100 Best The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Quotes

Emperor: [speaking Mandarin] I raised you for one purpose... to enforce my will on the entire world!

- We gotta take out those bazookas!
- Go!

Jonathan: [to Rick] You guys are like mummy magnets!

- Stay!
- Here we go again.
- I live to serve you, my Lord.
- I can help you become immortal.
- If you are lying, you will burn.
- Wait! Wait! You wait for me!
- I'm coming with you! Wait, wait...

Rick: Look kid, I've put down more mummies in my time than you.
Alex: You put down one mummy, Dad.
Rick: Yeah. Same mummy... *twice*.

- Now you can rule in hell.
- The Emperor is dead.
- The Emperor is dead!

Jonathan: Die, you mummy bastards! Die!
Mad: There is no call for bad language!

- Hey, I'm actually a little bit concerned about plan B!
- Couldn't we go straight to plan C?
- Just make it go bang! I'll cover you!
- Come on.
- All right, let's go, go, go!
- Come on, come on!
- Come on. Oh, be good.

- Vile Mummy?
- No. Cursed Mummy!
- Mysterious Mummy.
- Malignant Mummy.
- Prepare to die!
- Take that!

- You see, this is a feng shui compass.
- Okay. Now. This...
- Okay, this is true north, but the feng shui compass is set in the opposite direction.
- -All right, we need to realign it.
- -All right.
- -All right, here we go.
- -All right.

Alex: When I saw you lying there, Dad, I... I've never been so scared in my life.
Rick: Well, that makes two of us.
Alex: I mean, you know, you're not supposed to die, you know? You're Ricochet O'Connell, right? Get beat up, you get tossed around, but... you're always standing there in the end. I never really thought of the world with out you.

- -Oh, yeah, that's a better idea.
- -RICK: Size counts!
- Stop mucking about! They're getting away!
[GRUNTS] Just drive!
Rick O'Connell: Aim for the Emperor!
Jonathan: Aim for the Emperor?
- -Light it up, Jonathan!
- -I'm trying!
- Fire!

- She said through the heart.
- Through the heart. Let's go.

Evelyn: Kiss me.
Rick: You don't have to ask me twice.
[kisses Evelyn]

- Leave me.
- Prepare for war!
Narrator: The other rulers hired assassins to kill the King before he could conquer them all.

- -Why am I laughing?
- -Here we go!
Rick O'Connell: Mad Dog, Mad Dog!
- Ease up, ease up, ease up!
Jonathan: Oh, God!
Jonathan: Maguire!
- Come on, man!
- Mad Dog!

- Set up a crossfire!
- Move it!
Evelyn O'Connell: My last round!

- I can't believe we get to see your first big discovery.
- It's so exciting.
- Well, after last night,
- I'm surprised you want to see it at all.
Jonathan: Listen,
- I'll pick you up in about an hour.
Evelyn O'Connell: You're not coming?
Jonathan: No, no,
- I've seen enough mummies to last a lifetime.

Jonathan: [about Lin] She speaks Yeti?

[GROANS] I hate mummies!
- They never play fair!
- Dad! Dad, what are you doing?
- Over here! Over here! Come on! Over here!
- Oh, no!
- Rick!

- -Evening, girls. You're looking well.
- -WOMAN: Good evening, Mr. Maguire.
- -It's a fine night to be me.
- -You dance great for an old lady.
- Someone told me to stop living on the sidelines.
- -Well, he sounds like a smart guy.
- -He is.

- All right, here I come!
Lin: Give me your hand!
- Come on!
- Watch out!
Rick O'Connell: Evy, where are you going?
- -Taking a short cut!
- -Evy!

- I dug you up... and I'm gonna put you down.

- I don't know if my heart can bear it.
- People can live an entire lifetime in one look.
- I watch my parents do it every day.
Jonathan: Alex?
Jonathan: Alex?
- Your father's awake. Get up here!

Narrator: Long ago, a mythic battle between good and evil played out in ancient China.
- The country was torn by civil war, with many kingdoms struggling for land and power.
- But one king had a ruthless ambition to make himself emperor by the sword.

