The Best Roga Danar Quotes

Lieutenant: You are cunning. You must have Klingon blood. But the battle is over.
Roga: My battle is never over.

Counselor: [while talking to the imprisoned Roga Danar] Why do you have all this anger toward me?
Roga: A girl with long dark hair broke my heart a long time ago. Out of bitterness and resentment, I turned to crime.
[laughs it off]
Roga: How about this one? My mother abandoned me when I was a little boy. I never got the guidance that a wild young man needed.
Counselor: Why are you doing this?
Roga: Playing games? Isn't that what you do, Counsellor? Isn't that what all of you mind control experts do?
Counselor: I am not a mind control expert. I came here because I sensed you were in pain.
Roga: And what do you sense now?
Counselor: The pain is gone.
Roga: It's interesting, isn't it?

Lt. Commander Data: I believe you and I have something in common.
Roga: We do?
Lt. Commander Data: Yes. We have both been programed.
Roga: Ah, yes. Yes, you've been talking to Counselor Troi. It is not at all the same, android.
Lt. Commander Data: I do not mean to belittle your condition. I understand your dilemma. But... I am curious. My program can be altered. Yours cannot?
Roga: The man I was is still inside me, but this... this conditioning has been imposed - woven together with my thoughts, and my feelings, and my responses. How do you separate the program from the man?
Lt. Commander Data: Without further analysis of your condition from Counselor Troi or Dr. Crusher, I cannot say. But I believe it is possible.
Roga: Yeah, *doctors*! The Angosian *doctors* did this to me. If it could be undone, wouldn't they undo it?
Lt. Commander Data: I cannot answer that.
Roga: Nor can I. Yet I ask myself that question every moment of every day.

[Danar and his fellow soldiers storm into the government building]
Capt. Picard: [as Worf reaches for his phaser] No, Worf! All of you, don't respond! Don't provoke them further! Keep those weapons down unless you wish to be killed!
Prime: Do as he said.
Roga: No! Don't! Shoot us, destroy us. Do what you have to. But you will *not* ignore us.
[no response]
Roga: Go on, do it!
[he charges his weapon and fires a blast into the wall, but the Angosians still do not raise their weapons]
Roga: Cowards!
Capt. Picard: Yes, and you're not programmed to murder cowards. So if they will not fight back, what will you do?
Roga: We will not go back.

Prime: You were programed to survive. You can survive at the Lunar V settlement.
Roga: To survive is not enough. To simply exist... is not enough!
Counselor: Roga, tell them what you want.
Roga: We want our lives back. We want to come home.
Prime: I am not prepared to negotiate under threat, Danar. But if you will put down your weapons and return peaceably to Lunar V... I would be willing.
Roga: Mr. Prime Minister, with all due respect, you will have to force us. Or at least try.

Counselor: Perhaps when this planet becomes a member of the Federation, we'll be able...
Roga: I will not be there to see it, Counselor. Because even with this overwhelming demand to survive that they've built into my soul... I would rather die than return to Lunar V.

[Deanna is talking to Danar in the holding cell]
Counselor: I want to help, if I can.
Roga: [sarcastic] Unlock the door.

Roga: I assume we are returning to Lunar V?
Counselor: That terrifies you.
Roga: I just killed three men to get out of there, Counselor. And I'm fully capable of killing you as well. That's a terrifying thought, isn't it? Even to me.
Counselor: Do they mistreat you there?
Roga: [chuckles] Not at all. I'm comfortable, well-fed and housed... No, no, the Angosians take good care of their prisoners. It's simply a matter of never being able to leave.

Capt. Picard: Mr. Danar, I'm transferring you to Angosian Security. They're en route, they will arrive shortly. I wanted to tell you... I have no choice. The Prime Minister insisted, and we have no right to refuse.
Roga: Well, you would be foolish to consider it otherwise, Captain, for they are very correct. I am dangerous. There is no place for me in a civilized society.
Counselor: I do not believe that.
Lt. Commander Data: Nor do I.
Capt. Picard: I respect my officers' judgments. I wish I could help further. If a way appears, I will.
Roga: I appreciate your telling me that face to face.
Capt. Picard: I thought you deserved that much.
Roga: And you deserve to know that I must use whatever means I can to escape.

Roga: My improved reflexes have allowed me to kill 84 times. And my improved memory lets me remember each of those 84 faces. Can you understand how that feels?
Lt. Commander Data: I am incapable of any feeling.
Roga: Why, then I envy you.