50 Best Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Quotes

Sonic: Alright mustache. You want me? Come and get me!
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: You don't tell me about coming and getting. I am on the CUTTING EDGE AT COMING AND GETTING!

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: There were good people on both sides.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Congratulations on your temporary "oh so great" sense of superiority.

Sonic: I've been called many names. Vengeance. The Spiky Supernova. But you may call me... Blue Justice!

Tails: [after Sonic and Tails win a dance battle] Huh, wow! Only Sonic the Hedgehog could win a dance battle that epic!
Sonic: Stick with me, pal. Earth can be a scary place, but I know everything about this whole pale blue dot.
Tails: Do you... really mean that?
Sonic: I mean, not everything, but I watch a LOT of Discovery Channel, and...
Tails: I meant about... me being your pal.
Sonic: Course, buddy.
[Tails hugs Sonic]
Sonic: Oh-ho-ho, coming in hot!
Tails: Growing up, I didn't have any friends. Everyone in my village thought my two tails were weird.
Sonic: Hey, I know that feeling.
Tails: But then I saw you. The fastest creature in the galaxy. You were weird, too. But you were a legend. That made me think, maybe being weird isn't so bad. You inspired me to leave my village, to find you and help you in your mission.
Sonic: I'm really glad you're here, Tails.
Tails: I'm glad I'm here too, Sonic.
Sonic: [yawns] Might as well get some sleep. This feels like a good place to spend the night. You'll be able to get clear readings on your gizmo thing once the storm is over. So I...
[finds Tails fast asleep and wraps blanket around him]
Sonic: Night, Tails.
[Tails drapes his two tails around Sonic as they sleep]

Sonic: Face it, you're never going to get my power!
[Sonic does his spin dash attack]
Knuckles: [holds down Sonic] Do I look like I need your power?
[punches out Sonic]

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: [running from a boulder] I don't want to die like this! It's derivative!

Agent: Doctor, you're magnificent!
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Thank you, sycophant! Your admiration is inevitable.

Knuckles: [to Tails] You were not able to harm me, and my retribution will come when you least expect it.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Eurêka! I found it!

Sonic: [they both wash up on the beach] you saved me?
Knuckles: [sitting down] Don't talk to me I'm not in the mood.
[Sonic throws a sandball at him]
Knuckles: How dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow.
[Sonic throws another sandball at him]
Sonic: Why did you save me?
[Knuckles throws a gigantic sand ball at him which buries him completely]
Knuckles: Because you saved me first, which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand.
Sonic: It wasn't a tactic. I couldn't just let you die.
Knuckles: Why. I've been trying to destroy you since the moment we met
Sonic: Because being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself. It's about taking responsibility for other people.
Knuckles: [sits down next to Sonic] Hmmm. Wise words. An ancient earth proper?
Sonic: No sir that's a Wachowski family special. I got it from a guy in a rowboat. Someone who means a lot to me.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: It's so nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype!

Knuckles: You're unskilled, untrained, unworthy!
Sonic: You forgot one: unstoppable!

Knuckles: [Looks at Sonic's quill] Where did you get that?
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: From a little blue menace on the planet called Earth. I'd be happy to show you the way.

Knuckles: [about to crush Sonic with a boulder] Say goodbye, hedgehog!
[Sonic panics as he eyes on Robotnik getting his hands on the Emerald]
Sonic: Knuckles, stop! Robotnik's stealing the Emerald!
Knuckles: What kind of fool do you take me for?
Sonic: Just look!
[Knuckles does so]
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Mine!
Knuckles: [stops him] WAIT! That wasn't the deal!
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: [sarcastically] Oh! You poor naive creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would've seen this move coming a mile away. Or 1.6 kilometers.
Knuckles: But I trusted you! You were my friend!
[Robotnik laughs manically for a moment]
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: I'm sorry, that just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dimwitted celestial skintag. Friends are open, honest and vulnerable with each other, which means X square times the hypotenuse of Y square divided by the absolute power of friendship equals... DOOKIE!
Sonic: [looks on with dread] Oh, no!
[Robotnik lays his hands on the Emerald blasting away both Sonic and Knuckles]
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: CHAOS... IS... POWER!
[Robotnik disappears with the Emerald causing the whole temple to crumble in ruins]

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Work smarter, not harder...

Wade: I knew a kid named Knuckles in school. Could fit his entire fist in his mouth. If this is the same Knuckles then we are screwed!

Sonic: Today's forecast calls for a 100% chance of adventure!

Tom: I see you tried out the spring collection.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Well, if it isn't the Pastry King.
Tom: That's Donut Lord!

Wade: [interrogating Agent Stone] I'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I want to know. And I'm asking you for the last time... . What would you like on your bagel?

Knuckles: I've spent my whole life questing for this. Now I have it. Now we have it. What can we do with it? What next?
Tails: There were once two orders of heroes who protected the galaxy from those who used the emerald for evil.
Knuckles: But they've all passed on to the great battleground in the sky.
Sonic: So we start a new order. The three of us.
Knuckles: This is no light task. We must make a vow; to use our powers to keep the universe safe. To watch out for each other. Our new tribe.
Tails: Oh, I know! A power bump!
[Holds up his fist]
Sonic: Good idea!
[Puts his fist against Tails' fist while Knuckles looks confused]
Tails: It's an Earth custom. An unbreakable promise.
Knuckles: Very well. A power bump it is.
[Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles put their fists against each other in the center]
Sonic: Power Bump!

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: You see... Earth... Is my turf, G.
[He suddenly starts to floss]
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: If you don't know how to floss, you'll be lost without me!
Knuckles: [confused] I understand nothing of what you just said.

