The Best Ted Nugent Quotes

Lisa: Dad, how could you choose Ted Nugent for president? He's a right-wing rocker who likes everything I hate!
Bart: Could there be anyone more awesomer?
Ted: Who wants elk?
[Throws a dead elk on the table; Lisa screams and runs away]
Marge: My daughter is a vegetarian.
Ted: That's okay. She can nibble on one of the antlers. Antlers ain't meat.

Ted: This is Ted Nugent, the Motor City Madman, urging you to vote no on Proposition 87. If we don't allow crossbows in our public schools, how will we protect our children from charging elk? Thank you for your time, and as always... I say Wango! I say Tango!

Ted: Well, for one brief, glorious moment I was almost president, sort of, but not really.

Ned: I thought I smelt deadily-ead. What's this?
Ted: Judging from that moustache, you must be a member of the People's Republic of Berkley.
Ned: The only thing left-wing about me is my left hand.
[Ted shoots an arrow on his forehead]
Ned: That's okay, as long as you're not a Mormon.

Ted: I caught me a fat old badger.
Martin: But I'm a little boy.
Ted: All I hear is chitter-chitter.