Top 100 Quotes From Bella Swan

Isabella: Hey dad I have a date with Edward Cullen.
Charlie: He's a little old for ya, isn't he?
Isabella: No, uh, he's a junior I'm a junior. I thought you liked the Cullens.
Charlie: I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town.
Isabella: Edward doesn't live in town, technically. He's right outside.
Charlie: He is?
Isabella: Yeah he wanted to meet you, officially.
Charlie: Alright,
[cocks gun]
Charlie: bring him in.
Isabella: Could you be nice? He is - he's important.
[Charlie draws invisible circle around his head, as to be a halo]

Edward: This is our room.
Bella: [takes note of the bed] Vampires don't sleep.
Edward: [kisses Bella] It's not intended for sleep.

Bella: [feeling the blood on her forehead] I'm sorry...
Jacob: Bella, you're apologizing for bleeding?

Jacob: They think they run the place. Embry use to call them "Hall monitors on steroids" Now look at him.
Bella: That's Embry?
Jacob: Yeah.
Bella: What happened to him?
Jacob: He started missing school, then all of a sudden he started following Sam around like a little puppy. Same thing happened with Paul and Jared. And Sam keeps giving me this look like he's waiting for me or something. It's kinda staring to freak me out.
Bella: Well, you should just avoid him.
Jacob: I try.

Bella: [after climbing on the back of his bike & noticing the look on her face] Hey lose the grin Jacob. We're just going for a ride.
Jacob: [still with a smile] Hold on tight!

Edward: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Isabella: What a stupid lamb.
Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion.

Bella: What happened with Jasper was nothing.
Edward: Nothing compared to what could've happened. I promise never to put you through anything like this ever again. This is the last time you'll ever see me.
[He kisses her and walks away]

Edward: [pushes microscope towards Bella] Ladies first.
Isabella: You were gone.
Edward: Yeah, um, I was out of town for a couple of days, personal reasons.
Isabella: [pushes microscope towards Edward] Uh, prophase.
Edward: Do you mind if I uh, look?
[Bella shakes her head]
Edward: It's prophase.
Isabella: Like I said.
Edward: So you enjoying the rain?
[Bella laughs]
Edward: What?
Isabella: You're asking me about the weather?
Edward: Yeah, I-I guess I am.
Isabella: Well, I don't really like the rain. Any cold, wet thing I don't really...
Edward: [laughs]
Isabella: What?
Edward: Nothing uh,
Edward: it's uh, anaphase.
Isabella: You mind if I check?
Edward: Sure.
Isabella: Anaphase.
Edward: [smiles] Like I said.

Bella: You really were holding back before. I'm never gonna get enough of this. We don't get tired. We don't have to rest, or catch our breath, or eat. I mean, how are we gonna stop?
Edward: [chuckles] Rosalie and Emmett were so bad, it took a solid decade before we could stand to be within five miles of them.
Bella: I think we might be worse.
Edward: Definitely worse.
[Bella and Edward kiss again]

Bella: This wasn't a choice between you and Jacob. It was between who I should be and who I am. I've always felt out of step. Like literally stumbling through my life. I've never felt normal, because I'm not normal, and I don't wanna be. I've had to face death and loss and pain in your world, but I've also never felt stronger, like more real, more myself, because it's my world too. It's where I belong.
Edward: So it's not just about me?
Bella: No.
Bella: Sorry...

Emmett: [Emmett looked to Edward and Bella, smirking] Wow, done already?
Bella: [Bella glanced to Jacob to ask] Where's Renesmee?
Jacob: Blondie stole her.
[Sees Rosalie with Renesmee and smiles]

Emmett: Fall down again, Bella?
Bella: No, Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face.

Edward: What did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?
Isabella: No, not the moats.
Edward: Not the moats.

Alice: Happy Birthday.
Bella: I stopped aging three days ago.
Alice: Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up.

Rosalie: [talking about the night she died, after she was assaulted by her fiance & his friends] They left me in the street, thinking I was dead. Believe me, I wanted to be.
Rosalie: Carlisle found me. He smelled all the blood. Thought he was helping me.
Bella: I'm sorry.
Rosalie: [pause; eventually Rosalie continues with a slight smile] I got my revenge on them.
Rosalie: One at a time.
[enters flashback]
Rosalie: Save Royce for last, so he'd know I was coming.
[we see 3 policemen, standing outside Royce's door; cut to inside where Royce hears all the police get taken out; cowering in a corner, Rosalie breaks the door down, wearing a wedding dress, complete with veil; smiles menacingly]
Rosalie: [back to Rosalie now; smiles at the memory] I was a little theatrical back then.
[long pause as a series of emotions play across her face; continues]
Rosalie: Things got better after I found Emmett.
[nods briefly; beat]
Rosalie: But we'll always be this... Frozen... Never moving forward. That's what I miss the most. Possibilities.

Isabella: [Last lines] No one will surrender tonight, but I won't give in. I know what I want.

