The Best Thondir Quotes

Thondir: What devilry is this?
Galadriel: These Orcs were meddling with the powers of the Unseen World. Some dark sorcery of old. But what was their purpose?
Thondir: Surely, it is lost to the ages now. Whatever happened here was long ago.
Galadriel: [watching a wisp of dust evaporate on a frozen stone slab] Water.
[Thondir hands over a flask, and she pours the contents on the stone]
Galadriel: [watching the ice melt] Even stone cannot hide the mark of one whose very hand is flame unquenched. He was here. Sauron was here. Tell the others to rest while they can. At sunrise, we move on. We'll take the search further north.
Thondir: Further north?
Galadriel: This mark was left as a trail for Orcs to follow. The last time I saw it was on my brother. We must follow it.
Thondir: The mark is centuries old. Whoever left it could be long dead.
Galadriel: Or lying in wait, gathering strength, perfecting whatever dark art eluded him here.
Thondir: We exceeded our orders months ago. Surely we must first return home to take counsel with the High King.
Galadriel: I promise you there is not a soul amongst our company who yearns for home more than I. I can still feel the light of the trees on my face. I can still see it. And until we are certain every trace of our enemy is vanquished... I can never return.

Thondir: This company has followed you to the very edge of the world. But none who ever dared search for this last stronghold has ever found anything. It's been years since the last Orc was sighted. Is it not possible the other commanders are right and our enemy is no more? Night is closing in. How long can living flesh endure where even sunlight fears to tread? Perhaps we would be wise to camp here. And tomorrow, begin the journey home.

Galadriel: [finding Barad-dûr] This is it. This is where the Orcs gathered after Morgoth's defeat. Far more must have escaped than we ever imagined.
Thondir: My hand is past feeling.
Galadriel: No. This place is so evil, our torches give off no warmth. This way.
Thondir: How can you be certain?
Galadriel: It's colder than the rest.

Thondir: [Galadriel slays a snow-troll] We should never have come in here.
Galadriel: We leave soon enough. The order is given. We march at first light.
Thondir: Then you shall do so alone.