The Best Tom Neville Quotes

Sebastian: So what now?
Tom: I am gonna take the Patriots down one corpse at a time. I am gonna cut a path to Washington and put a bullet in the president's face. Make Sherman's march feel like a 10k fun run. Is that the sort of work that you'd be interested in?
Sebastian: That is music to my ears.

Miles: Just put the gun down, Tom.
Tom: I need Monroe. Or I need you as bait to catch him, or Julia's dead.
Miles: Then she's dead.
Tom: Or... how about I shoot your sister-in-law's pretty face off?
Miles: I don't think you will. You fire... and we fire... we all bite it and Julia's dead anyway.
Tom: Are you telling me that you're really willing to take your last breath for a sack of crap like Monroe?

Danny: Shut up, already.
Captain: What did you say to me?
Danny: I'm sick of it. I'm sick of your weird speeches, your mind games. Whatever you're trying to do, it's not working.
Captain: I would be very, very careful if I were you.
Danny: Or what? Are you gonna hit me again? Does that make you feel tough beating up an 18-year-old kid? What's that say about you?

Jason: I don't understand you. Why are you doing this? I don't want your help.
Major: Look: I know what kind of man I am. I have done every bad thing in the good book. I have lied, I have stolen, I have killed and worse. I don't care if you're the devil himself, everyone draws a line somewhere and leaving my only son to die alone...
Major: I guess that's where I draw the line.

Major: [Impatiently] That's fascinating, chubs. Now, can you get us inside that door or not?
Aaron: With this book I can... you dick.

Captain: Aw, come on! Who's next? Danny boy? You're up?
Danny: No. No thanks.
Captain: Come on. The rest of these bootlicks are too afraid to hit hard. But I know how you feel about me.
Danny: I'm not gonna fight you.
[punches Danny in the face]
Captain: You gotta toughen up, son.

Jason: You forget I know you, Dad. I get why you're with Georgia now.
Major: Why's that?
Jason: You don't care what side you're on as long as they kiss your ass.

Major: Now we're partners, Miles.
Miles: Tom, I'm gonna kill you.
Major: Foster won't like it.
Miles: Yeah, well, I don't take orders from her. And I certainly don't take 'em from you.
Major: True, but she has provided your adorable rebel cause with a steady stream of men and guns. If you don't work with me, I'll take it all back. And you can go back to being the general of my nuts.

Sebastian: Tom, how would you feel about driving a tanker car filled with mustard gas straight into the heart of D.C. and shove it down the throats of these sons of bitches?
Tom: You had me at mustard gas.

Randall: You got Ben Matheson killed, let Miles Matheson slip through your fingers. If you'd work for me, I'd fire you.
Major: But I don't work for you. You're just a civilian with a smug smile and a cheap suit.
Randall: This is vintage Zegna.

Major: You know... I know you. I recognized you the minute I laid eyes. That's Aaron Pittman, the wizard of Google. You've been on the cover of Wired magazine more times than I can count. I bet you were high and mighty when the lights were on. I bet you'd boss around those poor bastards in their tiny cubicles. I was one of those poor bastards myself. But now, look at you, and look at me. Now you need Miles saving your fat pockmarked ass. In fact, that's exactly what I'm counting on.