The Best Sam Uley Quotes

Bella: [Runs at Sam] What did you do?
Paul: Hey!
Bella: What did you do to him?
Sam: Hey, easy.
Embry: Watch it!
Bella: He didn't want this!
[Hitting Paul on the chest]
Paul: Ow! But we do? What did he do, hmm? What? Did he tell you?
Sam: [Holding Paul back] Both of you! Calm down.
Bella: [She pushes past Sam and gets into Paul's face] Nothing! He tells me nothing because he's scared of you!
[Paul begins to laugh, along with Jared and Embry]
Bella: [She becomes angry and suddenly slaps Paul across the face]
Sam: [Trying to hold Paul back] Paul don't.
Jared: Too late now.
Sam: Bella get back.
[Bella begins to back up slowly as she watches Paul breathe]
Sam: [Paul begins to breathe deeply causing growls to escape his throat] Bella get back now. Get back.
[Paul suddenly begins to snarl like mad as he shape-shifts into his wolf form. Bella gasps as she sees this and begins to walk backwards]