Jesus also says "turn the other cheek."
Dylan: In the New Testament, but I feel like this killer is more motivated by the Old.
Lisa: Very good point, Dylan. People forget there are two sides to Christianity. So what do you think his motivations...
Alison: Why don't we ask the Executioner himself? Serial killers write to newspapers all the time. Uh, the Son of Sam, BTK, the Zodiac. If the Executioner has a message, then please talk to me. Let me interview you one-on-one.
Lisa: [taken aback] We'll be right back to talk more about the religious aspects of these terrible crimes.

Marika: [Showing up at her job unannounced] what're you doing here?
Colonel: We need to talk
Marika: [after looking at her watch] I get a break in twenty minutes
Colonel: [Insistently] no, now
Marika: What is it? You're scaring me
Colonel: Something's come up, I need to leave the country
Marika: What? When?
Colonel: Right away
Marika: I don't understand: when are you coming back?
Colonel: Listen to me I haven't "entirely" honest with you, my passport and visa expired months ago and I've been in the country illegally. I'm afraid the Immigration people have caught up to me
Marika: It was my sister wasn't it? She reported you didn't she?
Colonel: That doesn't matter now, what is important is that I have to leave country tonight, I want you to come with me
Marika: Tonight?
Colonel: We've talked about this: that one day I will take you away from here and give you the life you deserve
Marika: I want that too but not tonight, not so soon
Colonel: [Angrily] I don't have time to argue with you
Colonel: [after seeing her become scared] I'm sorry
Marika: I can't leave Rosa, I'm the only one she has to take care of her, and you know that
Colonel: I know, which is why she's going to join us
Marika: Join us?
Colonel: As soon as possible, I could only arrange tickets for us tonight but I want you to promise that you'll not tell your sister of our plans: at least not yet
Marika: I have to, I can't just run off
Colonel: No, she might cause trouble for us. It'll make it impossible for us to leave. I promise you, your sister will join us in a couple days of our arrival ok?
Marika: Alright, where?
Colonel: Belize, I have shown you the photographs of my home there. Do you love me?
Marika: You know I do
Colonel: Then trust me: say you'll come
Marika: I'll get my things
Colonel: Now I still need to finalize our arrangements. I want you to go home, pack, and wait for my call
Marika: Alright

Saphia: Oh, all of this, for me - I'm not worth it.
Captain: Your friends seem to think you are. Maybe it's time you proved them right.
Beka: Dylan, we're just about ready to go. Well, it's been real, it's been fun, but I can't say I...
Captain: Beka.
Beka: Right, I'll prep the Maru.

Rosa: [while Marika gets dressed] what're you doing? Where are you going?
Marika: Listen to me, we're going away from here: all of us
Rosa: What'd you mean "all"?
Marika: Samuel told me "the truth", he's an illegal like you thought. He has to leave the country and I've agreed to go with him
Rosa: You're leaving me?
Marika: No, only for a "short time", you're going to come too. Samuel's made plans for us to live with him in Belize
Rosa: His lying to you
Marika: His not
Rosa: [Raises her voice] I won't let you do this
Marika: [Irritated] my God, I have taken care of you my entire life. I've sacrificed everything for you: why can't you let me have this?
Rosa: I don't trust him
Marika: You've never liked any men whose shown interest in me. Every chance I had at happiness, you found some way of ruining it but not this time
Rosa: I'm begging you, listen to me

Lisa: So, I just watched a rough cut of your interview.
[squeezing in between Alison and Dylan]
Lisa: Excuse me. And, uh, my dear, for the first time in my life, I was speechless.
Alison: [with a happy squeal] Awesome. That is great.
Lisa: Unbelievable.
Alison: Hm! Okay, so, um.. okay, here's something that I've been wanting to ask.
Lisa: Uh-huh?
Alison: How do I translate all of this into... something bigger?
Lisa: Bigger?
Alison: Well, the story's burning bright for now, but it won't last forever. Hell, we're almost out of sins.
Lisa: Okay, so what exactly does bigger look like?
Alison: Look, I was born in Waterbury. I've spent most of my life here. God, I... rent the apartment above the Bulletin because I've sunk all my life savings just to keep it on life support. I refuse to die here. Not with this albatross of a newspaper wrapped around my neck.
Lisa: Girl to girl, no bullshit?
Alison: Yeah, of course.
Lisa: Okay. What you did with the Executioner, balls to the wall. But he is a pussycat. People like me, we have no moral code. You can't, not in this business, and honey, underneath all of the bluster, you're actually kinda nice. It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing, really.

