The Best Terence Maynard Quotes

Artorius: While at the Nilfgaardian dig site, did you absorb any insight into their followers?
Istredd: I absorbed nothing. Except perhaps some dirt.

DI: What's with the notepad?
DS: Notes.

[repeated line]
Cruel: On your feet, maggot!

Artorius: Not all of us have your soft spot for elves, Tissaia.
Vilgefortz: She's a co-chair on this council. She doesn't have soft spots.
Stregobor: Well, you'd know.

Artorius: How fares Nilfgaard?
Vanielle: King Fergus is proving to be an effective and... . excitable young king.
Stregobor: Horny, she means.