30 Best Robert McCall Quotes

Robert: What happened, Dave?
Dave: You died, that's what happened. Three months after you, uh, disappeared, government shut us down. I went private right after, doing the same thing you and I did for God and country, killing names on a piece of paper. Only now... now there is a price next to it.
Robert: We kill the enemy...
Dave: Who said they were the enemy? Not us, not me. We just following orders... . Mac, there are no good and bad people, any more. No enemies. Just.. unfortunates.
Robert: And Susan?
Dave: Unfortunate.

Robert: [Setting his stopwatch before taking down several Russian mobsters] Sixteen seconds.

Robert: I don't have a lot of time. Which means you don't have any.

Robert: Is it just you, or are we waiting for someone else?
P&E: I'm sorry. What?
Robert: Your hands. If you really work on power lines, your hands wouldn't look like that. We gotta be waiting for somebody else.
P&E: Motherfucker... Hands where I can see them. We're gonna take a little walk across the street, Black Denali.

Robert: There are two kinds of pain in this world. The pain that hurts, the pain that alters.
[In Turkish]
Robert: Today, you get to choose.

Robert: You gotta be who you are in this world, no matter what.

Teri: I bought a little machine for making demos.
Robert: Yea, I bet your good.
Teri: What makes you say that?
Robert: Intuition.

Robert: When you pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too.

Robert: What you do, what you become, is not my concern. The world is full of so-called "men" like you, and, in a perfect world, everything we do comes with a price, but this ain't a perfect world. People do bad things. If you're lucky, you get a chance to set it right, but most of the time it goes unpunished. This ain't one of them times. The mistake you made was you killed my friend. So, I'm gonna kill each and every one of you, and the only disappointment in it for me is that I only get to do it once.

Robert: [offers a cake] Loaded with poison, just like you like it.
Teri: Is it your birthday?
Robert: No, it was some guy at work. I didn't want to waste it.
Teri: Happy birthday, Some Guy at Work... How old are you?
Robert: How old are you?
Teri: Doesn't really matter.

[from trailer]
Ralphie: [asking about Robert's hurt hand] What happened?
Robert: I hit it on something stupid.

Miles: My mom's is gonna be pissed.
Robert: [bandaging him up] Yeah, I'll talk to her.
Miles: Yo, not at me, man. At you.
Robert: You talk to her, then.

Marcus: Hey, yo, Pops. We betting on what you did before you got here.
Jay: Like for a living.
Marcus: I'm saying insurance, claims.
Jay: He was a stock dude, man, on Wall Street.
Robert: I was a Pip.
Jay: Yo, you were a pimp?
Robert: No, not a pimp. A Pip, P-I-P, Pip.
Jay: What fuck is a Pip?
Robert: Why you curse so much? You know, like Gladys Knight and the Pips. Like this.
[starts dancing]

Robert: [Detective Gilly picks up his cell phone] Why waste city services when I got two corrupt cops right in front of me?
Detective: It's that guy.
Detective: This fucking guy?

Robert: [passing the money to the Pushkin's employees] There you go. Thank you very much. There you go. Mr. Pushkin thanks you very much. We're going out of business. Closing down shop. Mr. Pushkin thanks you very much. There you are, sweetheart. Here you go. You're welcome. Accept these parting gifts on behalf of Mr. Pushkin. There you go. Three, two... Look at that, perfect... One. Thank you. Thank you, sweetheart.

Ralphie: I'm not strong enough.
Robert: Don't doubt yourself, son. Doubt kills.

Robert: Progress. Not Perfection.

Robert: Your heart's beating three times the normal rate because you're losing so much blood. About 30 seconds, your body's gonna shut down... and you're gonna suffocate. Alina, the girl you beat half to death, her life will go on. Yours is gonna end right here, on this funky floor... over $9,800. You should have taken the money.
Slavi: Who are you?
Robert: 26 one-thousand... 27 one-thousand... 28 one-thousand... I'm sorry.

