The Best Sir Henry Simmerson Quotes

[about the first defeat of the South Essex]
Wellesley: This is a report from Major Hogan, which differs somewhat from your account, Sir Henry.
Sir: Major Hogan is merely an engineer, sir.
Wellesley: Major Hogan's coat buttons up tight over a number of other duties, Sir Henry.
[he: ]
Wellesley: Major Hogan reports a number of losses, Sir Henry. He says you first lost your head, and instead of destroying the bridge, you marched over it. He says you then lost your nerve, and ran from a small French patrol. He says you lost ten men, a Major and two sergeants. He says you finally lost your sense of honour and destroyed the bridge, cutting off a rescue party led by Lieutenant Sharpe. Major Hogan leaves the worst to the last. He says you lost the King's Colours.
Sir: [nervous] The fault was not mine, sir. Major Lennox must answer.
Wellesley: [shouting] Major Lennox answered with his *life*! As you should have done if you had any sense of honour! You lost the Colours of the King of England! You disgraced us, sir. You shamed us, sir. *You* will answer.

Sir: [stepping forward for one last attempt at bluster] I have a cousin at Horse Guards, sir, and I have friends at court.
Wellesley: [looks up from his papers VERY slowly, then deliberately:] A man who loses the King's Colours... loses the King's friendship.

Sir: [to Gibbons and Berry] Listen, and listen well. You both dip into my purse. That purse is now shut. It will stay shut so long as Sharpe struts around sneering at the Simmersons. Do you understand me?

Colonel: Did you think you could hide from me?
Jane: I'm sorry...
Colonel: Sorry that you ran away or sorry that I found you?

Sir: What makes a good soldier, Sharpe?
Richard: The ability to fire three rounds a minute. In any weather, sir!

Colonel: What's it to you priest? You hate the British!
Father: I'm Irish. John Bull's a bad neighbour, but Bonaparte's a bully, and so are you!

Lord: Ain't you the Simmerson that lost the King's Colours?
Colonel: There was a full inquiry my lord, I was completely exonerated. Allow me to shake you by the hand my lord.
Lord: Ah, so you didn't lose them, you misplaced them. As it seems you have the most unfortunate habit of losing things, I think I'll hold onto me one good hand.

Wellesley: The South Essex is stood down in name. If I wipe the name away, I may wipe the shame. I am making you a Battalion of Detachments, you will fetch and carry. The Light Company put up a fight, so I will let it stand under the command of a new captain.
[he returns his attention to his papers]
Sir: [a slight hope] To be commanded by the newly-gazetted... Captain Gibbons, sir?
Wellesley: [looks up at him] To be commanded by the newly-gazetted Captain *Sharpe*, sir.

Sir: Do "you* know what makes a good soldier?
Richard: Yes, sir.
Sir: [pause, then] And what makes a good soldier?
Richard: The ability to fire three rounds a minute in any weather, sir.