Bella: [as Aro is about to kill Edward] Please! No, no! Please! Kill me! Kill me! Not him!
Aro: How extraordinary! You would give up your life for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster.
Edward: Bella get away from him!
Bella: [to Aro] You don't know a thing about his soul.

Isabella: Everybody's staring.
Edward: Not that guy. No he just looked. Breaking all the rules now anyways.
[looks at Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Alice]
Edward: Since I'm going to hell
[slips arm around Bella's shoulder]

Edward: [Bella looks in the mirror and smiles she turns round and grabs Edward pulling him into her chest he groans painfully] Hey Bella you're a lot stronger than me right now
[he groans painfully]
Edward: It's your turn not to break me.
[Bella grabs his hips and groans again and smiles]
Bella: I love you.
Edward: I love you.
[Edward kisses Bella]

Jacob: Charlie said you left town.
Bella: Yeah, to visit my mom. Why?
Edward: [with an ironic smile on his face] He's checking to see if you're still human.
Jacob: [beat; talking to Edward] Look, I'm here to warn you... If your kind come on our land again...
Bella: [confused] Wait, what?
Jacob: [looks at Bella, then back at Edward] You didn't tell her?
Edward: Just leave it alone, Jacob.
Bella: [to Edward] Tell me what?

Bella: Edward?
Edward: If you ever touch her against her will again...
Bella: Edward! Don't do this!
Jacob: She's not sure what she wants!
Bella: Don't do this here!
Edward: Let me give you a clue: wait for her to say the words.
Jacob: Fine, and she will.
Bella: Jacob, just go, okay?

Edward: [Discussion on whether Bella should become a vampire] All right forget time limits. If you want me to be the one, then you'll just have to meet one condition.
Bella: What condition?
Edward: Marry me.
Bella: Okay, what's the punch line?
Edward: You're wounding my ego, Bella. I just proposed to you and you think it's a joke.
Bella: O'Cmon. I'm only eighteen!
Edward: Well I'm nearly one hundred and ten. It's time I settled down.

[last lines]
Bella: And I wanna tie myself to you, in every way humanly possible.
Edward: [smiles] Starting with a wedding.
Bella: [thoughtful] Actually, something a little more difficult first. And maybe even dangerous.
[stands up looking down at him]
Bella: We have to tell Charlie.
Edward: [laughs a little] It's highly dangerous.
Bella: [nods] It's a good thing you're bulletproof.
Bella: I'm gonna need that ring.

Edward: I should go back there and rip those guys' heads off.
Isabella: Um... No, you shouldn't.
Edward: You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking.
Isabella: And you do?
Edward: It's not hard to guess.
Edward: Can you talk about something else? Distract me so i won't turn around.
Isabella: You should put your seat belt on.
Edward: Haha... you should put your seat belt on!

Bella: Dear Alice, I wish I had your real address. I wish I could tell you about Jake. He makes me feel better. I mean, he makes me feel alive. The hole in my chest... well, when I'm with Jake it's like it's almost healed for a while. But even Jake can't keep the dreams away.

Isabella: Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?
Edward: Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.

Jacob: Something up?
Bella: [shakes her head] Bunch of vampires trying to kill me?
Jacob: [smiles] Same old, same old.

Bella: Now you know. Nobody's ever loved anybody as much as I love you.
Edward: There's one exception.

Bella: [after telling her why he doesn't want to turn her, & it's not what she expected] I thought- you were afraid I'd be too different. Like, I wouldn't be warm, or smell the same.
Edward: [he smiles; lays a hand on her cheek] You'll always be my Bella...
[pause; they kiss and he holds her close]
Edward: My Bella just less fragile.
[both smile]

Bella: I'm really sorry about last night. That couldn't have been easy on you.
Edward: It definitely won't make my list of top ten evenings.
Bella: You have a list?
Edward: All 10 I spent with you.
Edward: Number one is when you said you'd marry me,
Edward: Mrs. Cullen.
Bella: [small laugh; then] This is the 21st century. I at least want to hyphenate my name.
Jacob: [sounding both angry & torn] You're marrying him?
Bella: [takes a step towards him] Jake, I...
[after a moment looks at Edward]
Bella: You knew he was listening!
Edward: [shrugs; softly] He deserves to know.
[Jake walks away]
Bella: [calls after him, walking towards him] Jake, stop!
Edward: [grabs her arm] Bella, let him...
Bella: [to Edward, just as loud] Don't!
[turns back, chases after Jake]
Bella: Jake, stop!

Edward: Bella, don't do this.
Bella: You won't stay with me any other way.
Edward: Please? For me?
Bella: You wanted me to be human. Well, watch me.

Edward: Edible art?
[Bella knocks over the apple and Edward kicks it up and catches it]
Edward: Bella.
Isabella: Thanks. You know your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash.
Edward: I only said it'd be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't wanna be.
Isabella: What does that mean?
Edward: It means if you were smart, you'd stay away from me.
Isabella: Okay well let's say for argument sake that I'm not smart, would you tell me the truth?
Edward: No probably not.

