30 Best The Prophecy Quotes

Lucifer: You see, I'm not here to help you little bitch because I love you or because I care for you, but because two hells is one hell too many, and I can't have that.

Gabriel: Do you know how you got that dent, in your top lip? Way back, before you were born, I told you a secret, then I put my finger there and I said "Shhhhh!"

Lucifer: Other angels have made this war because they hate you, you and all humans. God has put you in his grace and pushed them aside. They're desperate. They've never been able to conquer the other loyal angels, and so this war has remained in stalemate for thousands of years. And while this state of affairs endures no soul can meet its god. Your parents, and their parents, and so on from the beginning lie still in wormy earth. Of course, some of them do come to me eventually, for while heaven may be closed I am always open, even on Christmas.

Thomas: Years later, of all the Gospels I learnt in seminary school, a verse from St. Paul stays with me. It is perhaps the strangest passage in the Bible, in which he writes: "Even now in Heaven there are Angles carrying savage weapons."

Lucifer: God? God is love. I don't love you.

Gabriel: Study your math, kids. Key to the Universe.

Catherine: Who are you?
Gabriel: That's a long story.

Simon: Do you believe that you are a part of God's plan?
Thomas: That's a complicated question.
Simon: No it isn't.

Gabriel: Eternity here in that sagging skin suit, or one more day with me?
Rachael: Why?
Gabriel: Can't drive. But I can wait. Until stars burn out if you don't make up your mind.

Thomas: When was he buried?
Grave: Which time?

Gabriel: It's a big universe Jerry and some things in it are talking monkey work. Monkeys, like you.

Gabriel: It's not here.
Jerry: Bad news for the war effort.
Gabriel: Shut up!

[first lines]
Simon: I remember the First War, the way the sky burned, the faces of angels destroyed. I saw a third of Heaven's legion banished and the creation of Hell. I stood with my brothers and watched Lucifer Fall. But now my brothers are not brothers, and we have come here where we are mortal to steal the Dark Soul, not yet Lucifer's, to serve our cause. I have always obeyed, but I never thought the War would happen again.

Lucifer: Think, Thomas, think. What is the one thing essential to an angel... the thing that holds his entire being together?
Thomas: Faith, faith, faith.
Lucifer: And what would happen if that faith was tested and an angel, just like you didn't understand? Use that. Use it!

Catherine: You can't HAVE HER!

Lucifer: Do you know what Hell really is, Thomas? It's not lakes of burning oil or chains of ice. It's being removed from God's sight, having His Word taken from you. It's hard to believe. so hard. I know that better than anyone.

Thomas: [thumbing through ancient Bible found on the dead John Doe] Cute.
Joseph: What is it?
Thomas: Twenty-third chapter of Saint John's Revelations.
Joseph: And?
Thomas: There is no twenty-third chapter.
Joseph: Well, maybe this is the Teacher's Edition.

Lucifer: I was the first angel, loved once above all others...
Lucifer: But like all true love... one day it withered on the vine...

Thomas: If you wanted to prove your side was right, Gabriel, so badly, why didn't you just ask Him? Why didn't you ask God?
Gabriel: Because He doesn't talk to me any more.

Lucifer: You know what Hell really is Thomas? It's not lakes of burning oil or chains of ice. It's being removed from God's sight. It's hard to believe... so hard.

Lucifer: Humans... and how I love you talking monkeys for this... know more about war and treachery of the spirit than any angel.

Gabriel: Jerry, come here. If you were a soul, where would you hide?
Jerry: The hell away from you.

Joseph: And this is for you. He's also a hermaphrodite.
[lifts the sheet covering the corpse so Thomas can see]
Joseph: He's got both male and female sex organs.
Thomas: Think of the possibilities!
Joseph: Yeah, you can be impotent and frigid all at the same time.

Jerry: Never trust a fucking angel.

Lucifer: I can lay you out and fill your mouth with your mother's feces, or we can talk.

Lucifer: [shrill whisper] I love you! I love you more than Jesus!

Simon: I'm so tired of this war.
Gabriel: Reject the lie Simon. Join us! Help us make it like it was before the monkeys. You remember? We cast out Lucifer's army, you and I. We threw their rebel thrones from the wall.
Simon: They wanted to be gods.
Gabriel: I don't wanna be a god Simon. I just wanna make it like it was, before the lie. When he loved us best.

Gabriel: I'm an angel. I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls, and from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why.

Thomas: Some people lose their faith because Heaven shows them too little. But how many people lose their faith because Heaven showed them too much?

Simon: Oh, Gabriel. When was it that you lost your grace?