Colonel: [Over the phone, as Jack and Renee listen in] are you alright?
Marika: Yes
Colonel: What took you so long to answer the phone?
Marika: I was in the bedroom packing: where are you?
Colonel: What's wrong? You sound strange
Marika: It was Rosa, she caught me packing and we argued
Colonel: Is she going to be a problem for us?
Marika: No, I'm sorry I had to tell her everything. It was the way... but she understands now
Colonel: Are you certain?
Marika: Yeah, she's fine now that she knows that she and I will be together in a few days
Colonel: Thank God she has an angel for a sister, are you ready to go?
Marika: Almost
Colonel: Hurry up then, I sent a car for you: it should be there shortly, go downstairs and wait for it
Marika: Where's it taking me?
Colonel: Don't worry, the driver will know. I just want the woman I love to go downstairs as quick as possible

Marika: I have to get back to the diner: are you going to be ok?
Rosa: [Referring to Dubaku, posing as "Samuel"] who was that on the phone? It was "him" wasn't it?
Marika: Alright, stop. I know you don't "approve" of Samuel but I love him
Rosa: You love him? Why? Because he spends money on you? Because he pays our rent? You've only "known" him for only a month
Marika: What difference does that make?
Rosa: You don't know anything about him, what if his not the importer he says he is? Or that he's in this country illegally?
Marika: [Irritated] oh, not "this" again
Rosa: I'm just trying to protect you
Marika: [Sternly] I don't need your protection
Rosa: Yes you do: this man isn't...
Marika: Isn't what?
Rosa: Nothing, forget it
Marika: I'm sorry, I don't have time for this. I'll be home after my shift

Lisa: Now, this original Executioner, the one rotting in jail, have you met him?
Dylan: Uh, no, I have not.
Lisa: I think you should try to book him.
Dylan: Yeah.
Lisa: It's ratings dynamite.

Lisa: "Making love to Cam is like going for a bad massage. A lot of touching, a lot of squeezing, and you end up feeling sore and kind of embarrassed." Ouch. And you're telling me Cam Henry is not a suspect?
Dylan: Cam Henry is a respected member of the Waterbury police department.
Lisa: John Wayne Gacy dressed up as a clown and performed at children's birthday parties. Means nada.
Dylan: Does this look bad for Sgt. Henry? Absolutely. But we have to remember, Lisa-Ann, these murders are motivated by the seven deadly sins, and last time I checked, screwing around on your husband is not one of them.
Lisa: Lust is.

Lisa: What are you gonna have?
Dylan: Well, it's a toss-up between the ossobuco potato stack and the Chinese chicken salad with mandarin segments. Welcome to 1996.

Lisa: Cheers.
Dylan: To what?
Lisa: The biggest story since Casey Anthony.
Dylan: Yeah, well, I'm not sure everyone shares your enthusiasm.
Lisa: Okay... I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding.
Dylan: No. No misunderstanding. You chose Alison over me, and then she got her head deep-fried.
Lisa: Okay, so then how do I make it better?
Dylan: What are you offering?
Lisa: What do you want? More money? Done. Airtime? You'll be my go-to guy on this case. We can talk about bringing you in on a permanent basis. Why don't you come by my hotel? We'll order a bottle, do a little career planning...
Dylan: A book deal.
Lisa: I'm sorry, what?
Dylan: A book deal. True crime. All of the killings, starting 30 years ago.
Lisa: I'm not a publisher, Dylan.
Dylan: You've published four books and you didn't write any of 'em.
[a waiter approaches]
Dylan: You ready to order? 'Cause I know what I want.

Lisa: I'm attracted to the story for a bunch of reasons. One, it's great drama. Who doesn't love a series of murders in a small town? Two, it's got an incredible backstory.
Dylan: Mm-hmm.
Lisa: And it's happening in real time. Three, it's not on the radar. Not yet. That's why I wanted to be here first. Trust me, I'm not in Waterbury for the fine dining.

Colonel: [Confronting her, after discovering she's working for the FBI to capture him] I trusted you, how could you do this to me?
Marika: The FBI told me who you really are: the terrible things you've done
Colonel: And you believed them? They showed you "lies" created by my enemies. You don't know me and you don't know my country, I brought peace to Sangala. When I heard what you've done, it felt like a dagger through my heart. I'm a forgiving man, I still want you to come with me. I want to give you the life I promised
Marika: I can't... go with you, I don't know who you are
Colonel: You do. If you look past your fear, you'll see that I am still the man you fell in love with. I won't leave without you
Marika: Alright

Lisa: Now, before you get all angry and accuse me of ambushing you, in my defense, you kept a pretty key piece of evidence from me tonight.
Dylan: The fact that my wife is on a kill list? Yeah, I can't imagine I'd want to keep that to myself.
Lisa: It's news. I mean, it's horrible news, and I hope it all works out, but this is what we do.

Dylan: Alison, this guy is not done killing. He has three more to go; pride, lust, greed. And call me crazy, but throwing yourself to the lions, that seems a little prideful.
Alison: Are you concerned or are you just jealous that you didn't think of it first?
Dylan: Jealous?
Lisa: He's a cold-blooded killer.
Alison: He is, and, uh... that'll make for an incredible interview, won't it?