Isabella: Who are they?
Angela: The Cullens.
Jessica: They're, um, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago.
Angela: They kinda keep to themselves.
Jessica: Yeah 'cause they're all together, like TOGETHER together. Uh, the blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal.
Angela: Jess, they're not actually related.
Jessica: Yeah, but they live together. It's weird-and, okay, the little dark-haired girl is Alice. She's REALLY weird, and, um, she's with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain.

Edward: Shall we?
Isabella: You're serious?
Edward: Oh, why not?
Isabella: [sighs] Hmm.
Edward: See? You're dancing.
Isabella: [giggles] At prom. Edward why did you save me? You should've just let the venom spread. I could be like you by now.
Edward: You don't know what you're saying. You don't want this.
Isabella: I want YOU. Always.
Edward: I'm not gonna end your life for you.
Isabella: I'm dying already. Every second I get closer, older.
Edward: That's the way it's supposed to be.
Isabella: Alice said she saw me like you. I heard her.
Edward: Her visions change.
Isabella: Yeah, based on what people decide. I've decided.
Edward: [somewhat bitterly] So that's what you dream about, becoming a monster.
Isabella: I dream about being with you, forever.
Edward: Forever?
[Bella nods]
Edward: And are you ready right now?
Isabella: [hesitant] Yes.
Edward: [sighs] Is it not enough, just to have a long and happy life with me?
Isabella: [after a second of thought] Yeah. For now.
Isabella: [voiceover] No one will surrender tonight, but I won't give in. I know what I want.

Bella: I thought you couldn't protect me here.
Jacob: Guess I don't care.
Alice: [incredulous] Well, *I'm* not gonna hurt her.
Jacob: No, you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you.
Alice: [turning to Bella] Victoria?
Bella: Yeah, Victoria's been around.
Alice: I didn't see her. I didn't see you get pulled out of the water, either.
[Alice turns and looks distastefully at Jacob]
Alice: I can't see past you and your pack of mutts.
Jacob: [moves toward Alice] Don't get me upset.
Bella: [runs between Jacob and Alice] Hey, stop. Stop, stop, stop.
Jacob: ...or things are gonna get very ugly.

[Jacob approaches Bella]
Bella: I-I would keep my distance for now.
Jacob: It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first.
Bella: [suspicious] Since when do you care about Renesmee?
[Jacob looks at Edward, who shakes his head no]
Jacob: All right... take a whiff.
Bella: [cautiously sniffing Jacob] Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about. Jake, you really do stink.

Jacob: Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago? That's gone now, right?
Bella: LONG gone.
Jacob: Because it was her. From the beginning, it was Nessie who wanted me there.
Bella: [shouts furiously] Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness MONSTER?
[Bella lunges at Jacob again. Seth, in wolf form, jumps at Bella to protect Jacob. Without breaking stride, Bella bats Seth aside, and into a tree]
Jacob: Seth, are you okay?
Bella: [immediately regretful] Seth, I'm sorry.
Jacob: He'll be all right. Bella, you know me better than anyone. All I want is for Ness...
[Bella starts scowling again]
Jacob: ...Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason.
[Bella sighs in resignation]

Bella: What was that?
Edward: She showed you the first memory she has of you.
Bella: Showed me how?
Edward: How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted.

Bella: [Jacob is acting overprotective of Renesmee] What's your problem?
Rosalie: Oh, do tell her, Jacob.
Emmett: [smiles] This should be good.
Edward: Edward: Hold on a second. Bella.
[Edward holds Renesmee]
Jacob: Look. It's a wolf thing.
Bella: What's a wolf thing?
Jacob: Um... you know we have no control over it.
[Bella scowls as she figures out what Jacob means]
Jacob: We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise.
Bella: [very angry now] Take Renesmee out of the room.
Jacob: Oh...
Bella: [as Edward touches her shoulder] Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you.
[Bella grabs Jacob by his neck and pulls him out of the house]

Rosalie: [hearing Bella coming towards her] Go blather to someone else about the joys of becoming a newborn.
Bella: [stops; eventually continues towards Rosalie] Ok. Rosalie, I don't understand what I did to make you hate me so much.
Rosalie: [softly] Hate...
[smiles sadly, shakes her head; looks at Bella]
Rosalie: I don't hate you.
[pause; looking back outside]
Rosalie: I don't particularly *like* you but...
[looking down]
Rosalie: Bella, I envy you.
Bella: [surprised; barely a whisper] What?
Bella: That's ridiculous.
Rosalie: No it's not. You have a choice. I didn't. None of us did. But you do and you're choosing wrong! I don't care how miserable your human life is.
Bella: My life is not miserable.
[comes up to her side, leaning on the railing, looking out]
Bella: I mean, it's not perfect; but nobody's life is perfect.
Rosalie: Mine was
Rosalie: absolutely perfect.