Tails: [lifting Knuckles into the air] You're really heavy!
Knuckles: That's because I am one million percent muscle. Faster, fox!

Sonic: For a guy named Knuckles, you are really bad at punching.
Knuckles: You're no match for me. I've been training for this my entire life!
Sonic: And I have no training at all. Yet here I am, ahead of you. That's got to be embarrassing.

Knuckles: [about robotniks robots as he's clinging to the side of the cliff] You think these machines are a match for me? I will shatter them like the bones of a fallen
[sees that the robots have formed a staircase for him to ascend]
Knuckles: Oh. They are stairs.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: It's cold in here. Let's turn up the heat!

Sonic: Uhhh... meow?

Sonic: Holy Shiit... ake!

Rachel: Randall! Wifey's home!

Sonic: [catches a Robotnik missile] Return to sender!
[hurls it back]

Sonic: I'm sorry, who are you?
Tails: Name's Tails!
Sonic: Okay... this is what we're gonna do: Step one: Light taunting. Step two: I have no idea.

Tom: Sonic, I love that you want to help make a difference. But you're being reckless. Pretending to be Batman?
Sonic: Blue Justice! Trademark pending!
Tom: You're still just a kid. Trust me, there will come a moment when your power will be needed. But you don't choose that moment, that moment chooses you.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: [after Super Sonic destroys his robot] Ohh, it's like that? Okay, we're not friends!
[Falls out of the Death Egg Robot]
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: LATER, HATER!

Knuckles: [holding baseball bat] ummm.. I don't understand, why am I angry at the enemy ball?
Sonic: You're not angry, you just want to hit it as hard as you can and then run around the bases.
Knuckles: But if my quest ends where I am standing, why run at all?
Sonic: [puts his hand on face] Uhhh I can't with this guy why do I even try?

Sonic: Let's talk about your new outfit: it's like Professor X meets Mr Monopoly.

Maddie: [Sonic has become Super Sonic they both run up to him] Sonic!
Tom: Buddy.
Knuckles: Wait, you cannot touch him! The Hedgehog holds the power of the emerald. I am sorry, he's no longer the Sonic you once knew.
Maddie: What?
Sonic: [Sonic uses his power to summon deluxe chili dogs from the sky. eating a chilli dog] mhmmm you gotta try this
[snaps his fingers another chili dog lands on Knuckles]
Knuckles: [With two sausages and tomato sauce on his eyes; annoyed] Okay. He is exactly the Sonic you once knew.
[a hot dog bun falls on Knuckles' face]

Sonic: [about the emerald] Can't forget this...

Sonic: [both are on the beach after Knuckles saved him from drowning] You saved me?
Knuckles: Don't talk to me. I'm not in the mood
[Sonic throws a sandball at him]
Knuckles: How dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow!
[Sonic throws another sandball at him]
Sonic: Why did you save me
[Knuckles throws a giant sand ball at him which buries him completely]
Knuckles: [making another sand ball] Because you saved me first which clearly gave you a tactical advantage, I do not understand.
Sonic: It wasn't a tactic, I couldn't just let you die.
Knuckles: Why, I've been trying to destroy you since the moment we met.
Sonic: Because being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself, it's about taking responsibility for other people.
Knuckles: [sits down next to Sonic] Hmmm, wise words. An ancient earth proper?
Sonic: No sir, that's a Wachowski family special. I got it from a guy in a rowboat, someone who means a lot to me.
[Hear's a plane]
Sonic: wait a second what's that sound.
Tails: Only Sonic the Hedgehog needs rescuing this much.
Sonic: [laughs] That sly little fox.
[to Knuckles]
Sonic: come on Knucklehead, we're not beat yet.
Knuckles: On the mountain you told me you lost everything, the way I did. But you seem so hopeful and free, how did you move forward despite failing again and again and again and again and again and again...
Sonic: Okay I didn't fail that much, but I didn't do this all alone I found a new family, new friends, and you can too.
[Offering his hand]
Sonic: you don't have to be alone anymore.
[Knuckles accepts his hand crushing it in the process]
Sonic: ow, ow, ow, ow, are you kidding me with that handshake?

Rachel: Oh, lord, there are two of them now!

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: You are as useful to me now as a backstage pass to Limp Bizkit.

Knuckles: I suggest the groin!
Sonic: What? No, no!
Knuckles: Conditionally, yes! The groin is the weakest spot!
Sonic: Stop! Saying! Groin!

Agent: You brought some kind of... space porcupine?
[Knuckles crushes Stone's hand in a handshake]
Knuckles: I am an echidna warrior.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: I discovered the source of ultimate power!
Agent: That sounds big.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik: It's been on my vision board for years.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: I've been striving to make fungi into a functional drink of choice.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Disloyal.
Knuckles: 'Dis is how I roll!

Sonic: Has anyone ever told you, you've got serious anger issues?
Knuckles: You mock me with your weak jokes, but you know nothing about me Hedgehog.
Sonic: Well I know you Echidna's have a habit of showing up uninvited and ruining my life.
Knuckles: Ruining your life? Another bad joke! I lost everything because of you. My tribe was on the verge of it's greatest victory, the last of the owl warriors were located soon Longclaw's Emerald secrets would be ours. But my father stopped me from joining the fight. He said my moment to honor our tribe would come but it was not this moment, those were the last words he spoke to me. I never saw him again.
Sonic: We both lost everything that day.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Hedgehog, it is time to say goodbye to humanity. Welcome to the new norm!

[upon Robotnik's return]
Agent: HE'S BACK!

Dr. Ivo Robotnik: Papa's got a brand new 'stache!

Sonic: [wakes up to find an old lady snuggling him in her sleep] Tails! We have a situation!