The Best Timothy Quotes

[Timothy has been found pinned beneath a fallen beam on the Vico. After a failed attempt to beam him aboard, Data decides to free Timothy by lifting the debris off of him]
Timothy: Are you going to lift that?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Yes. Then I will take you to the corridor.. We will transfer back to the Enterprise from there. Do you understand?
Timothy: How can you pick up something so heavy?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: I am an android. My strength is many times that of a human.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: It is going to be... okay.

Counselor: [in Ten Forward] So, what would you like?
Timothy: Androids do not need to eat or drink.
[he sees a waiter with a tray filled with sundaes pass by]
Timothy: However, we sometimes like to taste things. A Tamarin frost, please.

Lt. Commander Data: I have often wished to be human. I study people carefully, in order to more closely approximate human behavior.
Timothy: Why? We're stronger and smarter than humans. We can do more than they can.
Lt. Commander Data: But I cannot take pride in my abilities. I cannot take pleasure in my accomplishments.
Timothy: But... we never have to feel bad either.
Lt. Commander Data: I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could... taste my dessert.

[after coming to the conclusion that Timothy is not being fully honest about the Vico's destruction, Captain Picard has the boy taken into his ready room, with Counselor Troi and Lt. Commander Data present, for questioning]
Capt. Jean: Timothy, can you tell us what happened to your ship?
Timothy: [firmly] I did tell you!
Counselor: Tell us again,
Timothy: We were attacked.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: That is very unlikely, our investigation concludes that...
Timothy: [interrupting; shouting] We were attacked, we were attacked!
Lt. Cmdr. Data: [conciliating] Timothy... Androids do not lie.
Timothy: It... It was... me.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Please, explain.
Timothy: [his voice breaking] It was me... I did it. I killed them all.

[Data is trying to dress Timothy's hair, who keeps wiggling his head]
Lt. Commander Data: Timothy, your head movements are counterproductive. Can you be still?
Timothy: But you do it.
Lt. Commander Data: [puzzled] The servo-mechanisms in my neck are designed to approximate human movements. I did not realize the effect was so distracting.

- My positronic brain is not capable of generating those conditions.
- Good bye.
- Data, can we build something else later?
- Data: That would be acceptable.
Timothy: Bye.

Counselor: How're you feeling?
Timothy: I am functioning within established parameters.
Counselor: [amused] "Established parameters"? You sound like Data.
Timothy: I am an android.

Lt. Commander Data: Hello, Timothy.
Timothy: Hi, Data. How are you?
Lt. Commander Data: I am operating within established parameters. How are you?
Timothy: I miss my parents. But... I'm okay.

[Data and Timothy are painting with acrylics when Timothy yawns sleepily]
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Perhaps you should return to your quarters.
Timothy: I'm fine. The servo-mechanisms in my mouth are designed to approximate human movements.
[Data thinks for a moment, then opens his mouth, practicing yawning movements]
Timothy: That is not bad.
Lt. Cmdr. Data: [stops what he was doing] Thank you.

Timothy: [the Enterprise is experiencing giant shock waves that are gradually getting more violent; Timothy starts remembering the Vico's final moments from listening to the converstation between Riker, Picard and Worf on the Bridge to La Forge in Engineering] Warp Power to the Shields... They said that too, Data. I'm positive!

[last lines]
Timothy: Can we still do things together? Even if I'm not really an android?
Lt. Commander Data: I have many human friends. I would be pleased to count you among them.
Timothy: That would be...
[he takes on an 'androidish' expression]
Timothy: ...acceptable.

[Data is brushing Timothy's hair to look like his own. Timothy starts to open up a little]
Timothy: Data... what's the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
Lt. Commander Data: Fear is not a quality that I possess.
Timothy: Because it's an emotion?
Lt. Commander Data: Correct.
Timothy: But wha-what if you had a nightmare?
Lt. Commander Data: I never have a nightmare. I do not require sleep.
[Data stops mid brush and crouches down to a seated Timothy's eye level. There is what strangely looks like concern in his eyes as he watches the boy carefully]
Lt. Commander Data: Timothy... Are you having disturbing dreams?
Timothy: [Timothy hesitates before assuming the android persona] I... do not require sleep.