Bella: I've brought you something. It's a little crazy.
Jacob: Wowwwwww. Scrap metal.

Bella: [slams into him, attempting to push him inside] Don't!
Edward: [stroking her hair, eyes closed] Heaven.
Bella: [out of breath, panting] You have to move! Open your eyes, look at me. I'm alive! You have to move!
Edward: Bella.
[pulls her inside, holding her close]
Edward: You're here.
Bella: [quietly, out of breath] I'm here.
Edward: [smiling] You're alive!
Bella: Yes.
Bella: I needed to make you see me once. You had to know I was alive, but you didn't need to feel guilty about anything. I can... let you go now.
Edward: I never acted out of guilt. I just couldn't live in a world where you don't exist.
Bella: But you said...
Edward: I lied. I had to lie. And you believed me so easily.
Bella: Because it doesn't make sense for you to love me. I'm... nothing, human... nothing.
Edward: [holding her face in his hand] Bella, you're everything to me. You're everything.
[kisses her passionately]

Bella: [from trailer] You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

Alice: Bella!
[Alice hops over the stairway banister]
Alice: [hugging Bella] Happy Birthday!
Bella: Shh, shh.
[Alice hands Bella a wrapped birthday present]
Bella: I thought we agreed, no presents.
Alice: I've already seen you open it, and guess what: you love it! You're gonna wear it tonight. Our place.
[Bella balks, looking reluctant]
Alice: [begs] Come on, please? It'll be fun.
[Standing behind Alice, Jasper lowers his head and looks intently at Bella]
Bella: Okay. All right.
Alice: [giddily] Great! Okay, I'll see you at seven.
[Alice skips back to Jasper, and Bella gets a look as if snapping out of something]
Bella: Jasper...! No fair with the mood control thing.
Jasper: [smiles] Sorry, Bella. Happy...
[Bella gives him a look]
Jasper: Never mind.

Edward: The Volturi are the closest thing my world has to royalty... they enforce the law.
Bella: Vampires have laws?

Edward: You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless.
Bella: You promised it would be as if you never existed. You lied.

Isabella: I'd never given much though to how I would die. But dying in place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go. I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death. They also brought me to Edward.

Edward: Why didn't you move with your mother and Phil?
Isabella: Well, Phil's a minor league baseball player, and uh, he travels a lot, and my mom s-stayed home with me, but I knew it made her unhappy, so I figured I'd stay with my dad for a while.
Edward: And now you're unhappy.
Edward: I'm sorry, I'm just - I'm just trying to figure you out, you're very difficult for me to read.
Isabella: Hey did you get contacts?
Edward: No.
Isabella: Your eyes were, black the last time I saw you, and now they're like, golden brown...
Edward: Yeah I know it's the uh, it's the flourescents, um. Ugh.
[walks away]

Bella: [Jake just found out Bella plans to marry Edward] Jake, please!
Jacob: [seething with fury] I'm done! I am so done!
Bella: [wanting to make things right] What can I do?
Jacob: You can't do anything. I can, by going out there and killing something!
[continues walking away]
Bella: [shaky with intense emotion, stammers a little] No! You're not thinking clearly! Don't do that!
Jacob: Maybe I'll get myself killed and make it simple for you.
Bella: No! Just, Jake, stay!
Jacob: Why?
[walks towards her]
Jacob: Give me one good reason.
Bella: [starting to tear up] Because I don't want to lose you!
Jacob: [beat] That's not good enough.
Bella: Because you're too important.
Jacob: [shakes his head] Still not good enough.
[turns and walks away quickly]
Bella: [shouts, almost frantice] Jacob!
[he stops; Bella looks a little desperate as she searches for what to say or do; eventually]
Bella: Kiss me!
[he turns around, surprised & disbelieving what he heard; Bella still shaking]
Bella: I'm- asking you... to kiss me.
[beat, then he comes up to her; they kiss, at first tentative then more deeply; eventually they stop, but remain very close to each other]
Jacob: [puts his hands on her face & kisses her softly once more; after a few seconds, in a quiet voice] That should have been our first kiss.
[his head lingers near hers, no longer mad to the point of recklessness; eventually]
Jacob: I gotta go.
[looks her in the eyes, as if promising he'll be careful]
Jacob: I'll be back.
[walks away; she stands there a while longer, deep in thought]

Isabella: Did you follow me?
Edward: I... I feel very protective of you.
Isabella: So you followed me.
Edward: I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help and then I heard what those low-lives were thinking.
Isabella: Wait. You say you heard what they were thinking?
Isabella: So what you... you read minds?
Edward: I can read every mind in this room apart from yours. There's... Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat... And then you, nothing. That's very frustrating.
Isabella: Is there something wrong with me?
Edward: See... I tell you I can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?

Edward: That's what you dream about? Being a monster?
Isabella: I dream about being with you forever.

