Top 30 Quotes From Sydney Andrews

Michael: How you doin' Syd?
Sydney: You scum.
Michael: Yeah, I miss you too.

[Sydney's parting words to Martin Abbot's cult]
Sydney: Adios, you fruitcakes!

[trying to convince Jane not to murder Richard]
Sydney: Pray with me Jane. Put your decision in the hands of a higher power.
Jane: I am. Smith & Wesson.

Sydney: I'm never going to forgive you for this, Jane! Never! You ruined grandma's dress!
Jane: On the contrary, Syd! It's now tailor-made for the bride of Frankenstein!

[Sydney walks in on Jess looking though Jake's business papers]
Sydney: What do you think you're doing?
Jess: It's none of your business.
Sydney: I saw you going though Jake's files.
Jess: [thinking fast] Yeah... uh... I was checking out the business, making sure my brother's turning over a good profit. I don't want anybody to take advantage of him.
Sydney: [scoffs] You may have Jake snowed, but I've known guys like you. You're not here to change your life. You're up to something.
Jess: You know, Syd, there's one sure way to lose a boyfriend: stick your nose into his family business.
Sydney: I'm going to tell Jake you were in here snooping around.
Jess: That would be a big mistake... if you want to stay out of harm's way.

Sydney: I'm not like Lauren's friends.
Ellen: News flash Sydney: you're just like us. We whores are all alone too, and now we have each other. It is so cool having 20 sisters who don't ask questions and just love you for who you are. As far as I'm concerned... it's way better then family.

Amanda: I don't know what you're up to, but Bobby's off-limits.
Sydney: Feeling a little insecure Amanda?
[Amanda suddenly takes Sydney's glass of red wine and deliberately splashes it on her]
Amanda: [sarcastic] Ooops! No, just a little clumsy.
Sydney: You totally did that on purpose!
Amanda: [feigning innocence] I did no such thing. Sydney, you can put on an expensive dress, get your red hair done, clip on some earrings. Bottom line? You're still a two-dollar hooker... you just have a new pimp.

Rhonda: [surprise party] Oh, they're coming!
Dr. Michael Mancini: Okay, this is it. C'mon, c'mon everyone!
Kay: Where's the birthday girl?
Dr. Michael Mancini: Wait, what's going on, where is she?
Sydney: She's not coming!
Sydney: We had a fight!
Dr. Michael Mancini: Oh, that's terrific. Nice time to pick a fight, Sydney.
Sydney: She started it.
Dr. Michael Mancini: Geez, I doubt that very much!

Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: Is there something you'd like to tell me, Sydney?
Sydney: I don't know what you mean.
Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: You must know, Jane's condition is very serious. They've ordered toxicology tests, which means they suspect a possible drug overdose. Remember what we talked about in our sessions, Sydney... about purging oneself?
Sydney: But... I'm not guilty of anything.
Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: There's really no need to be frightened. I'm your doctor and your my patient, and anything you tell me will be kept in the strictest confidence. But if I'm kept in the dark, and I'm questioned by the authorities about the pills I prescribed to you and how... they might have somehow found their into Jane's drink, and...
Sydney: [interrupting] All right! I did it. I put the pills in her drink. I just wanted to knock her out, that's all so that she'd be too passive, even for Michael. I never meant for this to happen. If anything happens to her, I'll never forgive myself. Oh God, Kimberly, what am I gonna do?
Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: It's all right, Sydney. I'm here. You just leave everything to me.

[about Kimberly]
Sydney: What's happening in her world is not exactly happening in ours.

Dr. Michael Mancini: What was all that about?
Sydney: Well, Amanda just turned down free bed and breakfast and Peter's.
Amanda: Nothing's free in this world, Sydney, but you'll never understand that.

[Kimberly is threatening the captive Sydney with a blowtorch]
Sydney: What are you going to do with that thing?
Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: If you call Michael up and tell him to get his ass over here, nothing. If you don't... I'm gonna burn your face so that it matches the color of your pretty red hair!

Sydney: By the way, Kimberly, how is electroshock going? Certainly has put an attractive curl in your hair.

Sydney: It looks like the Sleaze Bag Hall of Fame is missing a member. Now what would bring vermin like you out in the daylight? I know, you want to apologize.
Dr. Michael Mancini: No, Syd, I want a divorce.
Sydney: And I want to wake up tomorrow morning and sing like Aretha Franklin. Do the words, "go to hell" mean anything to you?

Sydney: You mean Kimberly?

Sydney: You arrange sex dates for a living?
Lauren: That's a quaint way of putting it.