Teri: I remembered you lived around here, so I've been swinging by the last few days hoping I'd run into you.
Robert: Yeah?
Teri: Yeah. Pretty different, huh?
Robert: Night and day.
Teri: Yeah, well... I get my stitches out next week.
[taking a book out of her bag]
Teri: Um, I'm reading now.
Robert: Oh, no!
Teri: Yeah.
Robert: Very good.
Teri: I know. I got it from a used book store. The guy there recommended it to me. It's good. I got a job, too. Like, a real job with real hours and stuff.
Robert: Okay.
Teri: You know, when they gave me my stuff back at the hospital, there was this envelope with my name on it. Almost $10,000 inside and a ticket out of town. I don't know, probably hush money, right?
Robert: Probably.
Teri: Who cares? A new start.
Robert: Alina the singer.
Teri: Well, someone once told me I could be whoever I wanted to be.
Robert: Body, mind...
Teri: [fist-bumping] Spirit. I'm gonna miss your stories, Robert.
Robert: You got your own now.
Teri: Thank you. For everything.

Robert: The mistake you made was you killed my friend. So, I'm gonna kill each and every one of you. And the only disappointment in it for me is that I only get to do it once.

Susan: I do fly off to Brussels tomorrow.
Robert: Thought you were retired?
Susan: Oh, I am. Just like you're dead.

Vladimir: What do you want?
Robert: I want the head of the snake.

Teri: [comes to the Robert's table] I'm sorry. I'm breaking protocol, right?
Robert: No, no. Listen, hey, come, come on, sit down. Sit. Sit... Sit.
Teri: Okay.
Robert: Come on, sit down.
Teri: All right... Are you sure I'm not interrupting anything?
Robert: Yeah... So?
Teri: I don't know. You know, I just kind of felt like a quiet voice... before it all goes crazy.
Robert: Okay.
Teri: I'm Teri.
Robert: Bob.
[bump their fists together]
Robert: Ow! It's good.
Teri: You know, you don't look like a Bob.
Robert: Oh, yeah?
[to the waiter]
Robert: Thank you.
Teri: You look like a Robert. Robert reads books like this and Bob watches TV... My real name's Alina.
Robert: What happened to your face?
Teri: Something stupid.

Robert: I know you got an escape plan. Where do you keep it?
Masters: Yeah? What's your fuckin' escape plan, huh?
Robert: It's not about me, Frank. It's about you right now. Where do you keep it?
Masters: You know what? Fuck you, you motherfucker. You have fucked me so fucking bad! You did this, you motherfucker!
Robert: Do you hear yourself? You did it to this badge, Frank. You disrespected this badge. You understand me?
Masters: Fuck you, you motherfucker. I got nothing, all right? I got fuckin' nothing. You hear me? I got fuckin' nothing because of you! You think they're not coming for you? You think you're not fuckin' next? I am a fucking dead man!
Robert: Well, do something about it, Frank.
Masters: You don't know who the fuck these people are! I'm a fucking dead man. I won't last a fucking week.
Robert: Then do the right thing.
Masters: Motherfu...
Robert: Do the right thing, Frank. Police officer for 20 years, I know you didn't get this far and not have an out. Where do you keep it?
Masters: I was a fucking good cop. I was.
Robert: I understand. Do the right thing. Do it for the good cops, Frank. Where do you keep it?

FBI: FBI. How can I direct your call?
Robert: Agent Mosley, please.
Agent: Agent Mosley.
Robert: Heard you found some money today.
Agent: Who is this?
Robert: Concerned citizen. Check your personal e-mail... Make sure you're sitting down when you do.

Susan: If you've come for help, I can't give you any.
Robert: I understand.
Susan: Do you?
Robert: Just came for tea.

Robert: I'm here for that girl. You gave me that a couple of nights ago.
Slavi: We give out lots of cards. You still can get it up, *dedushka*?
Robert: I'm here about a certain girl. She got beat up pretty bad.

Robert: I'm your father. Your mama just didn't tell you.

Teri: You always read books?
Robert: My wife did. She... She was working through the 100 Books Everybody Should Read. She made it to 97, so I figured... I'd give it a shot... And one day we'd have something to talk about when we get together.
Teri: ...Wow, a hundred books.
Robert: Yeah.
Teri: Holy moly. How many have you read, Robert?
Robert: Ninety-one.
Teri: [cell phone rings] Sorry, this damn thing. Ninety-one books, though. You're almost done.
Robert: Almost.
Teri: What are you gonna do after that?
Robert: Take singing lessons. Then I'm gonna open a donut factory. I am... What? Why you laughing?

Robert: Thought you were gonna to give up that refined sugar?
Teri: I am.
Robert: When?
Teri: Any day now.
Robert: Yea, it's bad for your vocal cords. Body, mind, spirit. Remember?