Top 20 Quotes From Átame!

Lola: He'll be the end of my producing career.
Marina: He's the nicest director I've ever had.
Lola: That's just it. He'd like to be even nicer. You knew that, yet you still took off your panties!
Marina: So what?
Lola: So he sees that, gets aroused, and changes everything so he can save you!

Máximo: Lola, please forgive my alcohol-induced aggression, but while I can't stand your mug, you've got a great pair of tits!
Alma: It's true.

Máximo: We all missed Marina. What's keeping her?
Lola: I just spoke to her. Your rain scene made her toothache worse.
Alma: He told me all about it. It sounded amazing!
Lola: Sure, it's great hanging in the rain for hours like "A Man Called Horse."

Máximo: Lola, I don't care much for your face, but your ass is another story.

Ricky: Will you run away if I don't tie you up?
Marina: I don't know. You'd better tie me up. Tie me up.

Lola: We're doing a number at the party tonight. I promised Maximo.
Marina: What kind?
Lola: Something sexy. But nothing complicated. From our old act.
Marina: I'm not sure I remember.
Lola: Sure you do. Some tits here, some ass there.

Lola: Hold on! Hold on! Nobody leave. Someone stole my Walkman.

Marina: Will you help me?
Ricky: You don't mind if I see you naked?
Marina: Not anymore.

Directora: What will you do?
Ricky: Get a job, start a family. Like any normal person.
Directora: You're not a normal person.

Decorador: You'll have to tell me your secret when I get back.
Marina: When's that?
Decorador: In a couple weeks.
Marina: Enjoy yourself. And get laid.
Decorador: If I do, I'm not coming back.

Máximo: When you put your heart and genitals into something, it's always personal.

Anciano: Running away, eh?
Ricky: No, this time the judge says I can go. I'm fit to join society.
Anciano: Society! I belonged to a society once too. It was a gourmet society. But one day they poisoned me. I'd be careful if I were you.

Marina: You want to fuck me, right? Get it over with.
Ricky: Relax. We'll fuck when the time comes.

Marina: I'm taking my panties off. They show.
Lola: What's worse, showing your panties or your pussy?

Marina: Don't stare at me like that.
Máximo: I'm not staring. I'm admiring.

Marina: Now I remember.
Ricky: What?
Marina: I remember you now.
Ricky: I don't follow.
Marina: You said we'd screwed before, and I said I didn't remember. Well, now I remember, perfectly.

Montadora: It's more of a love story than a horror story.
Máximo: They can be hard to tell apart.
Lola: We've got a blockbuster.

Ricky: I had to kidnap you so you'd get to know me. I'm sure you'll get to love me as I love you.

Ricky: We met once a year ago at a bar named Lulu's. Remember? I'd just escaped from the institution. We met by chance at Lulu's. We went to your place and fucked. You don't remember? I promised to come back and protect you.
Marina: Lots of men have said that!
Ricky: But I'm here to prove it.

Directora: It's 50,000 pesetas. It's for the drawings and for the mad, passionate moments you gave me.