The Best Trent McBride Quotes

Trent: Your husband sent me a check and it bounced.
Robin: Fine. Fine, I'll just... I'll, um... I'll write you another one. Or can I... can I just give you cash?
Trent: Robin, it's for a quarter-million dollars. It's the down payment for my hunting lodge.
[seeing he's surprised]
Trent: Oh, he never told you.
Trent: Jesus.
Robin: Justin makes... Justin made all the business decisions. You wanna cut me some slack here?
Trent: I'll tell you what. You talk to your banker, your lawyer, you get me another check. One that doesn't bounce. Tomorrow.

Trent: Ah, looks like someone just yawned a Big Bite chunky rainbow.
June: Looks like the Peterson girl. You okay, hon?
Trent: Can you walk?
Ariel: Yeah, I think so.
Trent: Yeah? All right, here's what you're gonna do: you're gonna go straight home, you're gonna drink a bucket of water, take two aspirins and jump into bed. You're not gonna die, you'll just think you did.
June: Shouldn't we drive her home or take her to emerg?
Trent: And hold her hand for three hours until she sobers up? Let her walk it off. And, hey, if I'm gonna be kept up all night, Junebug, it's gonna be because of you.
June: She'll be fine.
Trent: She'll be fine.