Bella: [Runs at Sam] What did you do?
Paul: Hey!
Bella: What did you do to him?
Sam: Hey, easy.
Embry: Watch it!
Bella: He didn't want this!
[Hitting Paul on the chest]
Paul: Ow! But we do? What did he do, hmm? What? Did he tell you?
Sam: [Holding Paul back] Both of you! Calm down.
Bella: [She pushes past Sam and gets into Paul's face] Nothing! He tells me nothing because he's scared of you!
[Paul begins to laugh, along with Jared and Embry]
Bella: [She becomes angry and suddenly slaps Paul across the face]
Sam: [Trying to hold Paul back] Paul don't.
Jared: Too late now.
Sam: Bella get back.
[Bella begins to back up slowly as she watches Paul breathe]
Sam: [Paul begins to breathe deeply causing growls to escape his throat] Bella get back now. Get back.
[Paul suddenly begins to snarl like mad as he shape-shifts into his wolf form. Bella gasps as she sees this and begins to walk backwards]

Isabella: About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Aro: What a happy surprise... Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending... they are so rare.
Aro: [as he grabs Edward's hand to read his thoughts] La tua cantante. Her blood appeals to you so much... it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?
Edward: It's not without difficulty.
Aro: Yes I can see that.
Edward: Aro can read every thought I ever had, with one touch. And now you know everything. So get on with it.
Aro: You are quite a soul reader yourself Edward. Though, you can't read Bella's thoughts... Fascinating!
Aro: [to Bella] I would love to see... if you are an exception to my gifts as well. Would you do me the honor?
Aro: [after holding Bella's hand] Interesting. I see nothing. I wonder if... Let us see if she's immune to all our powers. Shall we, Jane?
Edward: No!
Jane: Pain.
Bella: [as Edward starts to writhe in pain] Stop! Stop, please! Stop! Stop! Just stop hurting him, please! Please!
Aro: Jane?
Jane: [as she stops torturing Edward] Master?
Aro: Go ahead my dear.
Jane: [to Bella] This may hurt just a little.
Aro: [after nothing happens to Bella] Hahahahahaha. Remarkable. She confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?
Marcus: You already know what you're going to do Aro.
Caius: She knows to much. She's a liability.
Aro: That's true. Felix?
Bella: [after Edward saves her from being killed by attacking Felix, but is about to be killed himself] Please! No, no! Please! Kill me... kill me. Not him
Aro: How extraordinary. You would give up your life... for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster.
Edward: Bella get away from him.
Bella: You don't know a thing... about his soul.
Aro: Forse è uno o l'altro. Ah this is a sadness. If only it where your intention to give her immortality.
Alice: [Stopping Aro from killing Bella] Wait! Bella will be one us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself.

Isabella: [to Edward, her back to him] You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is... pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change color... and sometimes you speak like - like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything; you don't go into the sunlight.
[pause, silence]
Isabella: How old are you?
Edward: Seventeen.
Isabella: How long have you been seventeen?
Edward: ...a while.
Isabella: I know what you are.
Edward: Say it... out loud. Say it.
Isabella: Vampire.
Edward: Are you afraid?
Isabella: [turns to face him] ... no.
Edward: Then ask me the most basic question: What do we eat?

[last lines]
Edward: Can you show me again?
Bella: [laughs] We've got a lot of time.
Edward: Forever.
Bella: Forever.

Edward: Uh, yeah this is my room.
Isabella: ...No bed?
Edward: Ah no i don't, i don't sleep.
Isabella: Ever?
Edward: No, not at all.
Isabella: Ok, hmmm, boy you have so much music, what were you listening to.
Edward: It's Debussy.
Isabella: Clair de Lune is great.
Edward: [Edward spins Isabella around and she gives him a look] What?
Isabella: I can't dance.
Edward: [laughs]
Isabella: ...
Edward: Hmm... Well, I could always make you.
Isabella: I'm not scared of you.
Edward: [laughs] Well you really shouldn't have said that.
Edward: [he jumps out his bedroom window and lands on a tree] You better hold on tight spidermonkey!
Edward: [he climbs up tree]
Edward: Do you trust me?
Isabella: In theory.
Edward: Then close your eyes.
Edward: [Jumps to next tree and climbs to top]
Edward: [Bella gasps] What?
Isabella: This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.
Edward: It does in my world.

Jacob: Tell me something... You like me, right?
[Bella Nods]
Jacob: And you think I'm sorta beautiful?
Bella: Jake, please don't do this.
Jacob: Why?
Bella: Because you're about to ruin everything. And I need you.
Jacob: Well, I've got loads of time. I'm not going to give up.
Bella: I don't want you to. But that's just because I don't want you to go anywhere. It's really selfish. You know, I'm not like a car that you can fix up. I'm never going to run right.
Jacob: It's because of him, isn't it? Look, I know what he did to you. But Bella, I would never, ever do that. I won't ever hurt you. I promise. I won't let you down. You can count on me.
Mike: Well, I need to go home. I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?... What? What's your problem?
Jacob: You're my problem. Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital. Do you want me to put you in the hospital?
Bella: Jake, the movie's over. What are you doing? Jake... You're really hot... You feel like you have a fever. Are you okay?
Jacob: I don't know what's happening. I gotta go.
Mike: That dude is weird.

