The Best Dynasty, Season 2, Episode 17 Quotes

Jeff: You're beginning to mean a lot to me, Claudia.
Claudia: Well, I hope so. I mean I don't exactly put a sign out on my door saying welcome to my bed - whoever.

Alexis: Tell me about this play you're concocting in that little blond head of yours.
Krystle: It's really rather ugly - it's about us. You were scared to death I'd tell Blake what happened between us. So, you tried desperately to cover your tracks.
Alexis: This is very interesting. Do go on, Mrs. Jennings... oh, I'm so sorry, Mrs. Carrington.
Krystle: I haven't told Blake yet what happened between us Alexis because I can't prove you fired that gun to frighten my horse. But, in my soul, I know you did. And, I warn you, Alexis, I'll never forget what you caused me, not as long as I live.

Alexis: Get your hands off me, Steven. I'm your mother, not that trollop you married. Take it off.

Alexis: Well, I want you to know I forgive you, Krystle; particularly for that little contretemps in my studio.
Krystle: In my world, we call that a fight - a good dirty, no holds-barred cat fight.