The Best Senator Charles F. Meachum Quotes

Senator Charles F. Meachum: You got any plans after this? You have a rather unique skill set. I'd be interested in offering you a job.
Bob: Work? For you?
Senator Charles F. Meachum: It's not really as bad as it seems. It's all gonna be done in any case. You might as well be on the side that gets you well paid for your efforts.
Nick: And what side are you on?
Senator Charles F. Meachum: There are no sides. There's no Sunnis and Shiites. There's no Democrats and Republicans. There's only HAVES and HAVE-NOTS.

[last lines]
Senator Charles F. Meachum: Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your damn mind? I am a United States Senator!
Bob: Exactly.

Senator Charles F. Meachum: This is a country where the Secretary of Defense can go on TV and tell the American public, oh, that "This is about freedom! It's not about oil!" And nobody questions him, cuz they don't wanna hear the answer, because it's a lie! There's only so many places at the table, Gunny. Now, are you on the inside or are you on the out?

Senator Charles F. Meachum: There's always a confused soul that thinks that one man can make a difference, and you have to kill him to convince him otherwise. That's the hassle with democracy.