- The witch was named Zi Yuan, and she was nothing like the General expected.

Evelyn: I'm sorry we haven't been properly introduced. Who are you exactly?
Lin: My name is Lin. My family has watched over the Emperors tomb for centuries. The Emperor cannot be killed unless he is stabbed through the heart with this.
[draws dagger]
Lin: My mother put a curse on it long ago.
Evelyn: [nods, smiling] . Mmm-hmm.

- Look at it, Alex.
- Look at it!

- Clear a path to the Golden Tower.
- Prove yourself to me.

- General...
- No man is to touch her.
- She is mine.
Narrator: On the western border stood the Monastery of Turfan.
- There was housed the greatest library in the ancient world, and Zi Yuan was sure the secret to eternal life was here.

- that we're here. You know...
- No problem. Great.
- Just don't wake the big guy up while I'm gone.
- Hey, Alex.
- You know, this is all really, really big stuff.
- Whatever you say, Dad.

- Yes!
- I've got it! And I'm still alive!
Alex O'Connell: [MUFFLED] Help me, please.
- Somebody help me!
- -We're over here! Over here!
- -Alex?
- -ALEX: Mom, Mom, we're down here!
- -Alex?
- We're over here!

Lin: I'll go after the Emperor.
Alex: Trust me, I've got a little more experience with mummies.
Lin: [Pulling out a dagger] And I have the only weapon that can kill him.
Alex: Okay, I'll cover you. Let's go!

Narrator: The curse must never be lifted, or the Emperor will rise again to enslave all of mankind.
- On that dark day, there will be nothing and no one to save us.

- but like the lowliest peasant, he could not stop growing old.
- I have too much to do for one lifetime.
Narrator: He needed to defeat his last enemy, death itself.
- One day, news came of a powerful witch who was rumored to know the secret to eternal life.
- He ordered General Ming, his oldest friend and trusted ally, to find her.

Evelyn: [talking about Lin] She's certainly managed to enchant you. Come on, Alex. You obviously like her.
Alex: Mom, the thin mountain air, clearly messing with your head.

- -Help! Help me!
- -Lin!
- Please! Help me!

- What did you do to me?
- I cursed you and your army.
- Surround the Palace!
- The Emperor is in trouble!

- You put down one mummy, Dad.
- Yeah. Same mummy twice!
Evelyn O'Connell: Hand me the green wire, will you, please?
- Are you sure you know what you are doing?
- Of course. I've done this a hundred times.
- If the Emperor places the Eye up there, all will be lost.

- Rick!
- Darling, where are you?

Mad: Remember our deal! When this is over, my men get to drink for free!
Jonathan: You can have the whole damn bar for all I care! I'm getting the hell out of China.

- Let go!
- Never!
Rick O'Connell: Enough tricks! Where's your honor?
- Fight like a man!

Mad: I'd tell you to fasten your seatbelts, but I was too cheap to buy any!
[Mad Dog laughs and Rick joins in]
Rick: Why am I laughing?

- I'll stay.
- Fate is about to deal its final hand.
- If we are to defeat the Emperor...
- I must ask for one more sacrifice.
- Anything, mother.
- Your immortality.

- I could live here. Lots of opportunity.
- A casino.
- I was wrong to involve you in my revenge.
- No, mother.
- I would do anything for you.

[last lines]
Jonathan: Yeah. Ciao, ciao, Shanghai. Peru, here I come.
[Soon after, mummies were found in Peru]

- Let's give a warm O'Connell welcome!
- Fire!
- Bazooka!
Rick O'Connell: Fall back!
- Alex! Follow me!

Rick O'Connell: Brake! No, no! Nobody move.
- Nobody move, nobody move!

- You have served me well.
- I will grant you anything you desire.
- I want to spend my life with General Ming.
- Of course.
- Read.

- I will not make that mistake.
- I cannot escape this curse until I am immortal...
- General.
- I understand, my Lord.
- We need to find the Pool of Eternal Life.
- This will point the way.