Bella: Alice. I saw him. Maybe I'm crazy now, but I guess that's okay. If a rush of danger is what it takes to see him, than that's what I'll find.

Emmett: Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?
Bella: I punched a werewolf in the face.
Emmett: Badass. You're going to be one tough little newborn.
Bella: Tough enough to take you on.
[Rosalie throws newspaper down on table and storms out; Bella looks at Emmett]

Edward: I'm not technically breaking any of his rules. He did say never to take a step through his door, but I came in through the window. He's not going to forgive me easily.
Bella: I know.
Edward: Can you? I hope you can, because, I honestly don't know how to live without you.
Bella: Come here.
[Bella Kisses him]
Bella: Once Alice changes me, you can't get rid of me.
Edward: She won't need to change you. There are always ways to keep the Volturi in the dark.
Bella: No.

Bella: [Reading the e-mail that she's written but cannot send] Alice. You've disappeared. Like everything else. Now who else can I talk to? I'm lost. When you left, and he left, you took everything with you. But the absence of him is everywhere I look. It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. But In a way, I'm glad. The pain is the only reminder that he was real. That you all were.

Angela: I'm telling you, I saw something in the woods!
Eric: It's okay, baby. I believe you.
Jessica: No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky.
Angela: It was jet black and huge. On all fours it was still taller than a human.
Jessica: A bear, maybe?
Mike: Or an alien. You're lucky you didn't get probed.
Jessica: Yeah, like that would happen.
Angela: Well, I saw it.
Bella: You know, you're not the only one. My dad's been getting reports down at the station. Something like 5 hikers been killed by a bear, but they can't find the bear.
Angela: Hm.
Eric: Hahahaha. Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend!

Isabella: About three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how dominant that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Bella: I'm coming with you!
Edward: Bella, I don't want you to come with me.
Bella: You... You don't want me?
Edward: No.
Bella: Well, that changes things. A lot.

Edward: Hold on tight, spidermonkey.
[climbs up tree]
Edward: Do you trust me?
Isabella: In theory...
Edward: Close your eyes.
[Jumps to next tree and climbs to top]
Edward: [Bella gasps] What?
Isabella: This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.
Edward: It does in my world.

Edward: So how come Jacob Black gets to give you a present and I don't?
Bella: Cause I have nothing to give back to you.
Edward: Bella, you give me everything by just breathing.

Jacob: Bella, you're crossing a line.
Bella: Then don't draw one.

Isabella: How did you get in here?
Edward: The window.
Isabella: Do you do that a lot?
Edward: Just the past couple of months.

Isabella: [to Edward] How did you get over to me so fast?
Edward: [to Bella] I was standing right next to you, Bella.
Isabella: No. You were next to your car, across the lot.
Edward: No, I wasn't.
Isabella: Yes, you were.
Edward: Bella, you hit your head. I think you're confused.
Isabella: I know what I saw.
Edward: And what exactly was that?
Isabella: You stopped the van. You pushed it away with you hand.
Edward: Well, nobody's going to believe you.
Isabella: I wasn't going to tell anybody. I just need to know the truth.
Edward: Can't you just thank me and get over it?
Isabella: Thank you.
Edward: You're not going to let this go, are you?
Isabella: No.
Edward: Well then I hope you enjoy disappointment.

Jessica: Hey you're from Arizona right?
Isabella: Yeah.
Jessica: Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be like, really tan?
Isabella: Yeah, maybe, that's why they kicked me out.

Mike: So listen... Now that you're talking again... And eating... You know
[pokes Bella's stomach]
Mike: You gotta get that protein in there. You know I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me.
Bella: Yeah... Sure. Yeah I do.
Mike: Okay... We could check out "Love spelled backwards is love" You know, it's a dumb title, but, um, it's a romantic comedy, it's suppose to be...
Bella: No. No romance. Uh, well, how about "Face Punch" You heard of that?
Mike: Well, it's an action movie.
Bella: Yeah, it's perfect. With guns... adrenaline... it's my thing.
Mike: Okay...
Bella: We should get a bunch of people... You guys wanna go see "Face Punch" ?
Eric: Yeah! Hey, Mike, remember we were suppose to watch that? The trailer's all like "* Pew, pew!* Punch his face in"
Jessica: Movie night with Bellllllaaaaaaa
[Rolls eyes]

Edward: Just give me five years and I'll change you.
Bella: That's too long.
Edward: Three?
[Bella glares at him]
Edward: You're so stubborn.
Bella: What are you waiting for?
Edward: I have one condition... if you want me to do it myself.
Bella: What's the condition?
Edward: And then forever.
Bella: That's what I'm asking.
[last lines]
Edward: Marry me, Bella.