Lisa: Well, you wasted no time moving in.
Dylan: Someone's gotta hold down the fort.
Lisa: Dylan... this story is breaking, big. And I wanna talk next steps.
Dylan: So does Megyn Kelly. And "Dateline". And "48 Hours Mystery".
Lisa: Well, lucky for me, I got in on the ground floor. What are you doing tonight?
Dylan: Eatin' a sandwich, right here.
Lisa: You can take an hour out and have dinner with me. Like a civilized person. Tell me the time and the place.
Dylan: Well, there is only one place. How's, um... how's 7:00?
Lisa: Perfect. Looking forward to it.

Alison: You remember that News of the World scandal over in the UK, where they hacked into the phone of that murdered girl's parents?
Lisa: Of course. What about it?
Alison: Well, let's just say they could've learned a thing or two from me. 'Cause I was never caught. Ariel Peterson's disappearance was big news, at least for a while, but with no new leads, the story started to die a slow death, so... I made sure it stayed alive. Benny Peterson was a controlling, jealous man. Everyone knew it. He threatened to kill Heather and Ariel if Heather ever left him. All the facts pointed to him, but there was no smoking gun. So I provided one. Did the trick. The readership shot up. Made enough money to keep the Bulletin afloat for another year, Vaughn focused the entire investigation on Benny Peterson. Built a compelling case against him. And then... Benny hung himself. Everyone assumed the case was solved. Benny killed his daughter, then he hung himself out of guilt. But... Heather never bought it. And Diane...
Lisa: What?
Alison: Well, what if I was wrong? What if Benny was innocent? What if Ariel's still out there and whoever took her got away with it because of me?
Lisa: What if... what if he was guilty, and you nudged justice along? Tell me... if you could go back, if you could do things differently, would you?
Alison: [thinking] That e-mail kept the lights on and my staff being paid.
Alison: [to the bartender] Get this lady a drink, pronto.

Lisa: A picture-postcard small town, a series of bloody murders, one more gruesome than the next. Is this the latest Hollywood blockbuster? No, this is reality for the citizens of Waterbury. I'm coming to you live on location with two journalists who are living this nightmare. Dylan Bennett, the fearless editor in chief of the Waterbury Bulletin, and its publisher, Alison Sutherland. Thank you for welcoming me to your town.
Dylan: Thank you for having us.
Lisa: Now, this latest victim, June Henry, she was the wife of a police deputy.
Dylan: Yes, and she was having an affair with our fourth victim, Trent McBride.
Lisa: Is the husband a suspect?
Dylan: No.
Lisa: Why not?
Dylan: You see, these were not crimes of passion. All the victims have a... a deep, dark secret in their past.
Lisa: And these secrets are based on one of the deadly sins, am I right?
Dylan: Yeah, that is the working theory.
Lisa: Well, then, would you say that this killer is a vigilante, cleaning up your town?
Alison: [not sure how to respond] Uh...
Dylan: Is he... well, I'm a big believer in justice. I'm a journalist. Our job is to expose the truth.

Lisa: This one has to be my favorite. "I want all of it, Trent. I want the fights and the make-ups. I want the kisses goodnight and the waking up the next morning in your strong arms. I want to walk along the beach with you at Katherine Cove, the sand between our toes, just you and me and the sunset. I want to kiss you and call you baby. That's what I want, Trent, with you."
Lisa: She sounds like an oxygen-deprived teenager. How did you get these? They are gold.
Alison: [covering] Uh, they were e-mailed to us. We can't reveal our source, obviously.

Lisa: Holy... shit.
Dylan: Okay, let's... let's pump the brakes here. Can we confirm that that's him? That could be anybody in the mask.
Alison: You heard what he told me. Stuff only the Executioner would know.
Lisa: Alison, you must have been terrified.
Alison: [laughing] Well, when he stood up at the end, I'll admit my bladder and brain had a momentary disconnect.
Lisa: Well, our techies should be able to clear up picture and sound, but I kind of like the vérité quality. And I want to build an entire special around it.
Alison: Really? Oh, okay. Wow.
Lisa: I am putting you on a plane to New York tomorrow. We'll do it in our studio. We'll bring in some big names. Are there any journalists or crime writers that you are particularly fond of?
Alison: Uh... oh, God. Okay. Uh, let me think. Um... or, Dylan, anybody you can...?
Lisa: Oh, we'll pipe Dylan in from here if we need him. Someone's gotta hold down the fort, right?
Dylan: Hey, guys, what about going to the police, you know? I mean, this is a pretty major break in the case.
Lisa: It is, and they can watch it on TV tomorrow night like the rest of the world.