- I'm ready to be inspired.
- Do you remember the time the mummy had me tied down?
- And you came to save me and you cut...
- No! You tore open the ropes is what you did, just as he was about to plunge his...
- Oh, rats.

- Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
- Oh, God!
Jonathan: Evy!
- We've got to go back and help Rick!
Jonathan: Rick! Forget Rick!
- Here they come!

Alex: Besides... you're not my type.
Lin: Of course not. You don't like a woman who can knock you on your backside.
Alex: [chuckles] The expression "kick my ass." For the record, you didn't.

Alex: [speaking Mandarin] I dug you up... and I'm gonna put you down.

- Alex, please! Don't. That's...
- Don't, don't. Don't, please.
- No, don't, Alex, it's me. Please.
- It's not him. This is a eunuch! It's a decoy!
- Where the hell's the Emperor?

Jonathan: I *hate* mummies! They never play fair!

- Thank you.
- He must rest. We'll take him to my chamber.

Evelyn: Any regrets, darling?
Rick: None. Not ever.

- I raised you for one purpose... to enforce my will on the entire world!
- Long live the Emperor!
- I call upon the hundreds and the thousands that you may rise up and seize this moment to take your victory, to take your justice and to take your revenge!

- Sir Colin Bembridge.
- Oh, gee...
- He went searching for this tomb
- 70 years ago.
- They left him like this as a warning.
- Unfortunately, this is not the dead man that's gonna make us famous.
- Let's keep moving.

- Become my queen and I will let him live.
- Do what he says! Save yourself!
- You will never keep your word.
- You are right.
- Now, join General Ming in hell.

[Alex opens a trunk filled with guns and grenades]
Rick: What did you do now? Rob an armory?

- Get in!
- The O'Connells are going to stop the Emperor!

- Hold the line!
- Good, we're a little more than halfway.
- We're gonna...
- We're gonna camp up there for the night.

Alex: Yeah, well, good going, you raised another mummy.
Jonathan: And this bugger's got superpowers.

Alex: Yeah, we can get in close, Dad. And then we can finish him off with Lin's dagger.
Rick: Look, I'm sorry, I just don't put much faith in your girlfriend's magic dagger.
Alex: Okay, Dad, she is not my girlfriend.
Rick: You say that now, but I still don't trust her.
Alex: Well, I do. So you should trust *my* judgement, okay?

- I'll go after the Emperor.
- Trust me. I've got a little more experience with mummies.
- And I have the only weapon that can kill him.
- Okay. I'll cover you. Let's go!
Alex O'Connell: Lin!
- -I thought you were dead!
- -He missed.

- Grab her.
- Guard her with your life.
- Alex?
- -Where'd he go?
- -Where do you think?

- Shangri-La.
- That's a diamond.
- I could use a diamond like that.

- Die, you mummy bastards! Die!
- There is no call for bad language!
- Jonathan certainly knows how to make an entrance!

- Honey! Fall back to higher ground!
- I really hate mummies!
- It seems the feeling's mutual!
- Shut up, clay boy! Fore!
- Run!

- -We should...
- -...drop in and surprise him.
- -Say hello.
- -Why not?
- Does this mean we can count on you one last time?
- Yes.

- Back off! Back off!
Lin: Run!

- Yeah, it's not easy being me, you know.
- Then again, I don't suppose it's easy being you, is it, Geraldine, old girl?
- If I'd met a girl like you, Geraldine...
- You know, hard-working, you don't say much, you're a little bit hairy, but I don't mind that.

Alex: People can live an entire lifetime in one look. I watch my parents do it every day.

[upon being surrounded by an army of the undead]
Rick: These are, uh... They're good undead guys, right?

- Where are you going, General?
- Our destiny awaits.
- Well, it's not everyone that gets their brother-in-law back from the dead.
- Yeah, give me my four score years and ten any day.
- Is this Shangri-La?

