Top 30 Quotes From The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Edward: [on the bed, kissing passionately; as she starts unbuttoning her shirt] Stop trying to take your clothes off.
Bella: [still close to each other] You want to do that part?
Edward: Not tonight.
[long pause; moves away; both sit up on the bed]
Bella: [after a little while] You... You mean, you don't...
[sighs, disappointed and a little embarrassed]
Bella: That's fine.
Edward: [looking at her intently] Believe me, I want to.
Edward: I just want to be married to you first.
Bella: [pause] You really make me feel like I'm some sort of, like, villain trying to steal your virtue or something.
Edward: [he smiles] It's not *my* virtue I'm concerned about.

Edward: [from trailer] I know the consequences of the choice your making.

Bree: What did you do to me? I, I'm so
[clutches throat]
Riley: I know. We'll get you someone to drink. Just try not to get killed. I'm gonna need numbers.

Embry: Glad you're here Bella, maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue.
Paul: I wish Bella would call!
Jared: I wish Bella wouldn't call!
Embry: Maybe I should call Bella!
Quil: Maybe I should call Bella and hang up!
Jacob: [laughs] Alright, you can shut up now.

Rosalie: [talking about the night she died, after she was assaulted by her fiance & his friends] They left me in the street, thinking I was dead. Believe me, I wanted to be.
Rosalie: Carlisle found me. He smelled all the blood. Thought he was helping me.
Bella: I'm sorry.
Rosalie: [pause; eventually Rosalie continues with a slight smile] I got my revenge on them.
Rosalie: One at a time.
[enters flashback]
Rosalie: Save Royce for last, so he'd know I was coming.
[we see 3 policemen, standing outside Royce's door; cut to inside where Royce hears all the police get taken out; cowering in a corner, Rosalie breaks the door down, wearing a wedding dress, complete with veil; smiles menacingly]
Rosalie: [back to Rosalie now; smiles at the memory] I was a little theatrical back then.
[long pause as a series of emotions play across her face; continues]
Rosalie: Things got better after I found Emmett.
[nods briefly; beat]
Rosalie: But we'll always be this... Frozen... Never moving forward. That's what I miss the most. Possibilities.

Bella: Jasper? Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?
Jasper: Well just your presence alone, your scent, will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over, and drive 'em crazy.
Bella: Good, I'm glad.
[Jasper nods and begins to walk away]
Bella: Hey,
[Jasper turns around]
Bella: how do you know so much about this?
Jasper: I didn't have quite the same upbringing as my adopted siblings.
[Rolls up sleeves and shows Bella his arms, which have bite marks on them]
Bella: [Hops off Jeep] Those bites are like mine.
Jasper: [with a smirk] Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me was useless against the newborns, but still, I never lost a fight.
Bella: [he walks away; after a beat she follows him] Hey, this - this happened during the Civil War?
Jasper: [smiles] I was the youngest major in the Texas Calvary, all without having seen any real battle.
Bella: Until...?
Jasper: [suddenly serious] Till I met a certain immortal... Maria.
[enters a flashback]

Emmett: Fall down again, Bella?
Bella: No, Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face.

Edward: [from trailer] Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever.

Edward: After a few decades, everyone you know will be dead. Problem Solved.

Bella: Edward?
Edward: If you ever touch her against her will again...
Bella: Edward! Don't do this!
Jacob: She's not sure what she wants!
Bella: Don't do this here!
Edward: Let me give you a clue: wait for her to say the words.
Jacob: Fine, and she will.
Bella: Jacob, just go, okay?

Edward: [from trailer] I know the consequences of the choices you're making. After a few decades, everyone you know will be dead.

Jacob: Something up?
Bella: [shakes her head] Bunch of vampires trying to kill me?
Jacob: [smiles] Same old, same old.

Charlie: [seeing Edward & Jake close to physically fighting each other] Hey, hey, hey... Easy, guys, easy... Let's take it down a notch, all right? What's going on?
Jacob: [pause] I kissed Bella.
Jacob: And she broke her hand.
Jacob: Punching my face.
Jacob: It was a complete misunderstanding.

Edward: [dropping her off; about Jacob] Doesn't he own a shirt?
Bella: [smiling; after a few seconds, voice concerned] I'm good here, you should go.
Edward: I'm not gonna be gone long.
Bella: Don't rush. You need to hunt.
[pause; they kiss intimately & Jake looks away; smiling]
Bella: Ok, maybe rush a little bit.
[walks to Jake]
Jacob: [with a smile, coming to meet her] Hey beautiful.
Bella: [she smiles briefly] Hey.
[they hug, Jake holding her a little more tightly]

Alice: I've decided to throw a party.
Jasper: After all, how many times are we going to graduate high school.
[Edward scoffs]
Angela: A party at your place?
Jessica: I've never seen your house.
Eric: No one's ever seen their house.
Edward: Another party Alice?
Alice: It'll be fun.
Bella: Yeah. That's what you said last time.
[Alice slumps back, has a vision]
Bella: [trying to distract her from Alice] Hey Angela.
Angela: Yeah?
Bella: You need some help with those?

