The Best Terry Quotes

[Biff has just received his auto repair bill after crashing it into a manure truck]
Biff: 300 bucks? 300 bucks for a couple of dents? Now, hey, that's bullshit, Terry.
Terry: No, Biff, it was *horseshit*! The whole car was full of it. I had to pay old man Jones 80 bucks to haul it away!
Biff: Old Man Jones! Probably re-sold it too. Now, I oughtta get something for *that*!
Terry: You want to get something for it! We'll go inside, you can call Old Man Jones! If he wants to give you a refund, that's fine!

Old: [Terry is holding a device that uses your thumbprint] Save the clock tower!
[to Marty]
Old: Hey kid, thumb a hundred bucks will ya, help save the clock tower?
Marty: I... Sorry, no. Another time.
Old: Come on, kid. That's an important historical landmark. Lightning struck that thing sixty years ago!
Marty: [Where Goldie Wilson III's advert was earlier, a "Sportsflash" holo-announcement starts. It says that the Chicago Cubs beat the Miami Gators in the World Series] 'Cubs win world series... against Miami'?
Old: Yeah, it's somethin', huh? Who woulda thought? 100 to 1 shot! I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season, put some money on the Cubs.
Marty: I just meant that Miami- What did you just say?
Old: I said I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season, put some money on the Cubbies!
[Terry turns around and walks away]