Edward: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Isabella: Then don't.

Jacob: [Introducing Seth to Bella] Bella, this is Seth Clearwater. Newest member of the pack
Bella: [shaking Seth's hand] Hi.
Seth: Newest, bestest, brightest...
Jacob: [finishing Seth's sentence] And slowest.
[grabs Seth into a headlock]

Bella: Jasper? Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?
Jasper: Well just your presence alone, your scent, will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over, and drive 'em crazy.
Bella: Good, I'm glad.
[Jasper nods and begins to walk away]
Bella: Hey,
[Jasper turns around]
Bella: how do you know so much about this?
Jasper: I didn't have quite the same upbringing as my adopted siblings.
[Rolls up sleeves and shows Bella his arms, which have bite marks on them]
Bella: [Hops off Jeep] Those bites are like mine.
Jasper: [with a smirk] Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me was useless against the newborns, but still, I never lost a fight.
Bella: [he walks away; after a beat she follows him] Hey, this - this happened during the Civil War?
Jasper: [smiles] I was the youngest major in the Texas Calvary, all without having seen any real battle.
Bella: Until...?
Jasper: [suddenly serious] Till I met a certain immortal... Maria.
[enters a flashback]

Isabella: [Edward jumps down off the roof of Bella's truck] Could you act human? Okay, I have neighbors.
Edward: I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow.
[Pulls dent in Bella's truck back into correct place]
Isabella: Thanks... Er, wait, like with your family?
Edward: Yeah.
Isabella: W-what if they don't like me?
Edward: So you're worried, not because you'll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?
Isabella: [unsmiling] I'm glad I amuse you.

Bella: I do remember how to undress myself.
Edward: I just do it so much better.

Edward: Was that as weird for you as it was for me?
Isabella: I don't know.
[looks at the graduation caps on the wall]
Isabella: Graduation caps?
Edward: Yeah private joke. We matriculate a lot.

Edward: [bends to kiss her] Happy birthday.
Bella: Hmm, don't remind me.
Edward: [laughs] Bella your birthday is definitely something to celebrate.
Bella: But my aging is not.

[Edward enters Bella's room via her window]
Isabella: [flustered] Mom, can I talk to you later?
Renee: Come on, we gotta talk boys! Are you being safe?
[Bella quickly hangs up the phone, embarrassed]

Alice: They'll be here in four days.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: This could turn into a bloodbath.
Edward: Who's behind it?
Alice: I didn't see anyone I recognized... maybe one.
Edward: I know his face. He's a local. Riley Biers. He didn't start this.
Alice: Whoever did is staying out of the action.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision.
Jasper: Either way, the army's coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town.
Jacob: Hold up. What damn army?
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: Newborns. Our kind.
Embry: What are they after?
Alice: They were passing around Bella's scent. A red blouse.
Jacob: They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: It means an ugly fight. With lives lost.
Jacob: [looking at his pack mates, then back at Carlisle] All right. We're in.
Bella: No... you'll get yourself killed. No way.
Jacob: I wasn't asking for permission.

Bella: Should I come back?
Jacob: I need some time, but I'll always be waiting.
Bella: Until my heart stops beating.
Jacob: Maybe even then.

Isabella: Will you tell me the truth?
Edward: No, probably not.
[Bella turns away slighly angry]
Edward: I'd rather hear your theories.
Isabella: I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite.
Edward: All superhero stuff right? But what if I'm not the hero? What if I am the bad guy?
Isabella: You're not.
[Edward smiles]

Bella: [about her kissing Jacob] You saw?
Edward: No. But Jacob's thoughts are pretty loud.
Bella: I don't know what happened.
Edward: You love him.
Bella: [pause, after thinking a moment] I love you more.
Edward: [beat] I know.

Edward: [dropping her off; about Jacob] Doesn't he own a shirt?
Bella: [smiling; after a few seconds, voice concerned] I'm good here, you should go.
Edward: I'm not gonna be gone long.
Bella: Don't rush. You need to hunt.
[pause; they kiss intimately & Jake looks away; smiling]
Bella: Ok, maybe rush a little bit.
[walks to Jake]
Jacob: [with a smile, coming to meet her] Hey beautiful.
Bella: [she smiles briefly] Hey.
[they hug, Jake holding her a little more tightly]

Isabella: Do you do this a lot?
Edward: Just the past couple of months. I like watching you sleep. I find it fascinating.