Bella: [after telling her why he doesn't want to turn her, & it's not what she expected] I thought- you were afraid I'd be too different. Like, I wouldn't be warm, or smell the same.
Edward: [he smiles; lays a hand on her cheek] You'll always be my Bella...
[pause; they kiss and he holds her close]
Edward: My Bella just less fragile.
[both smile]

Edward: Doesn't he own a shirt?

Jacob: [from trailer] You wouldn't have to change for me Bella. I'm in love with you, and I want you to pick me instead of him.

Bella: [Jake just found out Bella plans to marry Edward] Jake, please!
Jacob: [seething with fury] I'm done! I am so done!
Bella: [wanting to make things right] What can I do?
Jacob: You can't do anything. I can, by going out there and killing something!
[continues walking away]
Bella: [shaky with intense emotion, stammers a little] No! You're not thinking clearly! Don't do that!
Jacob: Maybe I'll get myself killed and make it simple for you.
Bella: No! Just, Jake, stay!
Jacob: Why?
[walks towards her]
Jacob: Give me one good reason.
Bella: [starting to tear up] Because I don't want to lose you!
Jacob: [beat] That's not good enough.
Bella: Because you're too important.
Jacob: [shakes his head] Still not good enough.
[turns and walks away quickly]
Bella: [shouts, almost frantice] Jacob!
[he stops; Bella looks a little desperate as she searches for what to say or do; eventually]
Bella: Kiss me!
[he turns around, surprised & disbelieving what he heard; Bella still shaking]
Bella: I'm- asking you... to kiss me.
[beat, then he comes up to her; they kiss, at first tentative then more deeply; eventually they stop, but remain very close to each other]
Jacob: [puts his hands on her face & kisses her softly once more; after a few seconds, in a quiet voice] That should have been our first kiss.
[his head lingers near hers, no longer mad to the point of recklessness; eventually]
Jacob: I gotta go.
[looks her in the eyes, as if promising he'll be careful]
Jacob: I'll be back.
[walks away; she stands there a while longer, deep in thought]

Emmett: Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?
Bella: I punched a werewolf in the face.
Emmett: Badass. You're going to be one tough little newborn.
Bella: Tough enough to take you on.
[Rosalie throws newspaper down on table and storms out; Bella looks at Emmett]

Alice: They'll be here in four days.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: This could turn into a bloodbath.
Edward: Who's behind it?
Alice: I didn't see anyone I recognized... maybe one.
Edward: I know his face. He's a local. Riley Biers. He didn't start this.
Alice: Whoever did is staying out of the action.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision.
Jasper: Either way, the army's coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town.
Jacob: Hold up. What damn army?
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: Newborns. Our kind.
Embry: What are they after?
Alice: They were passing around Bella's scent. A red blouse.
Jacob: They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: It means an ugly fight. With lives lost.
Jacob: [looking at his pack mates, then back at Carlisle] All right. We're in.
Bella: No... you'll get yourself killed. No way.
Jacob: I wasn't asking for permission.

Jacob: [to Edward] Let's face it, I am hotter than you.

Jessica: When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like, astronauts, president... or in my case, a princess.
[the students and parents chuckle lightly]
Jessica: When we were ten, they asked again. We answered, a rock star, cowboy, or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we're grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this. Who the hell knows?
[the other students cheer and applaud]
Jessica: This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions; this is a time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love... a lot. Major in philosophy, because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind, and change it again, because nothing's permanent. So, make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess... we'll know.

Jasper: Don't hold back.
Emmett: [Smiles] Not in my nature.
[Charges Jasper; once Jasper manages to take Emmett down]
Emmett: Never lose focus.

Jasper: The two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett!

Bella: Should I come back?
Jacob: I need some time, but I'll always be waiting.
Bella: Until my heart stops beating.
Jacob: Maybe even then.

Jane: [from trailer] She's still human. The Volturi don't give second chances.

Edward: [to Victoria] You won't get another chance like this again! You want her! You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James! When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing.

Edward: [about Jake in the tent] This might sound odd, but I'm glad you're here.
Jacob: [w/ a smile] Meaning, "As much as I'd love to kill you im glad she's warm."
Edward: If we weren't natural enemies, and you weren't trying to steal my reason for existing, I might actually like you.
Jacob: [beat] Well, if you weren't planning on sucking the life out of the girl I love, I might
[thinks about it; laughs]
Jacob: No. Not even then.
[Edward smiles]

Bella: This wasn't a choice between you and Jacob. It was between who I should be and who I am. I've always felt out of step. Like literally stumbling through my life. I've never felt normal, because I'm not normal, and I don't wanna be. I've had to face death and loss and pain in your world, but I've also never felt stronger, like more real, more myself, because it's my world too. It's where I belong.
Edward: So it's not just about me?
Bella: No.
Bella: Sorry...