Top 50 Quotes From The Poseidon Adventure

Mike: You! Preacher! You lyin', murderin', son of a bitch! You took from me the one thing I loved in the whole world! My Linda!

Robin: Don't worry, Mrs. Rosen, I once helped my dad pull in a 600 pound swordfish in Hawaii.

Chief: Chief here. Go ahead.
Captain: Joe, what the hell's going on down there? Is there nothing more you can do with those stabilizers?
Chief: There's nothing wrong with the stabilizers, so there's nothing more I can do with them. Besides, I've got my hands full with this pump! You know damn well what the trouble is - it's the bastard Linarcos!
Captain: Would you care to repeat yourself? He's standing right here.
Chief: Good! I hope he heard me!

Reverend: If you don't come with us, her death is meaningless.

Purser: For God's sake, Reverend, what you're doing is suicide!
Reverend: We're cut off from the rest of the world. They can't get to us. Maybe we can get to them. You've said enough, now get out of the way.
Purser: Pray for us, but don't do this!
[to the others]
Purser: Climbing to another deck will kill you all!
Reverend: And sitting on our butts is not going to help us either. Maybe by climbing out of here, we can save ourselves. If you've got any sense, you'll come along with us.

Robin: I'm sorry Mrs. Rosen, I didn't mean it to sound like that.
Mrs. Belle Rosen: What, I miss something?
Robin: When I said I helped my dad pull in a 600 pound swordfish. I didn't mean that I thought you weighed that much.
Mrs. Belle Rosen: All that's going on and THAT'S what you're worried about?
Robin: Sure, what else?
Mrs. Belle Rosen: You're a good boy.
Robin: Tell my sister.

Linda: We're sinking and nothings going to keep us from drowning.
Mike: Keep moving.

Reverend: Give her your shirt.
Mike: My shirt?
Linda: Come on!
Mike: Linda, next time you put something on, like I told you to put on!

Reverend: I said I was gonna get everybody out of here and goddamit I'm gonna do it!
Linda: Well, what do you want us to do?

Mike: You better watch your language, Preacher. You sound like you come from the slum or something.
Linda: You son-of-a-bitch! Go help him!

Robin: Why don't you shove it.
Susan: Don't you ever say that to me again.
Robin: Shove it. Shove it. Shove it.

Mr. Linarcos: I did not suggest full ahead, Captain. As the new owner's representative on this ship, I ordered it!
Captain: Damn it man, the Poseidon is too fine a lady to be rushed to the junkyard on her last voyage!
Mr. Linarcos: We're already three days behind schedule! And it's costing my consortium thousands of dollars every day to maintain a wrecking crew. I demand we dock Monday night!
Captain: And I can't afford to gamble with the lives of my passengers!
Mr. Linarcos: Your business is to deliver this ship, where we want it, WHEN we want it!
Captain: Running an unstable ship at full ahead is dangerous!
Mr. Linarcos: I'm sure...
Captain: Especially one as old as this!
Mr. Linarcos: I'm sure I don't have to remind you of my legal right to have you relieved of command. Three other officers aboard this ship have their Master's License. Now, order Full Ahead!

Mike: That's enough outa you, Mister.

Linda: [Yelling to Mike from inside the bathroom] Will you shut up, i'm busy in here!
[Sound of the toilet flushing]

James: What'll I tell the others?
Mike: Tell 'em to break out their hymnals and start singing "Nearer My God To Thee" !

Mr. Manny Rosen: I want to stay with her a little longer.
Reverend: You've got one minute.

[Steam covers the escape route. Looking up]
Reverend: What more do you want of us? We've come all this way, no thanks to you. We did it on our own, no help from you.
[moves closer to steam valve]
Reverend: We did ask you to fight for us but damn it, don't fight against us! Leave us alone! How many more sacrifices? How much more blood?
[jumps to steam valve. Steam burns his hands as he hangs there]
Reverend: How many more lives?
[Starts turning valve]
Reverend: Belle wasn't enough. Acres wasn't. Now this girl! You want another life? Then take me!
[Steam stops. Turns on valve to face survivors]
Reverend: You can make it. Keep going. Rogo! Get them through.
[falls into flaming water below]

Robin: Sis? Susan!
Susan: Robin! Reverend Scott!
[Everyone looks up and sees Susan clinging to the underside of a table]
Susan: [frightened] Can you help me?
Robin: How'd you get up there, sis?
Susan: That's a stupid question!

Mike: Wait a minute! This is no goddamn engine room!
Linda: Then where the Hell are we?
Reverend: There was a corridor leading to the engine room.
Mr. Manny Rosen: But now it's underwater.
Reverend: All right. We'll swim through it. Give me the rope.
Linda: You've gotta be kidding!
Mike: She's right. If the corridor's underwater what about the engine room?
Reverend: It's in the clear. It's one deck up. It's above us. We'll swim through the bulkhead, down a short corridor and up a companionway. It can't be more than thirty five feet at the most.
Linda: Oh, is that all!
Reverend: We can do it. Trust me, we can do it!

