The Best Sanderson Reed Quotes

Sanderson: Where is your sense of patriotism?
Allan: [stands up with a drink] God save the Queen.
[the other patrons of the club mutter an apathetic return to the toast]
Nigel: God save her.
Allan: [to Reed] That's about as patriotic as it gets around here.

[Allan aims his elephant gun at a fleeing assassin]
Sanderson: But he's so far away.
[Allan lowers the gun with a grunt of frustration]
Sanderson: Yes, I thought he was.
[Allan puts on a pair of glasses]
Allan: God, I hate getting old.
[He aims the rifle and fires. In the far distance, the assassin goes down. Reed gapes]

Sanderson: There is great unrest. Countries set at each other's throats, baying for blood. It's a powder-keg. The trouble of which I speak could set a match to the whole thing: War.
Allan: Wi-With whom, exactly?
Sanderson: Everyone. A world war.
Allan: That notion makes you sweat?
Sanderson: Heavens, man. Doesn't it you?
Allan: This is Africa, dear boy. Sweating is what we do.

Sanderson: They're indestructible.
Allan: No, just armor-plated.

[Chasing Moriarty, Tom Sawyer bumps into an invisible man]
Tom: Skinner?
[to Quatermain]
Tom: It's okay! It's Skinner!
[to the invisible man]
Tom: What the hell are you doing here?
Sanderson: What makes you think I'm Skinner, huh?