[the Emperor address his troops while Zi Yuan incants in an underground altar]
Emperor: [speaking Mandarin] Today you awake to a world... in the grip of chaos and corruption.
Zi: Open the gates of the past and free the souls of the wrongfully damned.
Emperor: [speaking Mandarin] I will restore order... I will retake what is mine... I will crush any idea of freedom.
Zi: In the name of the ancestors and the righteous, I sacrifice my immortality and that of my daughter so that you may rise this day!
Emperor: [speaking Mandarin] I will slaughter without mercy... I will conquer without compassion... I will now lead you past the Great Wall... Once you cross, you will be indestructible.
Zi: Bring down the wrath of the oppressed on this Emperor and all who follow him! combine?

- Soon all our training and sacrifice... will bear great fruit.
- It is my dream to raise our Emperor from his tomb.
- Only He can bring order out of this chaos.
- Soldiers... tonight our great battle begins!

Rick: [to Dragon Emperor] Enough tricks! Where's your honor? Fight like a man!

[finally lights the fuse to the dynamite]
Jonathan: Yeah! I did it!
[realizes he is kneeling at the base of the tower that is going to blow]
Jonathan: Oh, mother, I did it... Time for a retreat, I...
[turns to see a Yeti standing behind him]
Jonathan: I'm on your team! I'm a team player! "One for all and all for me" kind of thing!
[sees the fuse is getting closer to the dynamite]
Jonathan: The dynamite, all this dynamite! We should, uh, get out of here!

- Delta-Tango-Alpha, this is Ricochet.
- Go ahead, Mad Dog.
- Yeah, you know that Yang fellow you told me to keep me eye out for?
- He's just shown up.
- Ricochet out. Thanks, Mad Dog.
- That's us, people! Let's go!
- -Jonathan, wake up!
- -What...

- Death to General Ming!
- Charge!
- Welcome to the 20th century!
- We can't let them cross the wall!

- "If he is awakened, all mortals should despair."
- It's definitely him!
- Even had his concubines buried alive with him.
- Selfish bastard.
- Hey, Professor Wilson, you want to come down and take a look?
- Or are you so overwhelmed you can't talk?

- Oh, God.
- We've got to take him to Shangri-La now!
- It's our only chance.

Jonathan: [Trying to get warn Alex about a 'lady'] No, no, Alex. No, look. Listen, uh, how can I... Come here. To put it in archeological terms, that's a tomb in which many pharaohs have lain.

Mad: Well, any self-respecting pilot would land on the valley floor, but I don't have any self-respect, so, uh, I'll put you down halfway up the mountain.

- Really?
- How many experiences are we talking about?
- Well, you shouldn't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to, okay, Mom?
- Right.
- Hey, Mom.
- I'm sorry I blamed you guys for raising the Emperor.

Lin: Alex!
- Alex!

Zi: When the Emperor built the Wall, he buried his enemies underneath it and cursed their souls to hold it up for eternity. Most of them were conquered soldiers. I will call them to battle once again.

- You can run, but you can't hide.
- One o'clock.
- 1 946
- Ten o'clock, one o'clock. Ten o'clock, one...
- And this is something for grown men to do?

- Zi Yuan.
- It's General Ming!
- Follow General Ming!
- Prepare for battle!

Jonathan: Hey! You three-headed shape-shifting son of a bitch!

- We had it completely under control.
- This guy ever run out of tricks?
- No!
- Mother! No!
- Mother!
- Mother! Mother!

Evelyn: What is that god-awful smell?
Jonathan: [covered in puke] The yak yakked.

- -Get on with it, O'Connell.
- -All right.
- Once this touches him, the Emperor will rise to rule again.
- Finish him off.

Jonathan: [during a chase scene] Where's Rick?
Evelyn: Where do you think?

- That's comforting. How exactly are we supposed to fend them off?
- When the Emperor built the Wall, he buried his enemies underneath it and cursed their souls to hold it up for eternity.
- Most of them were conquered soldiers.
- I will call them to battle once again.
- Unlock an altar, raise an army.
- That sounds like a plan. Let's go.

Jonathan: Why do I always have to save the day?

- This is a key.
Narrator: It was the long lost oracle bones, a collection of all the mystical secrets of the ancient world.
- The Emperor's answer was here along with other magic beyond imagining.