30 Best Shooter Quotes

Senator Charles F. Meachum: You got any plans after this? You have a rather unique skill set. I'd be interested in offering you a job.
Bob: Work? For you?
Senator Charles F. Meachum: It's not really as bad as it seems. It's all gonna be done in any case. You might as well be on the side that gets you well paid for your efforts.
Nick: And what side are you on?
Senator Charles F. Meachum: There are no sides. There's no Sunnis and Shiites. There's no Democrats and Republicans. There's only HAVES and HAVE-NOTS.

Louis: You can kill him from that far away?
Bob: Mile and a half the bullet's gonna strike with more energy than a .44 magnum, point blank. Yeah, I think you can kill him.

Michael: Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger, USMC, retired. He is the best there is.
Louis: His last assignment went wrong. Put in unfriendly territory on a loan-out and left as expendable. Opposing force sent an attack helicopter and a hundred-man company. His best friend and spotter was killed. No official report.
Jack: Ghost report says he inflicted 70 percent casualties; the rest fled.
Louis: The Agency asset that left him there to die? Suddenly removed from the face of the earth two weeks after. They never laid it at Bob Lee's feet. He retired a week later.
Colonel: I guess Bob Lee didn't think he was expendable.

Howard: Have you given your official statement yet? Because I would be very cautious about what went in it
Nick: Well, maybe I should wait for the report to come out, read it, and THEN remember.

[first lines]
Donnie: Movement. Two men. Approximately... forty goats.
Bob: They're not on anybody's side. We don't have to shoot 'em.

Bob: Suppose I was looking for man who could make a 2200 yard cold bore shot. Who's alive that could do that?
Mr. Rate: Seems I heard about a shot like that being made not too long ago, said the guy's name was Bob Lee Swagger. Never met the man, so I wouldn't know him.
Bob: Ya, they said that all right.
Mr. Rate: They also said that artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq, and Anna Nicole married for love.

Jack: You know what they say about the first thing that you feel when you shoot a civilian?
Bob: Recoil of your rifle?
Jack: [snickers] Right.
Bob: That's very original.

Bob: You know what it takes to make a shot at that range? Everything comes into play that far - humidity, elevation, temperature, wind, spindrift. There's a 6 to 10-second flight time so you have to shoot at where the target's going to be. Even the Coriolis effect, the spin of the Earth, comes into play. President'll be wearing body armor, that means a headshot at over a mile. You believe there's a shooter involved capable of making this shot?
Colonel: Yes.
Bob: Well, then you got a real problem. You need to find the shooter.

Bob: I'm going to do all those Whip-It!s and pass out. Good luck, okay?

Donnie: You sure this is a peacekeeping mission? Normally there isn't any peace to start with.

Sarah: [checking his bandages] Something I need to tell you. Ralphie's dead.
Bob: Who's Ralphie?
Sarah: Well, they said you shot your dog 'cause you knew you weren't coming back.

Bob: I'll get better, then I'm going to burn their playhouse down.

Attorney: Colonel, your moral compass is so fucked up, I'll be shocked if you manage to find your way back to the parking lot.

Michael: You killed all three?
Bob: There were four.

Bob: I don't think you understand. These boys killed my dog.

Senator Charles F. Meachum: There's always a confused soul that thinks that one man can make a difference, and you have to kill him to convince him otherwise. That's the hassle with democracy.

[Swaggert has proven his innocence, yet Col Johnson has escaped charges for his crimes]
Attorney: For the record, I don't like the way this turned out any more than you do, but this is the world we live in and justice does not always prevail. It's not the Wild West where you can clean up the streets with a gun... even though sometimes that's exactly what's needed. Bob Lee Swaggert, you're free to go.
[to guards]
Attorney: Unshackle the sergeant.

Bob: Where are we meeting?
Colonel: Somewhere I can see you... coming from a god-damned long way off.

[Nick sips coffee, chokes, coughs]
Mr. Rate: [smiling] Good coffee?
Nick: Yep.

Howard: You have embarrassed this office. You will be facing a review from the Office of Professional Responsibility.
Nick: Sir... I don't, I don't feel embarrassed. A Force Recon Marine Scout Sniper disarmed me three weeks out of the academy. If anything... I feel lucky to be alive.

Colonel: I won. You lost. Get used to the idea, son.
Bob: I'm not your son.

Colonel: What the hell am I doing here? You've got nothing on me. I'm covered. Call the Joint Chief.
Attorney: That won't be necessary, Colonel, as I have already received no less than a dozen calls from highly-ranked and powerfully-placed individuals telling me to let you go, but the joy of checks and balances in our government is that I can, and am, indeed, required by law, to tell them to fuck off.

Russ: You see this weird shootout in Virginia? Shells everywhere, helicopter remnants, blood, but no bodies though, right? And they get fingerprints off the, uh, cartridge cases. First set positively ID'd as Bob Lee Swagger. Second set belongs to Special Agent Nick Memphis of the FBI.
Howard: Well, that's... that's gotta be wrong.
Russ: Now, the only reasonable question to ask after that is: what the fuck is going on?

Bob: The Archbishop?
Michael: You want to take all suspicions away when you shoot someone, wait 'til he's standing next to the President.
Bob: What was he going to say?
Michael: The truth. That nothing, no matter how horrible, ever really happens without the approval of the government. Over there, and here. The problem isn't the doing. It's the people in power having to admit that they knew. The prisoners are tortured at Abu Ghraib, and only the underlings go to jail. Their bosses knew. We know their bosses knew. But you don't say it.
Bob: What exactly happened in Africa?
Michael: Somehow the villagers didn't think that an oil pipeline was a good enough reason to move their village to a place where the spirit gods didn't exist. Drink?
Bob: They asked them all nicely to move, and when they didn't, they just killed them all?
Michael: No, they didn't ask. They just killed them... all... so the next village won't need to be asked. They'll just go.

Colonel: This is our guy.
Jack: I thought he turned you down.
Colonel: He said yes. He just doesn't know it yet.

Mr. Rate: The world ain't what it seems, is it, gunny?
Bob: No, Sir.
Mr. Rate: You keep that in mind.

Nick: FBI! Took my weapon and my car!

Colonel: Sometimes to catch a wolf you need to tie the bait to a tree.
Michael: Then what happens to the bait.
Colonel: Hard to say, but thats the nature of being the bait.

Bob: Welcome to Tennessee, patron state of shootin' stuff.

Bob: I'm out, old man. I'm just a peckerwood who lives in the hills with too many guns. You happy?