Sydney: [to Michael] ... and that will make life easier for you and... what's her name... Kimberly?

Jane: Sydney, you did not come down here to play matchmaker. If I find you any near Michael again, you'll be on the next plane out.
Sydney: I was only trying to help...
Jane: Gee, what would I ever do without you?

Sydney: We're perfect for each other. Don't you get it?
Dr. Michael Mancini: Get this, Sydney. You are one stupid slut who's crossed the line and I don't want to see your face anymore.
Sydney: Jane warned me about how cranky you get in the morning.

Jane: Sydney, where are you going?
Sydney: Vacation. A few days at least. I sure could use one.
Jane: You're not going anywhere, Sydney. You're out of work. And you have to meet with your probation officer next week.
[Rikki scoffs nearby]
Jane: [to Rikki] You find this funny?
Rikki: Yes, that you try to control her life when yours is such a mess.
Jane: Sydney, you are in big trouble for trashing Shooters and Mancini Designs. Jake and I were sent for evaluations. I can't lie for you.
Sydney: Jane, for the last time, I didn't trash Shooters, your dresses, or steal Jo's photo equipment. I don't know who did, but it wasn't me.
Jane: Drop the innocent act. You never tell the truth anymore.
Sydney: [to Rikki] Rikki, I didn't vandalize Shooters, or Jane's dresses. You belive me, don't you?
Rikki: Of course I do. That's why you don't need people like Jane in your life.
[a bus pulls up on the curve]
Rikki: That's them. Come on, Sydney.
Sydney: [to Jane] I'm not asking you to lie for me.
Jane: Sydney, for the first time, you must face up to this. You have no friends left. Your probation officer is the only person who can help you.
Sydney: Drop the weight, Jane. Worry about your own responsibilities. That's what I'm learning to do.

Sydney: Don't forget-he did have a pretty nasty painkiller addiction following the accident. I found him once passed out on the bathroom floor. I think I saved his life!
Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: Well! That was stupid!

Sydney: They're either cute and gay, cute and crazy, or worst of all, cute and married.
Samantha: So what are you going to do? Date married men? Baaaaad idea.

Jane: So kiddo, what's your schedule?
Sydney: I'm swamped! Madonna wants girl talk, Cher wants to go work out...

Sydney: Flirtation is a tough thing. It's like dandruff... you can't always see it, but it's always there.
Kyle: Syd, I kid you not, you are California incarnate.
Sydney: You mean like, totally hip, totally together?
Kyle: No, I mean totally spaced-out.

Sydney's: So... tell me about yourself. You been doing this long?
Sydney: No, not really. I go to college, actually. I'm going to be a designer. A clothing designer.
Sydney's: Really? How'd you get into that?
Sydney: See... I really have this like... really right-on instinct for it, for what people like. I just need the training. It's really exciting to have your whole life in front of you. This incredibly bright future. And all the possibilities, you know? You just have to pay for it. I'm going to be really important someday. I am, I really am.

Kyle: I guess he wanted a little more out of the relationship than you did.
Sydney: Yeah, you can say that again.
Kyle: I guess he wanted a little more out of the relationship than you did.

Dr. Michael Mancini: Hey Syd, how you doing?
Sydney: I'm fine, you're screwed.

Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: Listen you opportunistic little bitch, if you think that shotgun marriage you arranged with Michael is going to protect you, then you're dumber than you look. Now stay out of our lives and you won't get hurt, okay?
Sydney: What, am I supposed to be afraid of you?
Dr. Kimberly Shaw Mancini: My professional opinion: you bet your ass!

Sydney: Nice club Amanda.
Amanda: Thank you. Now go away.

Sydney: Lauren, hey. I was going to call you about what happened with that guy. Look I know you must be miffed but there's an explination. Lauren?
Lauren: [hard and angry tone] Who are you to walk out on Roger Langdon? Who the hell do you think you are?
Sydney: Lauren, the guy...
Lauren: I know all about the guy. So, he wanted to play games.
Sydney: Lauren, I thought that working for you would be a good business and that it would be a safe establishment for me and all your other girls.
Lauren: Safe establishment? You want to work in a safe establishment? Join a bridge club, or get a job in a bank. But don't you ever, put me or my livelihood behind the eight ball!
Sydney: Lauren, I'm sorry.
Lauren: "I'm sorry" costs me, Sydney. You ever do that again, and I will see to it myself that whatever Roger Langdon might have done to you would be a walk in the park! You wouldn't be able to form the words "I'm sorry." You couldn't even write them on a Magic Slate. Do I need to draw you a diagram?
Sydney: [terrified] No, I think I got it.