The Best Solara Quotes

Eli: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters.He restores my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me
Solara: That's beautiful, did you write that?
Eli: Yes, I did.
Eli: No, no. No. No, that was around a long time before you and I got here, that's for sure.

Solara: Do you really read the same book everyday?
Eli: Without fail.

Solara: [knocking on the door to Eli's room] Can I come in?
Eli: Give me a minute.
[Eli covers his book with his blanket]
Eli: Someone already came with food and water. I got everything I need.
Solara: [entering the room wearing a pink negligee] Are you sure about that? It's really bright in here. I'm Solara.
Eli: Right. You filled my canteen downstairs.
Solara: Yeah. You're the walker, right?
Eli: Right.
[Solara puts her hand on Eli's waist and starts to come on to him, but he grabs her hand]
Solara: If - if you're worried about paying, it's on the house.
Eli: Look. Paying for what?
Solara: Why don't you take a seat?
[Eli walks to the door and opens it, gesturing for Solara to leave]
Solara: No.
[Solara walks to the door and closes it]
Solara: No, I can't go. I can't. If I do, he'll hurt my mom.
Eli: Who?
Solara: Carnegie.
Eli: He's your father?
Solara: No, no, but we belong to him just the same. Look, I'll sleep on the floor. Tomorrow you can tell him you had a good time. I promise you, I will be no trouble. Please.

Solara: I want to come with you.
Eli: No, you don't.
Solara: I hate it here.
Eli: Then change it.

Solara: What was it like before?
Eli: People had more than they needed, people didn't know what was precious and what wasn't, people threw away things they kill each other for now.

Solara: I didn't think you'd ever give up the book, I thought it was too important to you
Eli: It was, I was carrying and reading it everyday, got so caught up in protecting it, I forgot to live by what I'd learnt from it
Solara: And what's that?
Eli: To do more for others than you do for yourself

Carnegie: Is he staying?
Solara: We didn't do much talking.
Claudia: Solara honey, eat something.
Solara: Mom, give me your hand. Close your eyes. Mom, trust me... Dear Lord.
[Carnegie freezes where he is sitting, listening intently]
Solara: We thank you for our food. Thank you for my mother. Thank you for the roof over our heads and our new friends. And, uh... Well, I guess that's all for now.
Carnegie: Amen. That's the word you're looking for, Amen. That's how you stop. You said you didn't talk much. But did he do any reading?... I asked you a question.
Claudia: Bill, don't.
Carnegie: You, shut your mouth.
[Solara still says nothing. Carnegie grabs Claudia by her hair, pulling her head back until she screams in pain]
Carnegie: You're hurting your mother, Solara. He said he read every day. Did he?
Solara: Stop it!
Carnegie: [yanking Claudia off her chair and forcing her to her knees, still pulling her hair] Your mother would like you to tell me.
Solara: [getting very scared] I don't know! I don't know... Yes, okay! Yes, yes, he was reading.
Carnegie: What kind of book was he reading?
Solara: I don't know. I don't know! An old leather one.
Carnegie: And?
Solara: I don't know, it had some kind of thing on the front of it.
Carnegie: Show me.
Solara: I need you to let her go.
Carnegie: [shouting] Show me!
[Solara fearfully puts her fingers together into a cross]

Solara: [Carnegie's men are about to attack] What do we do?
Martha: [Cocks hammer on rifle] I know what the fuck I'm doing!

Eli: They say the war tore a hole in the sky, you've probably heard the stories.
Solara: Yeah.
Eli: The war tore a hole in the sky, the sun came down, burnt everything, everyone, I wandered, I didn't really know what I should do or where I was going. I was just moving from place to place, trying to stay alive. And then one day I heard this voice. I don't know how to explain it, it's like it was coming from inside me. But I could hear it clear as day. Clear as I can hear you talking to me now. It told me to carry the book west, it told me that a path would be laid out before me, that I'd be led to a place where the book would be safe. It told me I'd be protected, against anyone or anything that tried to stand in my way. If only I would have faith. That was thirty years ago and I've been walking ever since.
Solara: And you did all this because a voice told you to?
Eli: I know what I hear, I know what I heard, I know I'm not crazy, I didn't imagine it

Solara: [after Solara takes Eli to where they get their water from, he locks her in] You are such a liar!
Eli: I'm not a liar.
Solara: You said I could come with you if I took you to the water.
Eli: I didn't say that, you said that, the road's no place for someone like you, trust me, you're safter there than you think.
Solara: Hey.
Eli: Yeah?
Solara: Fuck you!

Solara: You know, you say you've been walking for thirty years, right?
Eli: Right?
Solara: Have you ever thought that maybe you were lost?
Eli: Nope.
Solara: Well, how do you know that you're walking in the right direction?
Eli: I walk by faith, not by sight.
Solara: [sighs] What does that mean?
Eli: It means that you know something even if you don't know something.
Solara: That doesn't make any sense.
Eli: It doesn't have to make sense. It's faith, it's faith. It's the flower of light in the field of darkness that's giving me the strength to carry on. You understand?
Solara: Is that from your book?
Eli: No, it's, uh, Johnny Cash, Live at Folsom Prison.

Lombardi: You don't have to leave, you know. You're more than welcome to stay. You'll be perfectly safe here.
Solara: Thank you. But this is something I have to do.
Lombardi: Where will you go?
Solara: [fingering Eli's machete] Home.

Eli: [whispering to Solara, after seeing the graves George and Martha made] We gotta go now.
Solara: They killed all these people.
Eli: Not just killed them, they ate them.
Solara: Her hands, her hands were shaking.
Eli: Too much human meat. Let's go.

Solara: [in the middle of a gunfight with Carnegie's men] You know that voice you heard, did it say anything about this?
Eli: We'll get out. Both of us.
George: What about us?
Eli: Didn't say anything about you.