Rosalie: Is she even Italian?
Emmett: Her name's Bella.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: I'm sure she'll love it no matter what.
Rosalie: [sniffs] Ooh... get a whiff of that. Here comes the human.
[Esme flashes a big grin just before Bella and Edward walk around the corner]
Esme: [runs up to Bella] Bella! We're making Italiano for you.
Edward: Bella, this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes.
Isabella: Buon Giorno?
Esme: Molto Bene!
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: It gives us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.
Esme: I hope you're hungry.
Isabella: Yeah, absolutely!
Edward: She already ate.
Rosalie: [crushes the salad bowl she's holding] Perfect!
Isabella: Yeah - it's just that I know... I know you guys don't eat.
Esme: Of course. That's very considerate of you.
Edward: Just ignore Rosalie. I do.
Rosalie: Yeah! Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us.
Isabella: I would never tell anybody anything.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: She knows that.
Emmett: Yeah, well the problem is... you two have gone public now so...
Esme: Emmett!
Rosalie: No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly.
Isabella: Badly as in... I become the meal.
[Carlisle and Edward struggle to suppress laughs]

Alice: It's time, it's time.
Esme: Happy Birthday, Bella.
Alice: Let's open your presents, there's a cake too.
Bella: Alice, that cake could feed fifty. You guys don't even eat.
[Alice hands her a present]
Bella: Thanks
[Bella drops it quickly]
Bella: Ow, paper cut.

Jacob: [to Edward] You stay the hell out of my head!
Edward: Jacob, I know you have something to say to me. but I'd like to say something to you if that's alright. Thank you. Thank you for... keeping Bella alive when I didn't.
Jacob: No, you didn't. And it wasn't for your benefit trust me.
Edward: I'm still grateful. But I'm here now. I'm not leaving her side until she orders me away.
Jacob: We'll see. Hey, my turn to talk. I'm here to remind you of a key point in the treaty.
Edward: I haven't forgotten.
Bella: What key point?
Jacob: If any of them bites a human, the truce is over.
Bella: But if I choose it it has nothing to do with you.
Jacob: No I won't let you. you're not going to be one of them Bella!
Bella: It's not up to you.
Jacob: You know what we'll do to you, I won't have a choice.
Jacob: Bella come please.
Bella: No, is he going to hurt me? Read his mind.
Edward: [assures her]

Bella: I thought we would be safe forever. But "forever" isn't as long as I'd hoped.

Bella: My time as a human was over. But I've never felt more alive.

Isabella: Look, You gotta give me some answers.
Edward: Yes. No. To get to the other side. Uh, 1.77245...
Isabella: I don't want to know what the square root of pi is.
Edward: You knew that?

Bella: [as Jake and Edward are about to fight again] Stop!
Bella: I'm tired of this. From now on I'm Switzerland, OK?

Charlie: Hey, you want a sandwhich?
Bella: No, I'm good.
Charlie: Well, his sister I like.
Bella: Alice, yeah she's great.
Bella: ... Hey dad, I was wondering... why didn't you get re-married, after mom?
Charlie: Uh, I don't know... uh I guess I haven't met the right gal.
Charlie: why?
Bella: I don't know. I thought you just maybe gave up on the whole institution of it, of marriage... But do you think theres any value in it?
Charlie: Yep. Yeah, marriage has value... when your older, much older. Like your mother, uh, seemed to work out fine for her the second time around, later in life.
Bella: Yeah I guess.
Charlie: I mean, you definitely don't want to have to get married cause your not... um careful.
Bella: ...what?
Charlie: Your know what I'm talking about. Theres... things that you need to think about if your going to be... physically intimate...
Bella: Okay, don't have "the talk", please.
Charlie: It's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you.
Bella: I doubt that. And don't bother, cause mom bet you to it like ten years ago.
Charlie: Well, you didn't have a boyfriend ten years ago.
Bella: I'm sure things work the same way.
Charlie: ...alright, so, you guys are taking precaution?
Bella: Okay, dad, please just don't worry about... that. Edward is... old school.
Charlie: Old school, great. What's that, like a code for something?
Bella: Oh my God, dad, I'm a virgin!
Charlie: Ah, di-di-di-di, okay... glad we covered that.
Bella: [runs up stairs] Me too!
Charlie: Virgin... I'm liking Edward a little more now.
[Bites sandwhich]

Edward: I'm from a different era. Things were a lot less complicated.
Edward: And if I'd have met you back then, I would've... courted you. We'd have taken chaperone strolls, and ice tea on the porch...
Edward: [pause; stands up]
Edward: I may have stolen a kiss or two, but only after asking your father's permission. I would've got down on one knee...
Edward: and I would have presented you with a ring.
[opens box with the ring and places it in her hand]
Edward: This was my mother's.
[Bella smiles in spite of herself]
Edward: Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever. Would you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?
Bella: [after a moment, smiling] Yes.

Edward: [Bella and Edward are discussing when Bella will be changed, Edward is speaking to Bella] I just have one condition if you want me to do it myself.
Bella: What's the condition?
Edward: And then forever.
Bella: That's what I'm asking.
Edward: [dramatic pause] Marry me, Bella.

Isabella: [Voice-over] Death is peaceful - easy. Life is harder.

Quil: So the bike building story's true?
Bella: Oh yeah, I taught him everything he knows.
Quil: What about the part where you're his girlfriend?
Bella: Uh, we're friends...
Embry: Ooh, burn!

Isabella: [to Edward] I'd rather die than to stay away from you.