20 Best Miles Matheson Quotes

Sebastian: Typhus? I don't know whether to kill these guys or write 'em a fan letter.
Miles: Yeah, let's do the first thing.

Miles: Listen, uh, if you're gonna kill me: go ahead and kill me - just stop talking.

Sebastian: Did you hear we're running out of bullets?
Miles: What?
Sebastian: We've been shooting so many rounds for so many years, at all these bandits, all these militias, we're running low. We're gonna have to ration. Or start using swords. We'll be like pirates.

John: Which one of you is Truman?
Edward: I am. Director Edward Truman with the U.S. government.
John: U.S. government? Right. Well, I'm John Franklin Fry, Secretary of the Interior of the great nation of Texas, and you are an armed force on our sovereign soil. You got a reason why I shouldn't cut you down where you stand?
Miles: Gotta love Texas.

Charlie: What happens when summer's over?
Miles: Uh... we win. What?
Charlie: All right, you're clearly not gonna say it, so I will. I think you and my mom should give it a shot. A real one.
Miles: Give what a shot?
Charlie: Don't be an idiot. Look, I wish things could've been different for me and Jason. And now I'll never get the chance. You love her, she loves you. It's kind of an open secret. You guys deserve to run off and be happy together. I'm glad it you, Miles. I want it to be you.

Major: Now we're partners, Miles.
Miles: Tom, I'm gonna kill you.
Major: Foster won't like it.
Miles: Yeah, well, I don't take orders from her. And I certainly don't take 'em from you.
Major: True, but she has provided your adorable rebel cause with a steady stream of men and guns. If you don't work with me, I'll take it all back. And you can go back to being the general of my nuts.

Miles: I had money, you'd screw us over, but I'll give you this one. You did all right.
Sebastian: Yeah, well, one, suck it. Two... It wasn't me. It was your niece.

Charlie: [Miles is about to go talk to someone about Nora's whereabouts] Where are you going?
Miles: It's a little place called Shut Up And Stay Here.

Miles: If you go anywhere near him, I will bash your little boy band face in.
Jason: [to Charlie] What's a boy band?

Miles: Pull that whistle, Joe! We just stole a train.

Miles: We lived in an electric world. We relied on it for everything. And then the power went out. Everything stopped working. We weren't prepared. Fear and confusion lead to panic. The lucky ones made it out of the cities. The government collapsed. Militias took over, controlling the food supply and stockpiling weapons. We still don't know why the power went out, but we're hopeful that someone will come and light the way.

Miles: Just put the gun down, Tom.
Tom: I need Monroe. Or I need you as bait to catch him, or Julia's dead.
Miles: Then she's dead.
Tom: Or... how about I shoot your sister-in-law's pretty face off?
Miles: I don't think you will. You fire... and we fire... we all bite it and Julia's dead anyway.
Tom: Are you telling me that you're really willing to take your last breath for a sack of crap like Monroe?

Miles: You're in too. Your mom told me to take care of you, so I figured I'd drag you in front of a nuclear weapon.

Charlie: So you're gonna trust them?
Miles: I got every instinct in me screaming no, but I'm trying to picture what a good guy would do, and a good guy would trust them.

Miles: I know what you're thinking.
Rachel: No, you don't know what I'm thinking.
Miles: Don't worry. Bass'll be there. With the President.
Rachel: Okay, you know what I'm thinking. How can you be so sure?
Miles: Well, I'm trying something new: prayer.

Miles: Texas just declared war on the U.S. We outnumber the patriots four to one. We should wipe 'em out by summer's end. And we're gonna start in Willoughby. How would you like your town back?
Dr. Gene Porter: I'd like that very much. Thank you. I'd say this calls for a drink.

Miles: We're doing this for Marion. And for Jason. And for everyone else these sons of bitches have taken.
Sebastian: You know who makes speeches like that? People who are about to die.
Miles: Good point.

Joe: Sorry about the, uh, you know... had to make it look authentic.
Miles: Yeah, you're a real Meryl Streep.

Miles: Corporal.
Sgt. Will Strausser: I'm a sergeant now.
Miles: Well, let's be honest, you're a sociopath, is what you are. Before the blackout, you'd have been locked in a rubber room.

Miles: She ever cook like that for you? How long were you two together, anyway?
Dr. Gene Porter: It was after Charlotte died, okay? I was alone.
Miles: So that makes you and Truman related.
Dr. Gene Porter: If they don't kill you, I'm gonna.