The Best June Henry Quotes

June: It was five years ago. The night Ariel Peterson went missing. Me and Trent, we had worked an 18-hour shift. It was a long, brutal day. I was wiped, so... Trent dropped me off at home. He said he'd take the ambulance back and sign us both out. He told me he drove past Ariel on the way to the hospital. She was drunk. She'd been sick, and... and he knew if he picked her up, his 18-hour shift would turn into 22 by the time they processed her in the hospital. So he made sure she was okay... and left her to walk home. Ask any paramedic. When you come across a kid who's been drinking but who can still make it home, you... you turn a blind eye. Trent never imagined that...
Chief: What? Ariel wouldn't make it home? That she'd just disappear?
June: No.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You've known this for five years, June. You never thought to tell us?
June: I wanted to, but I... I promised Trent. This town would have never forgiven him if I told you what happened.
Sgt. Cam Henry: So that's it, hmm? That's what you were worried about?

Sarah: June, I-I'm sure Cam has told you, but this killer is targeting his victims. So anything in Trent's past, something he might have done...
June: People will hate him.
Sarah: That can't hurt him now. But if you know something, you've gotta speak up.

Sarah: June, what are you doing?
June: [stripping down to her underwear] Going for a swim. You should come.
Robin: I forgot my Speedo at home, babe.
June: [taking off her bra] You don't need a bathing suit.
Sarah: OHH! No, no... . oh, wow.
June: [getting into the water] Come on, Robin. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Remember? Pam Simon's pool? We all went skinny dipping.
Sarah: Okay, you keep an eye on her.
June: You hooked up with Andrew in her parents' hot tub.
Robin: Yeah, she'll be fine. She's got built-in life preservers.

Chief: Did Trent say where he saw Ariel last? What street was she on?
June: Sheridan, I think. Just outside of downtown. Sheridan and Market.
Chief: All right, I'm gonna go to the vault, and I'm gonna pull all the closed-circuit TV footage that I filed from that night. Anything on Sheridan Street, I'll go through with a fine-tooth comb again.
June: I'm sorry.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You're sorry?
Sarah: Cam! Cam, you're not helping.
Sgt. Cam Henry: June, you're sorry?
Sarah: Cam.
Sgt. Cam Henry: A 15-year-old girl went missing that night, June, and you protected the piece of shit who did that. *You* did!

June: Ever since she got here, she's been like... like a stalker. Going for walks together, having private conversations, hugging each other!
Sarah: June, Cam and I are just friends.
June: You want Cam, and you always have!
Sarah: June, I'm married, so...
June: That didn't stop your slut of a mom!

June: I knew you'd come for me.

Trent: Ah, looks like someone just yawned a Big Bite chunky rainbow.
June: Looks like the Peterson girl. You okay, hon?
Trent: Can you walk?
Ariel: Yeah, I think so.
Trent: Yeah? All right, here's what you're gonna do: you're gonna go straight home, you're gonna drink a bucket of water, take two aspirins and jump into bed. You're not gonna die, you'll just think you did.
June: Shouldn't we drive her home or take her to emerg?
Trent: And hold her hand for three hours until she sobers up? Let her walk it off. And, hey, if I'm gonna be kept up all night, Junebug, it's gonna be because of you.
June: She'll be fine.
Trent: She'll be fine.