Mr. Manny Rosen: Something must have happened to them. I tell you. Belle would have signalled!
Mike: Okay. That does it. I'm going through to find out what's happened.
Linda: Oh no you're not! You'll drown too!
Mr. Manny Rosen: Let me go, Mr Rogo. It's my wife!
Linda: Let him go, Mike!
Mike: I'm going through. All of you stay put till I get back.
Linda: Mike, please!
Mike: Take it easy, baby. I'll be back.

Linda: Jesus Christ! What happened?
Reverend: We've turned over.

Captain: [over intercom to radio room] Martin!
Martin,: Yes, sir!
Captain: Get off a Mayday!
Martin,: [puzzled] A Mayday, sir?
Captain: That's right, I said Mayday. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!

Nonnie: [Deck behind the group is flooding rapidly] How long will we stay afloat?
James: Long enough
Robin: The Andrea Doria stayed afloat 10 hours before she sank.

Mike: Ya had a lotta guts, lady... a lotta guts.

Mike: Linda, Linda honey, you all right?
Mrs. Linda Rogo: Hi... where the hell have you been?
Mike: Where do you think? Flying around on my ass.

Captain: [discussing the approaching tidal wave] It seems to be piling up in those shallows. By the way, Happy New Year.
First: Thank you, sir. Same to you.
Captain: [returning to the conversation] What's its speed?
First: 60 knots, sir.
Captain: It must be mountainous.

Robin: The third engineer promised to show me the propeller shaft!

Mike: You! Preacher! Murderer! I started to believe in your promises, that we had a chance. What chance?

Captain: [to Mr. Linarcos] You irresponsible bastard.

Mr. Manny Rosen: She has this illusion, always thinks she's too fat.
Mrs. Belle Rosen: Remember Manny, if I get stuck, push.

Mike: This is the first trip since we got married, you know.
Linda: Yeah, and why we didn't fly I'll never know.

Mr. Manny Rosen: He's right Mrs Rogo, there are air pockets all over this ship.
Linda: Air pockets?
Mr. Manny Rosen: Yes, just because that deck flooded doesn't mean this one will.

Mike: Aww, Jesus!

Linda: Oh my God. Who's not dying!

Linda: Shut up! Shut up! C'mon get up this goddamned ramp!
James: Nobody can be as composed as you are Mrs Rogo.

Reverend: Through the kitchens and go deeper and deeper in the ship till we reach the hull. That way!
Mike: And you just kick out the botton and we swim ashore, huh?
Linda: Or maybe you could yell 'This is the police' and it'll open right up!
Mike: Don't be a smartass!

Reverend: So what resolution should we make for the new year? It's to let God know that you have the guts and the will to do it alone. Resolve to fight for yourselves, and for others, for those you love. And that part of God within you will be fighting with you all the way.

Reverend: [Rogo has refused to help move the Christmas tree] You get your ass down here with us, mister, right away.
Mike: Hey... You oughta watch your language, Preacher. You sound like you come from the slum, or somethin'!
Linda: You son of a bitch, go help him!

Mrs. Belle Rosen: You see, Mr. Scott? In the water I'm a very skinny lady.

Captain: [When he sees the giant tidal wave headed for the ship] Oh, my God!

Reverend: God is pretty busy! He's got a long term plan for humanity that stretches far beyond our comprehension. So its not reasonable to expect Him to concern Himself with the individual. The individual is important - only to the extent of providing a creative link - between the past and the future, in his children, or in his grandchildren or his contributions to humanity. Therefore, don't pray to God to solve your problems. Pray to that part of God within you. Have the guts - to fight for yourself. God wants brave souls. He wants winners! Not quitters. lf you can't win, at least try to win. God loves tryers.

Linda: Just shoot me Mike. For Christ's sake just shoot me!

Mike: She's got nothin' on underneath.
Linda: Just panties. What else do I need?

Mr. Manny Rosen: Belle, be careful.
Mrs. Belle Rosen: You think I'm planning on being careless?

Linda: I'm going next. So if ole' fat ass gets stuck, I won't get stuck behind her.

Mrs. Linda Rogo: I saw a young officer on deck the other day, and he looked DAMN familiar... even with his clothes on.
Mike: So... he recognized ya, so?
Mrs. Linda Rogo: So doesn't that bother you?
Mike: If it bothered me, I wouldn'ta married ya.
Mrs. Linda Rogo: Well first you arrested me six times.
Mike: Well I had to figure out some way to keep you off the streets... until you'd marry me.

Mike: That preacher was right. That beautiful son of a bitch was right!

Mike: You took from me the only thing I ever loved in the whole world, my Linda.

Nurse: They're suppositories Mr Rogo. You don't swallow them.
Mike: Then what the hell do you do with them?
Linda: For Christ's sake! I know what to do with suppositories. Just get them outta here!

Reverend: Please GOD NOT this woman.