The Best Sylvia Miles Quotes

Cass: [Cass is on the phone while Joe Buck is foreplaying with her] Oh God... Nothing, I'm talking to Baby. I'm talking to the dog, Maury... please, you're annoying me! Here, why don't you say hello to Baby?
[She puts the phone near her toy poodle's ear]
Maury: Hello, Baby. Hello, Baby! Hello, ya goddamn dog! Bow wow wow! Bow wow wow!

Joe: You know, Cass, that's a funny thing you mentioning money - 'cause I was just about to ask you for some.
Cass: You were gonna ask me for money? Huh?
Joe: Well, hell, why do you think I come all the way up here from Texas for?
Cass: You were gonna ask me for money. Who the hell do you think you're dealing with? Some old slut on 42nd Street? In case you didn't happen to notice it - you big Texas longhorn bull - I'm one hell of a gorgeous chick!

Joe: I'm brand, spankin' new in this here town and I was hopin' to get a look at the Statue of Liberty.
Cass: It's up in Central Park, taking a leak. If you hurry, you can catch the supper show.